>Pakistanis/some Afghans are not the true Aryans
Please tell me why pol believes this?
>Pakistanis/some Afghans are not the true Aryans
Please tell me why pol believes this?
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Also, can we have a mature discussion about what constitutes Aryans? Where did they come from and where did they migrate to? How did they end up in Germany of all places?
Oh and, why are Aryans still relevant? Are they more intelligent/better looking race or what? Don't understand the fetishism
The Aryans origined in uknown parts of the general region of Eastern Europe or possibly even from Scandinavian parts (relation to the Hyperborean theory), this is the most uknown and obscure part of the Aryans but a general region can still be determined. But in general Aryans are a race of exemplary people, that in their eternal will to improvement and exploration split into various groups that left this original homeland but at different times for example the Germanics migrated the shortest distance and were one of the first to move. This is why the so called Nordics are thr purest of the Aryans. The Slavs, who were once the same as the Germanics, moved the other way and developed their language and culture differently. The Latins were also Aryans who migrated from the North, this was a long time ago. They mixed with the probably Semitic Etruscans and thus some Romans have curly black hair and mostly the upper class Romans had cinsiderably lighter features. The Aryans who moved East (the ancient Iranics, the ancient Vedic Indo-Aryan, the Torlachians) build a diverse and advanced culture, but with mixing with the Semites, Mongoloids and Dravidian Australoids they dilluted their blood, especially the lower castes.(edited)
The upper castes are still Aryan especially lingustically (their language is Sanskirt that is an Aryan language) and culturally (their Paganism, Vedas, traditions.
The Aryan today race of course splits into subgroups that have different admixtures from The Aryans origined in uknown parts of the general region of Eastern Europe or possibly even from Scandinavian parts, this is the most uknown and obscure part of the Aryans but a general region can still be determined. But in general Aryans are a race of exemplary people, that in their eternal will to improvement and exploration split into various groups that left this original homeland but at different times for example the Germanics migrated the shortest distance and were one of the first to move. The Slavs, who were once the same as the Germanics, moved the other way and developed their language and culture differently. The Latins were also Aryans who invaded from the North, this was a long time ago. They mixed with the probably Semitic Etruscans and thus some Romans have curly black hair and mostly the upper class Romans mostly had lighter features.
The Aryans who moved East (the ancient Iranics, the ancient Vedic Indo-Aryan, the Torlachians) built a diverse and advanced culture, but with mixing with the Semites, Mongoloids and Dravidian Australoids they dilluted their blood, especially the lower castes. The upper castes are still Aryan mostly because of strict caste rules. Their culture is still Aryan (Vedic texts, Paganism, traditions). The Aryans in Europe of course further split into different subgroups according to the level of racial admixture. The Baltid (Russian) Aryans mixed with Mongoloids. The Aryans mixed also with Semites, which is especially evident in Spain and south Italy. Aryans mixed also with prehistoric Neolithic peoples (Alpine Aryans) of which Hitler was part also (black hair). The Aryans of the Slavic and Greek culture in the Balkans mixed with ancient prearyan peoples (Dinaric Aryans – Nikola Tesla).
>pakistanis/some afghans
>implying all pakistanis
that being said, hitler considered afghans to be aryan
>authority on who is and isn't aryan
I would much rather take the word of anthropologists who have studied this.
If they are aryans then so are Greeks
I honestly think the concept of "white" and "aryan" is retarded to begin with. There are haplogroups. Afghan Y-DNA is mostly R1a
Europeans aren't Aryans, although they are Indo-Europeans (again, Aryan is a cultural/linguistic term and grouping, not a race - similar to how Russians, Czechs, and Croats are all Slavs, Persians, Kurds, and Tajiks for example, are all Aryans/Iranians). Forget everything you've learned from 19th/20th century European "anthropologists" and the Third Reich. Asians(chinks) certainly aren't Aryan either, nor are the Semitic countries/peoples. (Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon).
Aryan = paternal ancestry R1.
R1b-L23 which is the ancestor of most R1b clades today originated in what is Southern Ukraine and Southern Russia at around 4400 BCE. All R1a clades descend from the same area of Ukraine and southern Russia around 3000 BC.
They aryans were a patriarchal war like race of nomadic conquerors that spread from their steppe homeland to conquer Old Europe (fairly matriarchal which explains why 2/3 European men are R1) and Asia.
Looks wise they had light brown skin, brown - to light brown hair, and mostly brown eyes but their features where entirely what we'd call "European" as opposed to the predominant facial characteristics of Iranians, pakis, afghans and Indians.
Because most of them are still brown skinned
>Where did they come from and where did they migrate to?
Aryans never made it to Germany. Aryans made it to Iran, North India and a few other areas.
Indo-Euros are not Aryans. Aryans are just one branch of the IE family tree. North Indians and Iranians
Because the Aryans were Nordic, and none of the people on your picrelated are of the Nordic race.
Got it now?
>Aryans are just one branch of the IE family tree. North Indians and Iranians
More like the Nordic warriors who conquered and assimilated them :)
>the Aryans were Nordic
LOL what a meme.
They had blond hair, blue eyes and long skull, which means they were Nordics of the Nordic race :)
>Levantines are not the true Aryans
Please tell me why pol believes this?
Because they're separate from us and we can't all be called by the same name