Like the history in the introduction video? And the weapons/armor? Haven't played the game yet only watched the intro video.
Anyone know how historically accurate kingdom come: deliverance is?
Very accurate. For example, the knight in that picture wears a Venetian great bascinet.
no random niggers is in bohemia is accurate
More accurate than 99% of vidya. I know that's not saying much though.
I'm watching some playthroughs and I'm hoping theres an option to have the dialogue in czech or german (Whichever would be most realistic) with english subtitles. From what I've seen so far, the english voice acting is taking me out of it completely
No Czech dub.
There is a German option, yep
I wish there would be czech sounds with russian subs
Well cumans sure as hell didnt speak exclusively in modern day hungarian swearwords
They do that in the game? Must have been some inside joke by the developers.
If it's in modern german and not in middle high german I honestly don't care tbqh
Came here to make this thread too. Bamp
>He prefers the high middle ages over the early middle ages
>He prefers full plate to chainmail
I bet you couldn't even name 5 reforms made by Karl the great
The most controversial thing about it is that it's too accurate
I don't know desu if theres proper dialogue wit them, but during combat they do. Some cumans settled in Hungary, we have counties and regions named after them and it's an obscure language so an ok choice, but its very off-putting to hear for me.
The weapons and armor systems make me happy
I'm diggin the story so far but there a few times the game teleported me back to the main story line when I just wanted to explore. It like my character is in a hurry all the time to get revenge but there so many flowers to pick.
Own the game on the PS4 and there isn't any german option, just french and english. The english voice acting is awful but other than bad loading times, pop in, and poor animations the game ain't half bad. Combat seems difficult but interesting.
le français est la seule langue non-anglais qui est relevante dans le monde
t. hungarian
get fucked
Spot the angry cockroach-arpad scum.
Czechs have always hated Hungarians for whatever reason, notice how they call Slovaks Magyars as an insult all the time.
>throwing literal shit at German houses and calling it "germanic hobby"
I'd say very accurate.
lost it at that image
mad they havent got authonomy in AH
German syncs are famously shit unless the german is the original voice over.
See the gothic series
you guys are cool, here's a free (you). It's yours!
It’s based because there are no niggers. All the bad reviews are FAKE NEWS by SJWs using BUGS as an excuse to bitch about NO NIGGERS.
Fuck I love /vpol/ and I love Kingdom Come Deliverance. Haven’t played it yet, but it’s pretty fucking awesome. Can’t wait for my NEETbux to come in so I can pick it up.
dont you have a bull to prep
It's pretty ok. The beginning is aids though. Hans won't stop following me.
It's the Russian hackers.
Now you feel like all the West Slavs ever.
I mean it. I can't sleep or wait
made me laugh there boys.
The posts of this thread is word for word from another dead thread
Its just annoying because some these here posters are robots
Can you tell me how to appease Hans. I just want to go a walk with the mill wench
Give him your Silesia and Pomerania, he should fuck off for a while.
The only thing I've seen so far that jumped out at me as being inaccurate was some of the carts have those stupid massive solid wheels that for some reason are so ubiquitous in medieval media. Just take a look at any medieval manuscript and all the wheels are spoked.
This heavily depends on the area, Scandinavians used those solid wheels almost exclusively. Also
>comparing a coach for noblemen with peasant shitwagons
Some of You Guys are Alright, Don’t go to Skalitz Tomorrow
I can't tell if this is ironic or not.
Is getting this drunk with a priest historically accurate?
>Karl the great
who fucking calls him that
He, I, and quite a few others do. It is simply a rendering of his name in English, the other as Charles the Great. I know Charlemagne is a lot more common, and to some extent, one hears Karl der Große from non-Germans, probably as a response to his more Germanic than Latinic character, as well as the rest of the Franks at that point.
i always get confused at the fact that a bunch of people are both charles and karl or karel but english translations always change it however thye feel.
looks alright not sure about the kite shields however they are wearing chain mail so it may be earlyish 14th century
It’s more anti Sigismund than anti Hungarian
>squire getting raped
I like, but most wheels are spoked and the cart you go on is a whore’s cart, ofc she’s poor. And the spoked wheels that everyone is hung on come from your carts if you didn’t realise
It’s literally 1403
I'm impressed with it so far
Cumans GET OUT!
The guy who made the game is a Burzum fan.
Bohemia isn’t my area of expertise, so I can’t be sure. But so far I’m very impressed by it. The environment, the characters, the relationships all feel very authentic and realistic, and nothing has jumped out as particularly inaccurate to me, in 10 hours. Size of settlements, armaments, clothing, all seems cery accurate, you can tell they put a ton of effort in it. Maybe a few nitpicks here and there, last one that bothered me was a very stereotypical preachy at the worst moment, cowardly fat priest, but eh, it’s a character among tons. I’ve also been told the Cumans are a bit inaccurate, but I wouldn’t know.
They have a god-tier little in game encyclopedia of concepts/characters/events, that I’d honestly put as one of the best example of vulgarisation I’ve seen in a while. And you unlock it progressively, it doesn’t feel overwhelming, so normies might actually check it out.
As far as gameplay and the game itself go: armed combat feels great, armor system is God-tier, riding feels great too. Can’t really figure out unharmed combat and archery, but that’s on me. Lockpicking is just weird. Seen few bugs, little stutter, no crashes but loading times are long, despite running it low-medium. My hardware is getting old, tho.
Overall I’d really recommend it.
Me, me, and quite a few of my other personae do*
Fixed that for you, Hans
How do the cities compare to Novigrad from the Witcher 3?
what a fucking Hans face
A bit buggy but a fantastic game. Really immersive authentic European forests, great example of feudalism, you really do feel like a lowly son of a blacksmith, its fun being a highwayman and finding lone wayfarers walking on their own then knocking them out and robbing them/killing them. Feels like a living, breathing medieval world. Would recommend.
I'm pretty hyped that the game sold so well which means the Hussite Wars sequels is definitely gonna be made.
Why does the turkic man always gets so much hate from people around them.
Its a bit rude desu.
>already sold 500k copies
I hope this game starts out a trend of historically accurate RPGs. Fuck fantasy dogshit.
>Profit of at least 30M $$$
Good job, Dan.
Damn. I’m so glad they’re successful, I feel like I’ve been following them for ages.
Its the Late medieval age brainlet
>kingdom come: deliverance
A shame you cant speak it then