What race were the ancient Americans Veeky Forums?
Meanwhile on 3018 Veeky Forums
>implying anyone will look fondly on america in the future
America has already surpassed Rome in terms of global influence
fucking DEGENERATE! the ancient americans were BASED warriors, they were TRUE REDPILLED MEN, even an average american today is 10x physically and mentally superior to the average martian or jovian of today
didn't you ever hear about the battle of Dday, where thirty americans on surfboards BTFO the whole European Union army? I swear Veeky Forums is full of bluepilled cucks who don't know history...
la atrocidad...
Hahaha just look at the color of his skin! Take that racists.
I find the portrait to be well done, but really fruity desu. Why is he in the bush, rather than in front of it?
I'm all for something different, like JFK's, but this is just weird desu.
Because he was the kang of the jungle
Well done? What the fuck are you talking about?
The background is just some shitty vector graphic copied all over
Look at the size of his fucking hands
Caravaggio had shit proportions too, but he still pulled it off and made his paintings nice.
Gonna not address the fucking giant sperm on the side of his head?
Well you know what they say about big hands
Daily reminder that this man won a fucking Nobel peace prize despite killing people literally every single day of his presidency
Yeah. Cancer.
Jewish of course
good at playing basketball?
That's when I discarded with the idea that a Nobel prize confers any kind of objective honor or accomplishment onto someone.
some sort of a lanky sperm-head mullato underclass ruled by semetic financiers
It’s purely a short-term political tool and a way for those otherwise irrelevant snow people to have some global soft power
Don't listen to mormon lies. The original Americans where all blue skinned.
does anyone know when the amerimutt 2016 simulator is finished?
i would like to see Trumps election through the eyes of your typical amerimutt
>25 year rule
25 year rule only applies to historical events
And almost killed another nobel prize winner in their hospital, and he also caused the migrant crisis.
>25 > 1000