This was Rorys News

I have given up hope, see you later marines


>product finalized and nodes are about to go online
>new hires
>devcon in 3 days

I'm out boys, dumping my bags at the ATL. All hope is lost and there's nowhere to go but down.


I don't get it what more do you fucking want him to say holy shit

>whales are accumulating
>he is feeding them


This "news" is so shitty it is literally priced in.

*flushing toilets*

ochitsuite. its just rory senpai. Its not the actual big man himself sergey speaking. Plus, LINK is two brand new exchanges. Im basking in the good news if you ask me

there's not enough substance to price this is in. literally this is priced in on the other side

@thodges is a good man. you guys are gonna like him.

Better than rory.

what the fuck r u talking about?
this guys are closer to working product and have more big names on board then literally any other crypto in existance.... wtf r u on about?
In a rational market this would be 1B plus faggot, ko suck a skateboard dickwad

Im with you fellas. Coin has been exchanging above ICO for only two months and these are the only types of upcoming news we hear about!?

Shit, and those new hires. Looks like Sergey is just blowing all that ICO money on bullshit like "New Employees" hahaha.

Whats next? They are probably going to be silent for another 3 months and then announce like huge revunes they've earned in such a short time, lol. Then the price will sky rocket to top 10 market cap levels, haha.

Fucking de-luded linkies, im out, I will always buy high and sell low, you cant trick me into making profits faggots.

Lmao.... but for realz now... Fucking buttcoin is forking on 16.11. .... are we even gonna make it till then, seems we're getting massfucked 16days before actual fork

> are closer to working product

Are you retarded? im convinced NONE of you actually do ANY amount of research besides subscribing to biz.

Goto right fucking now if you haven't thought to do that yet. LINK is already implemented in a fully function product as of right this very fucking second!

Right now, businessed can use with LINK and create/execute smart contracts, write data to two leading blockchains, and a bunch of other ground breaking shit (they are the first company in this NEW EMERGING TECH MARKET to offer a solid platform for commercial customers).

Crypto NEEDS LINK to succeed (and it will) and heres why...

Take CVC for example, they want to store your identify on blockchain to make background checks, credit checks, etc. Streamlined and less vulnerable to theft. This is great, however the problem CVC has is verifying data through a trustless oracle. LINK PROVIDES THIS MIDDLE-WARE OT ACCOMPLISH THIS. Now, multiply this by sooo many fucking other new blockchain companies like CVC. They ALL need LINK.

Deluded no-linkers are seriously retarded.

Top kek

I'm on ur side mate, chill .... I was saying that CL is closer to working product then basically all other cryptos. U missunderstood mate.
Also I'm the fucking Captain of link mate, show respect

... further-more

Sergey is doing a great job. For ChainLink to be a success, they have to have millions of node operators running, providing data:

Think big here, imagine your store go broken into and lost of things were stolen. You call your insurance company and they ask a few questions. Did your employee lock up properly? Did they set the alarm?

If your alarm company shows that you did in fact lock up AND set the alarm, and those actions were confirmed because they were recorded to the BTC ledger that is now irrefutable proof and your insuance company will be like, yep checks out heres your money.

This is just one simple example of the problem ChainLink is currently solving. This can be fucking HUGE. Think health industry, auto industry, HR, insurance not to mention finance which is the main focus that tends to over shadow other potential industry use cases.

Im just saying it isnt closer, it IS A WORKING PRODUCT already.

They literally just got some random guy from the community and gave him a shitty meaningless title

why the fuq am I getting raped every morning then when I check my 100% LINK portfolio?
Is it that it's too good to be true meme?
Or perhaps people investing cash r retarded?
Buttcoin forks?
I need to know why this amazing project is not getting the credit it deserves....

Some things just need time, like a beautiful baby in the womb.

This. They have a working product but not a finished product.

First of all, you're retarded. ICO literally finished less than TWO MONTHS ago. It takes longer than that to simply TAKE IN $32m in ETH, allocate those funds properly and start growing a company (which was the whole purpose of their ICO, to raise funds). You're deluded if you honestly expect to see huge returns in less than 3 months. btfo and get real faggot.

the real answer to this question is the marketing
whether or not LINK is a good product doesn't matter in the short term
what matters, unfortunately, in the crypto world, is marketing.
if Sergey was posting pics of him with bank Presidents, and saying shit like "news coming soon! thats all i can say" link would be sitting around 40c still, maybe higher if he went as far as Omise guys did and literally whores an Apple logo

I highly doubt this is all the news that will be forthcoming over the next few days

There has literally been amazing news around this coin and I am still getting hogtied and raped every morning for 15 consequtive days... luckily I bought at 0.14, but the way shit is now we'll get there too... fuck BTC seruiusly

> LINK is only 1 month old
> 2x ICO price despite alt bear market
> Other recent ICOs below ICO price kek
Keep being deluded nolinkers

Imagine being Sergey. You know you've got an ace up your sleeve. You know you've got a lot of work to do and you know you have dedicated investors/community.

When Sergey Speaks, IT WILL move the price. What better way to start when price is ATL. The minute Sergey opens his mouth about anything regarding LINK, youre gonna be in for a ride.

BTC is forking fucking again? Who the fuck is at the helm of that ship.

Where have you been?

This segwit2x bullshit is not done before 16.11. .... which means 16 more days of absolute horror

Which is basically like 6y of WW II in crpyto


I saw Rory at a grocery store near SIBOS last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
>He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
>I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen packs of toilet paper without paying.
>The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
>When she took one of the packs of toilet paper and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each pack and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

To be honest, the whole encounter seemed strange. I had heard a lot about Rory on the underground website run by the hacker known as four chan. Mainly that he was a gentleman and rumoured to be one the four sons of Tadg Mac Nuadat. Everything I had seen today flew in the face of what I'd read. Anyway, I paid for my cheetos and left and forgot about whole encounter for a few days until I came home from work late one night, probably about a week later, I think it was a Tuesday night, and there was Rory sitting on the steps of my apartment building, his entire body wracked with sobbing. "Rory, what's the matter" I said. He looked up at me, eyes wet with tears, and tried to smile unconvincingly.

seriously all those toilet/shitting memes/talk are pathetic and no, I'm not a bagholder but you guys have no class, stay poor

Get off 4 chan. You are the definition of a cuck. Fuck off cuck

yea, I'm gonna shoop some dev's head onto a toilet because dude memes lmao hahahaha

Get out of here Rory. You should be in slack not answering questions not shitposting on Veeky Forums.

Okay fucking mr rodgers is thataway
Fuck off

It's wack, one day another coin will dethrone it if they continue with this shit.

That wasn't the news idiot