Part 2
What did he mean by this?
> in the main hall
HOLY KEK Sergey was really bothered by the toilet meme wasn't he
Fuck sake why is so professional!!!
Why can’t he just say “big news soon...” “something big to announce soon”
Or throw some stickers on a skateboard or stand infront of some sign he has no affiliation with
Seriously link has an amazing product and the potential for a crazy moon mission but the devs are too autistic and actually care about developing than shilling their shitcoin
go to devcon with a gun lolololoxxx
took him 2 weeks to write that
if some REAL good shit doesnt come out soon i'll--i'll
So friday? hmm then what, it'll dip more? Fuckin markets
I hope my original meme got under his skin
Yes, continue accumulating. Others will post Wojaks because they missed the moon mission. It's apparent that Chainlink is going to be the next ETH, but the FUD is strong and most would rather buy useless shitcoins that are based on buzzwords and other marketing techniques.
>continuing to add interested data providers, off-chain payment providers
Sounds to me like they have nothing.
Having said that, it's not his fault, it's you fucking shills who made the expectations so high.
Now, watch as unleash a torrent of butthurt larger in scale than the aftermath of an orgy on Fireisland by implying that LINK will never rise far above it's ICO price in 3-2-Nnnnnow!
Listen to this guy! You LINK
>they can't make fun of the main hall those faggots
the system wont work when link is cheap enough that your imaginary big league investor can buy all they'd ever need at 2 cents.
No news
What happened to all the partnerships that would come from sibos?
Deluded Linkies will do mental gymnastics to think this bullshit spin is anything other
more like main STALL
hyuk hyuk
>p-p-p-priced in
He's good for a barista
stall like a bathroom stall with a toilet!
((they)) don't want you to realise the value of link just yet
we are the early adopters
we live rent free inside your head
So... No news about partnerships with banks.
Why do I smell a dump coming on?
SO he announced the conference which everyone already knew about. Not even somebreadcrumbs to pump it a little bit before the inevitable post conference dump lmao
is he dumb piece of shit?
pretty pathetic. Chain Link getting featured on IDEX and COSS were bigger news.
what more do you faggots want from him?
Part ner ships
Big exchanges
Anything to pump the price
you have 24 hrs before this shit dump!
The ironic thing is that there actually is probably loads of partnerships in the works and tons of developments coming up but he won’t announce them.
He too focused on actually developing the tech and making connections and business partners, and while that sounds fucking amazing it does nothing in this alt coin meme market for investors.
Chainlinks solid there’s no doubt it’ll be extremely valuable one day but it’s only going to be when chainlinks are fully implemented. This guy just won’t give us anything or hype anything up and people are getting bored and losing interest.
This coin is the complete polar opposite of OMG, omg reached 1bil mcap
wirh no proven use case and no actual working product all because of empty hype and speculation... think about that for a second
Any idea if PBC is pushing xrp or gnt on the 2nd?
This word means nothing in crypto.
Sergey has established actual business relationships with several banks and companies.
But unless he says the magic meme word, they're irrelevant, right?
>omg doesnt have a use case
Linkies literally this retarded
sure. hes so busy he just forgot to announce the partnerships. thats probably it.
Wait, Link isn't even built out yet? They've just chosen the language to write it in? People are throwing millions at an untested and literally non-existent protocol?
Umm... The eea membership announcements pumped ETH to 200.
Before this goes below 2k SATs you can sell it.
Did ethereum shill itself? no? ok, there's your answer. either yo
kickflips aren't a use case
who fucking cares if the price tanks for the short term. buy more. hold for a year. seems pretty simple to be honest...
you faggots just want a pump so you can feel good about yourselves inside or something that you made a good investment.
it's an amazing investment and you need to stop wiggling around waiting for massive news and just let the devs do their thing.
Do you fucking faggots not realize it yet? Good news and fundamentals mean fuck. Bitcoin hasn't changed at all from the days it was mere pennies. Why does it go up hundreds per day now? It's all psychological. Just let these stupid pump groups bring it down to the price they want and they'll let it go up. It's all a stupid fuckin game.
It doesn’t though, you can use links to run a node right this minute.
Omg tokens are still fucking nothing but a speculative future currency for buying Big Macs at a very select few McDonald’s in Thailand
>But unless he says the magic meme word, they're irrelevant, right?
yeah, its all useless fucking speculation from pnd pajeets and deluded bagholders unless it comes straight from the horses mouth.
welcome to the market.
>nothing but a speculative future currency for buying Big Macs
>Linkies literally this retarded
Thanks for proving my post
Is anyone gonna address this? What's to stop someone else from implementing ChainLink first and crushing Sergey like a sad bug?
Thank God. The sooner it crashes, the sooner pumpers can buy the cheap tokens they want for the pump and dump they'll create out of nowhere. Learn how to play the game, niggers.
I mean he’s not wrong... I hate the linkies too but there’s no denying chainlink is a infinitely more developed project than OMG, but fuck me did those
Chinks know how to build rumours and get the pump going
too bad the market doesnt care if a project is 'finished' or not. crypto is a speculative market for a reason
chainlink is finished project and has nothing going for it. they have the network they just have nothing to utilize it.
omsie is already processing millions and millions each day. and taking on bigger partners every week. by the time omisego is utilized the actual worth of tokens is countless times more than whatever its been pumped to within a couple months of release by speculative investors.
At the moment you can run a node. The system is there. It hasnt gone live yet, but its not like they have a concept and nothing else
I think you are confused user.
Omise and OmiseGo aren't the same thing OmiseGo is just a shitty erc20 token like a billion others it doesn't trade millions and the only confirmed use case for OmiseGo after all the skateboard press shoots and all the signs they carefully stood infront to discuss those "deeper partnership discussions" the only CONFIRMED future use case of the omisego token will be a very few select McD restaurants in Thailand only.
Dunno why you're so emotionally attached to OMG i made a lot off that coin too but i'm not deluded enough to defend that it was off anything else but the devs shilling and spreading rumours.
This. If only Sergey would apply himself to marketing instead.
Nice shit posting skills dude you almost had me ready to select an angry reaction image and start smashing on the keyboard
yeah, just like those obsidian guys who have 2 marketers for every dev.
and the devs spend more time talking about the price and marketing than doing work..
if only LINK could be as successful as them.
>What happened to all the partnerships that would come from sibos?
What the fuck are you talking about? Sibos was two weeks ago.
Christ some of you people are retarded.
>chainlink is finished project and has nothing going for it. they have the network they just have nothing to utilize it.
Imagine being this fucking clueless, and still having the nerve to open your mouth at all.
So how many customers does smartcontract have running on the chainlink network?
Welcome to the ICO bubble
Swift, Sony, Axa, BNP Paribas, Santander, Fidelity, Société Générale all used the Chainlink network.
And they only started rolling out nodes to the public like a week ago, so I'm not sure what you were expecting here.
Wow, are you out of your mind?
Bitcoin exists, it's already here, working.
Link is absolute useless right now. It took bitcoin years to get here and prove itself.
Do you want your shitcoin to get to the same level on day 1?
Bitcoin is worth 6400 USD because of news and fundamentals you dumbass. For shitcoins like Link you have better examples, Digibyte comes to mind.
>Going on to choose Go as the language for our initial implementation
What? That means they have no initial implementation and that they haven't decided until now which programming language to use. They basically have nothing, just the whitepaper
And people bought that? Hahahahaha! This isn't 2017 anymo-, oh wait
>Link is absolute useless right now.
Network is finished and they started rolling out nodes a week ago.
And you DO know about the use case for Link, right?
You're an idiot.
Touché, I admit defeat
>muh demo
they arent partners and they arent paying to use the chainlink network.
the sibos demo wasnt of the chainlink network by the way.
>they arent partners
There's that magic meme word again.
>the sibos demo wasnt of the chainlink network by the way.
Lmao, source?
Various versions of pic related made up half of Sergey's presentation at Sibos btw.
LINK will hit 10 cents minimum by the time BTC hard forks in 2 weeks. People are selling because they can see this shitcoin has no future. ATLs are made EVERY DAY!
The price going down has NOTHING to do with the development and future of Chainlink though.
What are you even talking about, the "main stall" meme came from the fact that Link was in the main hall to begin with.
>hurdurrr senpai noticed me!
how fucking deluded does this board get
this is pathetic
Wrong! The lack of communication from Sergey and the team is the reason this shit is dropping much harder than it should.
>Link is useful, they have a network and nodes
The merits of the coin are fantastic; it literally has everything:
- working product (started rolling it out a week ago)
- massive use case (mainstream smart contracts)
- HUGE industry exposure (Swift, WER, Capgemini, Gartner, ... all mentioning Smartcontract by name), plus they just did SIBOS as the only outside crypto dev
Literally the ONLY thing wrong with Link right now is the price.
That makes it very easy for me to completely disregard it for the time being.
If I bought a new car and it happened to rain every time I took it out for the first month, I wouldn't sell it for being "too wet" all the time.
I'm actually kind of giddy. If I can get through this shit and actually survive without killing myself to reach some kind of hypothetical future where chainlink moons, I'm going to one of the most psychologically tough people on the planet. Literally nothing will be able to break me. It is more likely that I will end it if it keeps going down in the next few months though.
t. went all in
>when /pol/ delusions combine with shitcoin delusions
Yes, LINK crashing is definitely a jewish conspiracy you brainlet
oh god please end yourself
You can set up a node right now, and you can use their smart contracts right now.
Is his skin 1-ply or something?
How dumb are you exactly, user?
You don't think markets are rational, do you?
Oh Sergey speaks and news incoming? Ok we see another -50% then! Fucking pathetic sell off.
There's no volume anyway.
This is retards trying to sell breadcrumbs going head-to-head with the bots.
Lmao how fucking new are you?
It went literally like this:
>Devcon 3 agenda released last week
>Sergey listed on day 3, "main hall"
>someone says "heh, more like main stall"
So what makes you think Sergey is in any way reacting to the "main stall" joke when he merely repeats the information the joke was based on?
The volume is over twice what it was a few days ago, people are really selling. It's fucking over, the complete lack of news from Sergey was the last nail in the coffin. There are no partnerships and there never were.
The volume is about the lowest it's ever been since Link got on Binance. See pic.
>There are no partnerships
What the fuck is with this partnership meme?
Are APIs "partners" of the API protocol?
Actually there were some news and updates in the last days, so it just doesn't make any fucking sense. Just people trying to outsmart the bots. "Oh, news and fucking big things incoming! Let's sell!" I mean come on, how fucking retarded can you be to not see this. Holding on for weeks and now in front of the goal you lose your resolve and throw the towel? It doesn't fucking matter now it it drops another 15% at this point anyway because the price is suppressed. This is the chance to buy now. Not when it is too late. But suit yourselves.
Can you image the tears of people who are selling now at 2500 when it may as well be 7500 again in some days? This will be funny.
Stop. Look at yourselves. You're in denial and coping hard right now. I've seen what happened to 0x and dnt and kyber and a ton of other coins that had no significant news after the ico. Link is going nowhere but down for the next three months at the very least. I'm holding heavy bags too but it's best to just face reality.
>You're in denial and coping hard right now.
... because the volume is at its lowest since Link got on Binance, like I said?
They started rolling out nodes a few days after Sibos, Sergey was confirmed for Devcon 3, ...
It was at 100btc a few days ago, 300 now and rising. And the price is in freefall. Also none of those are noteworthy news. Wake up
I don't even care anymore. If it drops I just gradually buy more. This will eventually go up. May take some weeks buy you don't get serious money in crypto by daytrading instead of having a long game.
But if you don't hold it and suddenly another exchange is announced, then you're not in luck. Then all your losses were for nothing.
Just do yourself the favor and buy low for once.
>rolling out the working product + speaking at Devcon
>not noteworthy news
It's time to face reality, user.
I went all in. I'm actually enjoying this pain, I might be a genuine cuck. Not selling though, even if it goes to 1 cent. I'm just trying to tell you not to be delusional
Well the market is irrational. Just have to ride the waves I guess. When the trend reverses I guess it will be in a similar fashion. Irrational pumping and price gains.
Down -23.94% this morning, now at all time low
Is his skin literally 1-ply?
I love the pain hey. Knowing that I could be living on the street soon gets my adrenaline pumping hard. I LOVE IT!
Thanks user you are helping me cope
Nothing he is saying is wrong you fucking faggot