Agricultural country

>Agricultural country
>Possess one of the richest stretches of agricultural land in Europe and the world
>decide that agriculture and peasants suck though you affect the manner of a lower class philistine
>need to extract grain from the peasantry for your industrialization programs
>squeeze the peasantry so hard for your fancy machines and "JEE DEE PEE" that you force them to give up enough for sustain themselves
>mass famine ensues, hundreds of thousands starve to death, huge epidemic breaks out
>having crushed civil society and press no one is able to know the scale of the problem and no independent initiative is allowed
>even today edge teenagers will defend your political system
>be Alexander III, Tsar of Russia
pic unrelated–92

Other urls found in this thread:–22


Man thats probably the worst article I've ever read on Wikipedia. Funny that every sentence with [citation needed] is tankie as fuck–22
lol, the Tsars couldnt even do famine right

everything about this thread is depressing. The fact that one must even compare famines is terrible. Russians suffer so

Exactly my thoughts.

Communists, socialists and sympathizers of these barbaric ideologies and it's variants are the worst scum to ever plague recent history.

read marx then decide you're anti communist sweety :)

>Russia is an impoverished shithole with famines stretching back centuries


>The United States formed "Russian Famine Relief Committee of the United States" [Кoмитeт CШA пo oкaзaнию пoмoщи poccийcким гoлoдaющим]. This organization was mostly self-funded by donations. First ship, named "Indiana", part of the so-called "Famine Fleet" ["Флoт Гoлoдa"], carrying 1,900 tons of food, arrived on the March 16, 1892 at the port of Liepāja, Russian port on the Baltic sea. The second ship, "Missouri", delivered 2,500 tons of grain and corn flower to Liepaja on April 4, 1892. In May 1892, another ship carrying humanitarian aid arrived in Riga. Additional ships came in the following June and July. The total cost of the humanitarian aid provided by the United States in 1891–92 was estimated to be around US$1 million (equivalent to $20 million in 2016).

Why are russians such ungrateful dogs?

late victorian holocausts my friend. this was a small part of the large story to starve the asiatic hordes by anglo and russian elites

t. Kulak Kulakovich

Their only knowledge of communism is what Fox News tells them.

To be fair those Russians vs the soviets vs today’s Russians are all different people

>hundreds of thousands
>1891 Famine

>Dude what if objects had their own values without money and you just exchanged each object by their inherent value
>What if we values something by it's useful aspects and by how much time it took to make it instead of how much people want it
>Muh Spectre of gommunism
Even when I was an anarchist I thought Marx was a retard

are you seriously denying the death toll?

Is there anything more brainlet tier than objective value theories? They literally cannot be proved.

Not him but the number is pretty much a joke compared to Soviet famines. The total death toll resulting from famines in Russia was less than 2 million people for the entire 19th century (this includes Napoleonic wars), while the death toll of the 1932 famine alone was 4.2 million, conservative estimation. Not to mention the USSR was a more "modern" country than Russia in the 1890s and communists claimed they want to stop famines when they took over.

Why ungrateful dogs? USA and Russia were great friends before the bolshevik takeover.

>4.1 million

Oh boy here we go...

Oh shit a MS Paint image

>Famine in 1891 was caused by an outbreak of crop diseases, drought, and tensions between socialists and tsarists
>Bengalese Famine came due to Japanese invasion
>1932 Soviet Famine came because communist stupidity and Stalin wanting to consolidate his power
>Great Leap Forward and it's subsequent famine came because of communist stupidity and Mao wanting to consolidate his power
Makes u think

I mean, if the comparison is the millions killed under glorious gommunist state, then yeah it's laughable

>1891 Famine came because tsaristcstupidity and the dvoryans wanting to consolidate their power
>Bengalese famine came because capitalist stupidity and Churchill wanting to consolidate his power
>Famine in 1933 was caused by an outbreak of crop diseases, drought, and tensions between socialists and kulaks
fixed that for ya

yet another american thread, die in cancer fags

Phonecucks out

Nicholas II and Lenin should have been hanged together

>existing in 1933
When will this meme die? 1933 was after collectivization, those people didn't have shit.

Colonialism and Marxism-Leninism (and its derivatives) are both terrible

Marxism-Leninism is a form of colonism.

colonialism and capitalism are compatible. makes you think, eh?

It's almost like capitalism isn't a very strictly defined doctrine and both a welfare state like in the nordic model and somewhere like 1800s USA can both be described as capitalist.


>be communist
>be mad at tsarist era famine that killed
less than a million people
>don't be mad at the two worst famines that Russia ever had due to communism
>in 1921-22 5-7 million die
>a decade later Holodomor kills 4-9 million people
>forget the key aspect of Tsarist participation mechanics:
>"the government asked the people to form voluntary anti-famine organizations"
Fuck out of here leftypol. You post that meme in every post. What if I told you that everyone, including normies, hates communism and that's perfectly justified?

>Literally just lying
Except what I said was true, the famines in capitalist counties had nothing to do with economic arrangements but outside influences.

Weather affected the Communist famines as well as the economic arrangements. You can be in denial if you want, so be it, but it's an objective fact and your childish back talk doesn't change this.

Collectivization lead to resource scarcity in general, which when coupled with any environmental pressures lead to massive famine

Gosh, it's almost as if political systems are irrelevant and we're subjected to the whims of a small group of people.


It's true. It's too cumbersome to allow tens of millions of people to have equal power so we invest political power in a small group of people as a matter of convenience. The only difference between national-scale systems is how that investiture is legitimized.