How many alt-coins you got? I own 29 different coins. Just threw $100 each at shitcoins.
How many alt-coins you got? I own 29 different coins. Just threw $100 each at shitcoins
Nice, threw 100k!
Terrible plan idiot
why do people do this? Why do they diversify this much and put barely any amount of money into them?
I bought my 1st coin just now. $10 worth of GRC
>wooden floorboards
i havent seen a bedroom with those in years
Make it 30 with NTWK, I bet you don't have any.
Its buying a market sampling. If you expect growth in the sector but you aren't sure where, you can take the average growth of a bunch of things.
Looks more like cheap laminate flooring made from fiberboard.
yeah but when half of those coins tank and the other half moon have you really made any money
yeah you're probably right
that shit is the worst
Actually, yes. If there was growth in the sector as a whole.
You're stupid. If only one of them goes up 29 times, he's made his money back. Now what if two really make it? One goes 50x another goes 100x? That's $15,000. Odds are in his favor, nigger.
>if only one goes up 2900%
how much did Ethereum go up in the past 365 days sir?
How much has eth gone up since March?
your point being?
>if I buy 29 coins one HAS to moon like Eth!
I don't know but it's the same as whatever elusive point you were trying to make.