*Leads to the death of your nation*
Nothing personal goy
*Leads to the death of your nation*
Nothing personal goy
you should look at a map of the british empire. Youll find out how 'white' they were.
>if only we let non white germscum invade. things would be so much better
Do people seriously not understand how large and culturally widespread the British empire was? Indians and Africans have been British since the 19th century
Nice bait
Over a million Indians fought for Britain in WWI alone.
>its another "butthurt whearboo thinks Hitler winning would have done anything about immigration" episode
Not him but Hitler would've been too autistic about muh peur bloode to ignore it.
There was work-based immigration of Eastern Europeans into Germany during WW2. I don't mean the slave/POW labor from conquered territories but regular contractual seasonal work from places like Croatia, Bosnia and Slovakia.
but he did ignore it. The browns came in with tanks and rolled over him. I think he drank himself half to death and went out with a gunshot
>muslim babies
Babies are religious?
>Thinks there will be voting for muslims in the US in 18 years.
Poor guy, should we tell him?
>implying those little fuckers will survive the Americanization process and even give a shit about voting at 18
top kek and there is literally nothing they can do about it, they sons will renounce their religion and their daughters will become sluts
>I'm triggered by people having different religions than me
There is literally nothing more Un-American than this.
And 2.5 million fought in WW2, the largest volunteer army in history.
But don't tell that to nationalists, they won't believe it as they never saw it in any movies.
This is your brain on abrahamics
there is absolutely nothing wrong with this image, the first amendment guarantees freedom from religion
Lol these are the same pictures from the recent thread shitting on nazis
This fag got so butthurt he made a separate thread lmao