>24 years old >auto immune disease >hip rheumatoid arthritis >chronic pain >can no longer exercise >cant walk more than 5 minutes without flaring up the pain >cant sit in conventional chair for extended periods without flaring pain >gain weight >lose my job >watch 4 years of gains fade >no response to medications so far >full hip replacement is last option >will require replacements every 10 years
why is this happening to me Veeky Forums? I'm 24 and walk with a cane. why even live at this point
also /injury general/ i suppose
Austin Rogers
everyone can't be a winner, bub.
Brayden Ramirez
>why is this happening to me Veeky Forums you are inferior, so that I can be superior.
Aiden Murphy
anyone has had the prime of their lives ruined?
Thomas Collins
>inguinal hernia >1 month wait before operation, 6 weeks no weightlifting after
Eh, could be worse
Joseph Rodriguez
Look man, real talk, that's some hard shit.
There's no good or happy answers for that situation, but the only advice i could possibly give you is to try and find something that really makes you happy that doesn't take a lot of physical requirements.
Examples are things like Dungeons and Dragons (inb4 I'm a gay nerdy faggot), or reading/writing hobbies, etc.
I don't know whether you're now liable for disability payments with that shit, but if you're gonna keep living, you're definitely going to have to work through this shit mate.
Carter Walker
>inguinal hernia
squats do this?
Daniel Reed
What about platelet/cadaver injections?
Noah Morgan
Are you cute ? i'll be your bf and take care of you, forever
Mason Lopez
thanks. I've hopped on the disability payments and atm i just sit around all day reading and playing video games. i have to find something else though because this lifestyle is wearing thin.
my doctor has never mentioned it. upon googling it it seems it hasnt been extensively studied for rheumatoid arthritis.
im kind of cute, i would like that
Asher Perez
>be homo >have a crush on straight guy >he has an accident, gf dumps him >take care of him,help him with this depression >push him to attempt to walk again, he does
Sebastian Long
I could imagine it would be; It would be a very hard transition from being active to just sitting around. Have you been able to try hot water swimming (at an aquatic centre), and seen how that goes for inflammation? I know it's not much, but it might at the very least allow you to try and swim/do aerobics.
Overall though mate, hopefully you're seeing professional help (therapist), not in too much pain (hopefully painkillers help), and are able to find something sedentary that helps you maintain a sense of self-worth and purpose man.
Also, do you have a supportive social group to help you through this shit?
David Sullivan
Just thought of a good hobby, try music. Like piano/guitar or something like that, it could be a really good emotional outlet for you as well, and it could be something to help you focus on
Jacob Morgan
>no weightlifting after
lol wut? I had a bilateral inguinal, got the surgery, surgeon said I could lift after recovery and have been lifting heavy with no problems 2 years later.
Are you not getting a permanent net?
Asher Bell
fucking kek'd
thanks user
might be because i suck dick at swimming that i never thought of trying this, but it actually seems like a nice idea now.
>piano also something i could seem myself doing. i suppose ive been too busy feeling sorry for myself to think of these things. thanks man, means a lot
Michael Green
Anytime man, just glad that you're willing to keep trying to live mate. And don't think that you can't lose any weight you've gained either, you can still be sedentary and lose weight, so not all hope is lost.
But I really do hope that these things help you, and that in the future you might still be able to be happy.
Parker Moore
Sometimes I feel like shit and want to kill myself until I read shit like this and realize I'm just being a pussy. Thanks OP, your misfortune made me feel better about myself. I hope you recover some day and if not, I hope you find a new path in life.
Asher Hill
>gym going great, no injuries >back a bit sore from sitting in office 10 hours a day >go to chop some wood for bbq >as i swing smt in my middle back fucks up and i had to go lay down from the pain >2 days later and my back ( or spine) is still sore, some movements hurt being 26 fucking sucks, what did i snap?
James Bennett
inb4 the auto immune disease is psoriasis
Ryan Wright
If you've injured your spine mate, you'll wanna go get an x-ray. Don't pussyfoot around with that shit. You've already got so many disks and disk related problems (slipped disk, poor/decaying cartilage, scoliosis, etc.) that is could be, so just go and get an x-ray, and don't put stress on your back if you can help it.
Aiden Powell
you're welcome lmao
maybe slipped a disc or something man, probs look into that before it gets worse
rheumatoid arthritis is the autoimmune disease
Caleb Kelly
Dammit user, now I am hungry.
Go to the doctor and get yourself examined. No fucking around with back problems.
Also, when you are in the office try to have mini breaks every 30-35 minutes. Just get up and walk for 5 minutes, get a glass of water or whatever you fancy. If you can that is.
>24, IT tech here
Jace King
Get well soon brah , you should give biofeedback and neurofeedback a try. Helped me a lot
Nicholas Miller
what was your condition?
Luis Reed
Sorry to hear that man. I have chronic back pain with no established cause and have to take pain meds every day just to get through work. Pales in comparison to what you're going through though. Wish you all the best and my gf works in biomechatronics so maybe one day she'll help make you into the terminator
Oliver Bennett
Go to med school, get addicted to pain meds and lead the best diagnostics division in the country.
Dylan Fisher
Well yes I did do squats. Went from nothing to 2 plates in a month (5x5). Perhaps it was too much for my groin.
Anthony Fisher
No weightlifting for 6 weeks. That's pretty normal for recovery time, no?