>[...]I mean as an englishman. If you think I'm giving up 800 years of fight against tyranny to from the point we are now [...] that is the english heritage
>this is what anglos actually believe
[...]I mean as an englishman...
>be fat anglo
>is late to debate
>doesn't want to debate once present
>gets btfo'd by stupid nazi
>laughs because has no arguments
>interrupts opponent, while at the same time crying abut being interrupted
>is a skilled debater but has literal libertarian autism
>is fat af
Anglo "philosophers" are lame.
Anglo here. Please stop associating me with this fat retard.
You're probably worse than he is.
I bet that little dangling flap of skin where your chin should be makes a horrible sound when you skip to the state wishwashery to have your bum cleaned with a very soft washcloth and tepid water.
Can someone fill me in on what this is about?
>mummy i want a eggy weggy toasty buddy for brekkie
English are devolving into infant-speak at this point.
>tfw not an infantile retarded englishman with a mummy to make brekkie for me
/pol/tards complaining about sargon of akkad thinking their authoritarian ideology that goes counter to the english diaspora is an authoritarian ideology that goes counter to the english diaspora
>Trusting a limey (((Anglo)))
Americanism is a mental illness.
Who said anything about Americans? I just hate Anglos and their lying, backstabbing ways and how they fucked over the modern world in their pursuit of global conquest. Other than that, most of Europe is fine by me.
reminder that anglos are the good guys of history and you're probably just a triggered pajeet
>anglos are the good guys of history
>800 years of fighting tyranny
>still a monarchy
an*Lo treachery is second only to GERMans
>sargon spirits up this lame political philosophy/community kind of out of nowhere
>literally everyone and their mom tells him its undercooked
>within miliseconds of the announcement, stormtards want to "debate" him
>he actually accepts the debate against a political community reknowned for their inability to define their own principles
>both Sargon and Spencer look like shitheads
>Sargon goes back to making his regular videos and only the occasional stream circlejerk
Whole thing's a fucking lark, and I usually enjoy Sargon's content
You are an idiot. Sargon is a very well known and respected political philosopher and his liberlalism is the most rational and well thought argument for freedom and anti-feminism of the 21st century. It is really startling to think that mendacious illiberals like you can't fathom the debpths of his political philosophy.
I wouldn't even debate you.
>What? Oh that you're a quadroon?
>Thats not true sargon, I have seen your parents.
>be fat anglo
He is not fat.
>is late to debate
>doesn't want to debate once present
A superior thinker arrives and debates when he deems it proper.
>gets btfo'd by stupid nazi
Not an argument.
>laughs because has no arguments
His laughter is the product of the absurdity of illiberal collectivists and socialists and feminist cultural marxism.
>interrupts opponent, while at the same time crying abut being interrupted
Superior arguments require time to be explained.
>is a skilled debater but has literal libertarian autism
The only autists are feminists and cultural marxists and collectivists.
>is fat af
he is pretty fat man
Are these posts fucking satire? You realize you can be a more liberty-minded, individualistic individual without defending someone who clearly can't argue and is a meme with someone who actually can make coherent arguments and isn't a complete meme like Thomas Paine or Adam Smith, right? Hell, the Founding Fathers or John Locke would suffice, you know.
>He is not fat.
Hiding that double chin with a beard, he is fat.
>A superior thinker arrives and debates when he deems it proper.
No, that's called preconditioned conversation and is circlejerking, a superior debater is up for debating anyone, anytime. Sargon is an ok debater but only because of his rich thesaurus, he lacks in everything else.
>Not an argument.
Learn what argument means. It was not meant as one.
>His laughter is the product of the absurdity of illiberal collectivists and socialists and feminist cultural marxism.
No, it is forced to cover up striking the opponent with concrete argument. The laugh is forced u cant deny it.
>Superior arguments require time to be explained.
Too subjective, real debates don't work that way, try again.
>The only autists are feminists and cultural marxists and collectivists.
Collectivism is objectively better than individualism because it held western civilization up till now. It was when individualism appeared it all went bad. I agree with the other two.
He has grease fingers. He's fat.
>he is not fat
Bizarroworld Lindy pls
Man I like Sargon but he's fat dude
Sargon beat Spencer what are you guys on aboot aye?
Have you seen his fucking fingers?