I need big shoulders
What's the best exercise for building dem boulders?
I need big shoulders
What's the best exercise for building dem boulders?
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Overcollar Nigger Air Pumps x Failure
I am not sure if you have any questions or need any further information please do not have a good day trading co Ltd to get shit faced in your father's self destructive tendencies I need to get shit faced in your father's self destructive tendencies I need to get shit faced in your father's self destructive tendencies I need to get shit faced in your father's self destructive tendencies I need to get shit faced in your father's self destructive tendencies I need to
Is this what Veeky Forums had become? Complete schizophrenic posting?
>3-5x50 supersets
>side lateral raise
>seated rear delt fly
>press/front raise
you'll have to use pretty low weight but your shoulders will explode after a month or two of doing this 3-4x/week
nigga do u kno where ya r
Sometimes I mix it up and do 25-30 reps on lat raises, my delts respond very well to it. Usually keep it in the 12 rep range.
Thanks buddy
What do you think of going heavy for OHPs, but low weights for your accessory suggestions?
Stunt growth or facilitate it?
5x10 press
If you start getting near failure, switch to push press, maintain same scheme.
Then hit up some klokovs and upright rows with ez bar.