Is everything setting up for another crash to mirror 2013?
BTC forking continuously is causing all normies and investors to FOMO and drive up the price for no reason other that people wanting free money.
Causing all alts, no matter if they're useful, shit, or have real businesses behind them, to crash because normies see all of crypto as "Bitcoin" while the more serious investors in the know only trade alts to get more BTC.
Segwit 2x has the potential to cause much more of a shitstorm than BCH ever could.
After Nov 16th, if the unthinkable happens and Segwit 2x becomes the "real" BTC, combined with normies selling their "free" fork not realizing the no replay protection thing, are we going to see a fucking huge crash back down to 1kish?
I feel like BTC's been hyped too hard with too much uncertainty about its future for this to last. Actual projects with real use cases are ignored because of people chasing the BTC train, and when that screeches to a halt, people are going to flip out, panic, and exit.
Is the best play right now to actually buy the best alts possible and wait for developments in 2018? Is this the time where we can find the next true moon, like ETH, while everyone's distracted with BTC?
Joshua Garcia
I'm just gonna hold bitcoin bitocin cash and bitcoin gold i'm sorry guys I can't do alts anymore
t. guy who shilled pivx first and made hundreds of thousands on it and watched most of it evaporate in ICOs like bancor
Adrian Cruz
Jordan Moore
This is the kind of sentiment I'm seeing that I'm talking about.
People are getting angry, scared, and irrational. Ignoring all fundamentals, whether or not a project is actually good or not, and just throwing money around even more haphazardly than before.
It's reaching a fever pitch, and through 2018/2019, after everyone's fucking done with the markets, a few alts that were being worked on are going to actually get attention and start being used. People will see this, then realize through all of the insanity, they missed out on the Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, of the crypto world similar to the ones that rose up out of the dotcom crash.
Stop chasing quick gains. Find what you feel are the most solid projects, and just wait.
Brandon Gray
I've got a ledger on my way. I'm going to lock up my 160k LINK and the go focus on other things for a while.
I think the next couple of months are going to be fucked for crypto, and Bitcoin will be the cause. I agree with your whole assessment.
Leo Richardson
also I'm hedged in ETP, BCH and just holding any forks. see you all on the other side
Isaiah Reyes
>if the unthinkable happens and Segwit 2x becomes the "real" BTC,
How the fuck is that "unthinkable"? With so much hashpower behing 2x the 1x chain will be basically unusable.
I'd give 80% chance the 1x fork is so obviously crippled that it's collapsed to nothing within 72 hours of the fork
Asher Foster
fuck off retard you're a salty faggot who's never made a 50x in his life this current alt season is o v e r bury it cry a river and get over it bitcoin's going to 50k then we'll see some new shitcoin pumps
Robert Collins
Fuck off, if you think this alt bear season will last after the segwit2x fork then youre fucking deluded.
Eli Rivera
Is Bittrex gonna be good about giving us our Segwit 2x quickly for trading like with Bitcoin Cash?
I wanna buy in quick on that while the retards sell their "free" money for BTC