Favorite quotes
Find me a better example of neutral evil. protip, you cant
That's Chaotic Good though.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains."
If this guy had actually lived up to his own myth, even the likes of Christopher Hitchens would have regarded him as a genius. The problem wasn't that he was a pragmatic realist treated unfairly by idealists, the problem was that he was incompetent and desperately tried to portray himself as a hardball practitioner of Realpolitik to distract from his many failures.
Basically we need who Kissinger pretended to be, and then everything would be grand.
Could be applied to any form of totalitarianism, but he's right.
>Henry Kissinger
>Good anything
is this fake?
This is honestly one of the best ones. You just KNOW the fucker was mocking his countrymen.
>Find me a better example of neutral evil. protip, you cant
Probably the most interesting thing I've read on the chon in weeks.
Brainlet detected.
"Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish"
fucking kek, Uncle Joe, I never knew you had a sense of humor