Is it okay to decline to go to an office party?
The company is having an ultra-normie party and I'm scared of going. I'd like to not go.
Is it okay to decline to go to an office party?
The company is having an ultra-normie party and I'm scared of going. I'd like to not go.
Simply don't show up. See if anyone notices. There could be a valuable lesson here for you.
No, I'm not fucking kidding. Go, drink if you're supposed to, make small talk. Get people to talk about themselves.
If you want to not move up in the company. But its a great way to network and be noticed, otherwise your just that weird fag that they will never promote.
just go
Pre-game one or two beers
Drinking can make you a normie, but only at the correct dose and only temporarily.
Good luck, user.
just stay home and trade crypto br0
>not being able to put on the normie mask to take advantage of normie perks
Not gonna make it.
Don't go
Tell them you had a date... or you had a family thing going on.. or if you are married or have a girlfriend, do what all the other cucks do and hide behind your woman's skirt
Don't go. Tell them you are flying in a private jet with high-ranking NATO officials and Blackwater operators to Saudi Arabia, in order to prevent a crisis with the Houthis.
Solid life advice, something tells me you're doing it
>Drinking can make you a normie, but only at the correct dose and only temporarily.
this is so true
Also, just dont be autistic if you can help it.
I used to not enjoy things like that, but if you pregame a little, if you smoke weed that helps too, just go and try to socialize until you enjoy it, honestly it's not that bad.
Parties where people get drunk are a good opportunity to find secrets where you normally wouldn't. Get that leverage and use it to advance.
just say you dont feel like going. Literally just honestly say how you feel about stuff like that, but be polite and all.
It helps to behave a bit embarrassed that you cant get into party stuff like that. Make sure to thank them for asking you to come though.
If it is an e-mail just ignore it unless people want to have some sort of confirmation if you like to go or not, if this is the case just go with the decline option or whatever they have.
I'm scared.
Show up late and leave early without telling anyone.
Also, have a second phone with you(preferably a blackberry) and pretend to speak French, Arabic or German with someone from NATO. Also, wear business casual or a suit.
RSVP “yes”, then on the day of, you text the organizer saying how you’re sick and can’t make it, and you’re super disappointed since you were excited to see (the same fucking people you see every day) everyone again on the weekend
I have great working relationships with antisocial employees who don't do company shit, but wouldn't promote them because I don't really feel like I know them. It sounds like nepotism from the outside, but when you're the one deciding shit you don't want to run the risk of giving middle management roles to some fucking Michael Scott just because you didn't know any better.
no you fucking pussy just go.
meditate for 30 min or so before hand and work on developing your empathy levels. then you can go from being an autist to a semi normie who actually enjoys this shit.
Fair tbqh
Don't go. Nothing good will come of it. You don't become any less of a creepy hermit as you get older and try to branch out. Fate's die was already cast. Sorry.
What kind of party is it? If it's structured (sit-down dinner at a restaurant or hotel, speeches, entertainment, etc.) you could simply decline to go, but you'd better have a good explanation.
If it's a casual affair (pot luck, happy hour, etc.) then go for a few minutes, have 1 drink and 1 plate, and vanish.
its true but it can backfire too if you're a fuckup in social situations or can't handle your alcohol if people are drinking and you don't know how to control yourself.
I was climbing quickly at a company I worked for when I was around ~24 but I was a retard when it came to alcohol, I'd get blackout drunk, even at work events I could never just have 1-3 drinks and stop and be happy, one lead to another until I'd had 10+ drinks and was a goddamn mess. First event or two they didn't mind much, kinda laughed it off, but I kept doing it and by the third or fourth time they were tired of me, I noticed the upper managers who had been treating me like a protege and accelerating me up the ladder (with plenty of salary increases along the way) suddenly seemed really distant towards me, started cold shouldering, etc.
I would have been better off to have never attended these events if I knew I couldn't control myself (which I already did) since most of my early promotions/raises were prior to ever attending a social event with them and strictly based on my flawless work performance.
I've since stopped drinking altogether, haven't had anything in about 3 years. Still though, fucked up my life pretty bad for awhile with work and relationships.
Fpbp if its a big party no one will even notice and if anyone says anything just say
this fuck wagecucks
Notice how nobody warned OP not to have 10+ drinks at an office party. It's because autistics aren't alcoholics. Glad you're battling your addiction.
>It's because autistics aren't alcoholics
wrong again mate
Lol, is that a how-to guide?
lol, it's a clinical manual, i laffed tho
just go show up and stay for an hour or two. make an appearance.
shit dude it might be ok. just BS with the people and always stay a drink or two behind your boss.
Jesus, what is there to be afraid of? Just go to the party and have some brews with your bros from work. Its not rocket science, holy shit.
Yes its okay
I do it all the fucking time
Fuck those normies
If they ask say you have work to do and come off like you're exploited and overworked
this. All you need to do is make an appearance, in fact leaving early gives the impression that you're like:
>I got other shit on, but this is still important to me
Which makes it seem like you're doing a gallant gesture when you're probably not doing anything interesting but just gonna jerk off to cuckporn in between selling your crypto bags.
Interesting point.
Good managers need to be good judges of character. If you can't get a read on a person, how can you know their character and thus what responsibility they can be vested with? More to the point if someone can't keep it together enough to grit their teeth and bear through a party, or is super anxious in that situation - how are they going to deal with the higher pressures of more responsibility?
OP is probably just a lazy piece of shit, but he might have legit social anxiety. Which as someone who use to suffer from that shit real bad, I am starting to suspect it might just be a form of covert narcissism. I mean, yes, everybody is judging you - but they are also judging everyone else too. but to think that you're in anyway special, or they are giving you any kind of extraordinary negative attention is basically a form of pessimistic egocentrism.
TL;DR- no one is looking at you, and if they are they're projecting their own anxieties. you're a nobody