I'm in favour of abortion as the lesser of two evils but I've yet to be convinced it is not a homicide. What arguments do feminist (who are for abortion because of different reasons and are it's most vocal supporters) use in that regard?
Having a baby might inconvenience a woman. Her convenience is more important than a foetus. The pleasure, indulgence and self actualization of the individual is the highest possible good.
Read Rousseau faggot
If abortion is homicide, is a miscarriage manslaughter?
I don't give a fuck about the freedom of women, I just think that if they're seriously thinking on aborting you, you'll probably better death.
Are the death because of a hurricane victims of manslaughter?
I don't think you know what manslaughter is.
Miscarriage is not manslaughter any more than a heart attack is.
Abortion is not morally 'solved' and cannot be. We draw an arbitrary line and declare life and human rights begin after the date we set. Unless the child is retarded or disabled, then it doesn't have human rights until it's born. The only position that makes any intellectual sense is life beginning at conception, but that doesn't work in practice
Miscarriages are natural as is dying because of a hurricane if you're in an open field. Who is to blame for manslaughter in any of those cases?
>I've yet to be convinced it is not a homicide
That's because there's no good argument against it.
The issue is that people conflate all homicides into murder in their mind so automatically demonize it, but in reality homicide is a part of society that can and often is both legal and socially acceptable. Seld defense is homicide. Euthanasia is homicide. Abortion is homicide. Death penalty is homicide. Military killings are homicides.
Is there malicious intent or criminal negligence involved? Manslaugther ISN'T the same as accidental death.
The only argument is that the foetus is not a human individual, and that it is not sentient.
Both arguments are pretty weak, as the first would mean Siamese twins sharing a body are not two individuals and could be legally killed by each other, and the second is scientifically unsound.
The truth is that it is homicide but it's socially acceptable and individually beneficial homicide, so it's okay. But this truth itself is not socially acceptable so instead we argue about the limits of our bodies and our lives.
>lesser of two evils
>The only position that makes any intellectual sense is life beginning at conception
It doesn't make much sense either.
The problem is that the usual meaning of life stems from the idea of a lifetime that starts at birth and ends at death.
The actual biological life though is something that began 4.28 billion years ago. There's only one life on this planet, and its physical separation into organisms masks an unbroken continuity.
>when the lsd finally hits
Does that mean facials and condom use is genocide?
Prove to me that sexual reproduction is different, as far as life is concerned, than asexual propagation.
If I cut a branch off a bush, then let it take root in a different place, is that creating a new life ?
Better than the catholic autism where if a foetus is going to cause the death of the mother while having no chance of survicing himself, you must let both of them die unless the surgery is only "indirectly" killing the fetus.
abortion apologists always have to retreat to the almost non-existent cases where the woman's life is threatened.
The Heavens made humans with soul
It's murder.
The murderers say it is not murder by not admitting the person they murder is not an independent person.
Even though that person they murder has its own DNA, its own blood type, its own beating heart, etc.
>It's murder.
Murder is unlawful homicide. Abortion cannot be murder if it's legal, by definition.
>Abortion cannot be murder if it's legal
God is the only judge. Men do so on his behalf.
Of course abortion is a murder, but that doesn't make it wrong. Same with euthanasia.
So then as long as I don't acknowledge god as authority I'm fine. Not murder unless I'm a christian fundie.
DNA, blood type and a beating heart does not make you an individual. The only individuality you have is in your sentient perception of the world.
Obviously we should take the Bible's law for inspiration. When the baby starts breathing, it's officially unlawful to kill it. Anyone who is carrying a child that would be ungodly can visit their local priest to be given bitter herbs to induce miscarriage. It's a good, Christian system that works flawlessly!
Hiding from the law doesn't protect you from it
Different DNA, different organism. You are a unique special person user, don't let anyone tell you different. There's nobody quite like you.
Do you have unique DNA?
Do you have a blood type different from your parents?
Do you have a beating heart?
So does an unborn child.
Murder is the unjust taking of a human life. Passing an unjust and demonic law and claiming that murder is "legal" is something only the satanic would do.
aka abortion.
It literally does tho?
If there is a body, there is murder. Simple criminalistic, bro.
>sentient perception of the world
Well that's the issue settled then. Because Lord knows we perfectly understand what makes us sentient and when it happens. Consciousness just happens to be one of those areas where we have a full grasp of the facts and there could be no possible disagreement
So who goes to jail when gramps dies off of old age?
imo it's homicide but there's nothing inherently wrong with doing it. Life = the ultimate value is a contemporary meme
>God is the only judge
And self appointed arbiters of that supposed divine intent, right?
-Pigs have the mental capacity of 3 year olds, yet we butcher them en masse on an industrial scale for consumption. Pigs have even more criteria for life than a fetus, yet you have no problem eating them and rationalizing that with unprobable metaphysics like the “soul”.
-Women’s bodies naturally flush out most fertilized eggs, it’s really more accurate to say that life begins when the egg embeds itself in the uterine wall. If that makes God by far the world’s largest murderer of babies, then what makes it bad for us to do it?
-the world is already overcrowded enough, you can not really claim o be “pro-life” when you are totally fine with humans dying off in huge numbers due to a Malthusian catastrophe because you couldn’t be bothered to check your population because your attitude was “don’t worry, God will take care of it”
-nor can you really call yourself “pro-life” if you’re fine with saving a baby and then letting it be raised by abusive meth addled trailer trash who make sure that the child never has a chance for success and can only provide the most minimum quality of life, ensuring that the child grows up to be a thug or a whore who is disdainful of the system that both neglects and oppressed them. Google Decree 770 if you need a working example of how the only thing a pro-life policy accomplishes is raising the next generation of revolutionaries who hate your guts
a meme
>abusive parents
if they have children their love is true
don't have souls
unrelated to the creation of children.
It’s already affecting the poorest areas of the globe, retard
>if the have kids it’s true love
Virgin alert. You obviously didn’t go to many parties in high school.
>pigs have no souls
Unprovable hogwash
It proves that your entire premise of “life begins at conception” is build on totally arbitrary assumptions.
the law itself and the societal effect is the problem. Not people aborting children which has never happend due to the form of marriage. Doctors break their vow to do no harm. Women become reptiles without love in their hearts like they are in the west. Men no longer trust women. And now, there is a sex-based witch hunt on both sides in the US alone. Elsewhere women are demanding the power to basically mind rape men.
the fact that they cannot think is proof of this
you are a cunt. Don't come to me with your tastes in men you faggot
their problems are because of their impiety. Not because they live next to people.
So does a chicken.
> Not people aborting children which has never happend due to the form of marriage.
Potions which induce abortion have been around since Ancient Egyptian times, in Jesus’s time they were commonplace, yet he was silent on the matter. It’s almost like he thought that there were more important issues to prioritize
>the fact that they cannot think is proof of this
They experience emotions just like you and me, they feel pain, joy, sorrow, and heartache. They have orgasms. They’re highly social. This is all evidence that they think better than fetuses do
>you are a cunt. Don't come to me with your tastes in men you faggot
Okay, Mr. True Love’s First Kiss. Go on pretending that human nature is what you want it to be instead of what it actually is.
Finger waggling isn’t going to address the issues which create thugs and whores in the first place, all you’re doing is rationalizing society’s mistreatment of them
A woman's life is always threatened by pregnancy.
>don't have souls
Yes, unlike us who totally do
I bet you think oxygen isn't real too
So is it wrong to murder anyone, a child or and adult? I'm pretty sure it is and you do too, and no amount of sophmore nihilism will get you around this. You don't want me to murder you
> oxygen has soul
fucking really?
No, I’m saying that we need to adopt a new ethical model which factors in the quality of life of those already living, rather than just having this attitude of growth at any costs. Am I fine with murder? No. Do I want to live in a world where there are so many humans that it stretched my society’s resources to the breaking point and I starve or watch it all burn down in a violent revolution? Also no
>Different DNA, different organism. You are a unique special person user, don't let anyone tell you different. There's nobody quite like you.
Unjust. In Nazi Germany, it was not illegal to kill Jews.
And yet it was unjust, and the people who did it were hanged by the neck until dead.
>dies off of old age?
You do know that there's still a body when people croak of old age, right?
>society’s resources to the breaking point and I starve or watch it all burn down in a violent revolution
Well we aren't there yet, so you need a better defense than muh population control. If killing babies is OK, what is wrong with killing adults? Purely to control population etc. It's hitler logic
Is it homicide? Maybe.
Is it a necesary evil? I believe so.
user don't post Fred here. We are not being the people Mr. Rogers knew we could be.
>Well we aren't there yet
And that’s exactly why we have the luxury of a soft landing, letting us gradually prune society of undesirables so that we don’t face a vast calamity down the road
>muh Hitler
Hitler’s logic was rooted in Aryan supremacism, he was trying to make room for the right race and everyone else was just getting in the way, and that’s why he was not above simply railroading entire ethnic groups into extermination camps.
A whole different thing from letting impoverished teenagers from poor minority areas give up the baby that they couldn’t possibly afford to raise properly.
The fuck difference does that make? You can't tell the difference between dying of natural causes from murder?
No wonder you're fucking confused.
>If killing babies is OK, what is wrong with killing adults? Purely to control population etc.
Not him but objectively, there is nothing wrong with it. The problems all come ethically. In terms of cold hard logic, culling is the most efficient solution.
He’s trying to draw a false equivalence. He’s fine with eating pigs even though pigs fit the criteria for life better than fetuses do, hens just trying to get people to think of fetuses and adults as being the exact same thing
>poor minority areas
Ooh spell it out user! Who exactly do you mean?
>Murder is not immoral.
Hence the atheist moral code does not exist.
That poor single teenagers aren’t qualified to be having children, and if you pass pro-life laws those are the only ones who won’t find ways around the law, and who will raise an underclass of revolutionaries who hate their society’s guts.
>clump of cells = human
fossil fuel companies because global warming
If atheist moral code does not exist, then Christians are stuck propping up a hypocritical one.
>we care about the sanctity of life!*
>* = does not apply once the baby is born, is growing up and has nutritional and educational needs, because we want him to join the military and commit homicide for the state which is an okay type of homicide, but if he lashes out over anger at the lack of opportunities and poor quality of life, we’ll give him the death penalty which is also an acceptable kind of homicide. Even if this fucks up society and indirectly caused a mass die off, at least we didn’t let poor teen moms practice their civil liberties—oops, I mean murder babies
That literally isn't what I said, I said that the only objection to culling exists in an ethical/moral sense. Other animals kill their own so enough food can go around.
>woman drinks win
>tried for manslaughter
One simply cannot kill another individual just because it is convenient, you are trampling on the rights of the child
Child implies living in the actual, not a clump of stem cells which might grow into one
Yes the only thing it makes sense is at the conception because the only way of that life not being born is by artificiality or disease
Semen is not a human by itself, only if it is joined with a fertile egg, neither the egg is a human, but once you put them together invariably you will have a human
Abortion is morally wrong because it is a human intervetion deliberatly stoping a life
This is homicide
>your life is always threatned if you are alive
Not reality, what makes you an individual is you individuality
not having a baby every 9 months is also stopping life, think of how many people could have existed
It's true that we are all dying but it is also true that statistically speaking any woman has a higher risk of dying sooner due to pregnancy and childbirth.
Life starts at fertilization tho
And it's not me or the Church saying that, but the SJW university of Princeton
>The question as to when the physical material dimension of a human being begins is strictly a scientific question, and fundamentally should be answered by human embryologists not by philosophers, bioethicists, theologians, politicians, x-ray technicians, movie stars, or obstetricians and gynecologists. The question as to when a human person begins is a philosophical question.
>To begin with, scientifically something very radical occurs between the processes of gametogenesis and fertilization, the change from a simple part of one human being (i.e., a sperm) and a simple part of another human being (i.e., an oocyte, usually referred to as an "ovum" or "egg"), which simply possess "human life", to a new, genetically unique, newly existing, individual, whole living human being (a single-cell embryonic human zygote). That is, upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced.
Hence why abortionist do foetus a favor by saving them from such a risk
A human being is only a human being if it has [arbitrary criteria]
Same logics people used to enslave or murder niggers centuries ago
The truth is that a human being is any individual with its own DNA part of the human specie, regardless of what stage of life (egg-cell, embryo, foetus, newborn, baby, kid, teen, adult, oldster) it has reached yet
A chicken ain't part of the human specie tho
A human embryo is
Of course it's a murder, and cuntcucks being apologists only proves that women are the ruling class existing beyond laws, ethics and morals. We live in cunt slavery, we are serfs for the female aristocrats.
Consider this, a man kicks a pregnant woman in the stomach, and kills the fetus. He's convicted of "murder. Examples: theguardian.com
Yet when a woman does this, she's absolved of any wrongdoing, even going as far as claiming the fetus is just a "parasite" and abortion is no worse a crime than removing a mole.