this is why I lift
This is why I lift
Other urls found in this thread:
>preteska bulja
kill yourself my man
I'm not your man, bro
jebena crnjara sa plasticnom prdarom
But you don't need muscles to get yourself a nigger, just ask Jewish slave traders.
weak triceps 2/10 wnb
The fuck? Is she half white?
I didn't know they could get in water.
>lifting for grills
Never gonna make it.
With that being said...would smash for high test.
You dont need to lift for that.
>get on WIC
>have 3 kids from 3 different women
>have gold fronts
>drive a 1998 Chevy Caprice on 22s
>have weed lots of weed
Get negress
nigger azz?
yeah nah looks like she has shit in the crack, black spots on elbows
t. Virgin
t. DYEL shitskin
I know right, she's so weak she can't get out of the pool. Fucking pathetic.
t. Nigger
Low test
>Jewish slave traders
This meme, go back to stormfront
I'm not white, Schlomo.
This, everybody knows it's muslims who have the best black slaves.
stop posting lewd black women on Veeky Forums
t. nigger
Why? So you can look at bouncy black asses, senpai you're already doing that, dumb fuck.
Also, there aren't going to start coming butt girls knocking at your door just because you you're strong.
>2000 +17
>people still just lift for wim-wamz
*kek in croatian*
>preteška bulja
ubij se
Post more black girls OP.
why is there never a sauce
Smijem se glasno
t. Virgins
>not fucking monkeys makes you a virgin
t. nigger
t. Nigger who fucks anything with a pulse
Why you dont give source
ass pock marks and weave clogging up the drain.
no thanks geoff
>autists getting ass blasted over another race of women that has nothing to do with them
What the fuck. Just sage and report.
I always give when I have it
For anyone who wants source to OP's post, took me ages to find it:
Black angels
i do it for her
so that one day if i'm out in tahiti or whatever and she shows up on a surfing trip and i have the chance to say hi, then for the brief fleeting moment her attention is focused on me, instead of her thought being
>oh just some normal fan, w/e
her thought will be
>damn, he has a nice body
even if i'm only in her world for less than a minute, i want her to perceive me like that
oh and to be a better surfer i guess
Where do you shred?
cornwall, and if i have money and free time portugal or morocco
Not going to find many attractive girls there.
i'm not going there for the attractive girls, i'm going for waves and cheap weed
Oh, I just wanted to bash the place.
Whereabouts do you go?
Go fuck yourself. Pol is fit. fit is pol. get over it
in cornwall like polzeath, harlyn, constantine n shit mostly
portugal we usually start in peniche then just drive up the coast and hostel hop, like 4 places in 10 days or so
only been morocco once, went to taghazout and it was fucking awesome