Who won the iran iraq war?

who won the iran iraq war?

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Iran in the sense Iraq was economically devastated, humiliated, and the Iranians defended the revolution.

Not even a stormfag or /Pol/tard but unironically Israel.

>Has largest military in the middle east
>Invades a politically unstable country that just had a revolution
Fucking Iraq

>hundreds of thousands of iranians killed, perhaps as high as 600k
>at least 150k Iraqis killed
I'd say humanity won


the one that didnt change religion after

Iran. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that a status quo is always a victory for the defender.

>being attacked
>not counter-attack and get gains

that's a bonus, not a requirement.

Technically Saudi Arabia benefitted from it more than Israel.

Iran, with help from W and Obama.

Just seeing how unprepared Iran was and how many states supported Iraq... it's insane how Iraq failed to meet any of its objectives.

This always cracks me up


The US. Nice cash from supplying both sides with various weapons.

>Israel (denied by Iran)
both are tsundere for each other

Why is America so based?


Then we wouldn't have any inconclusive wars.

Someone post the venice gangbang one.

>France and UK tagging allong the Soviet Union
>America playing both sides
>Israel supporting Iran

Why is this picture so funny?

Iran suffered badly but should probably be considered the winner, since Iraq's objective was to annex parts of Iran and Iran was defending itself.

Don't forget that Iraq had the support of both sides of the Cold War.

The long dated Italian tradition of switch sides

Why are Persians so much better at war than Arabs in the 20th century and current times?

Uhh, Iran did counter-attack, which was the entire last 6 years of the war, and they utterly failed

Iran really, despite their catastrophic losses they emerged at the end of the war as a much stronger country than at the start. Iraq achieved nothing.

This is a good read. It's unironically a shit culture that makes Arabs shit fighters.


the usa

why was israel in iran's side?

>Iran/Iraq War

Oh boy, here we fucking go.


Jesus Christ Saddam

Because Saddam was being an asshole and launching missiles at Israel

What about spain?

they're still on the same team with a different name, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire, Spain

Venice went totally renegade

> Makes himself chief tactician despite having zero military experience.
> Starts war without building up any defenses on his side of the border.
> Assumes that a bunch of poorly trained and unmotivated conscripts will sweep through Iran.
> Confuses his own men by giving them a fuckton of objectives to complete all at once.
> Executes any general who retreats from battle, further decreasing the number of actually capable officers.

How they hell did this idiot stay in power for 24 years?

He was very good at what really matters.


Lets see
>lost fewer men
>lost less money
>no territorial gain
>wiped out k*rds with gas(made a good casus belli for murrica in a few years)
>expanded saddam prestige
>advanced the iraq military a bit
>loses more men
>loses more money
>lowered international reputation for a few years
>increased sunni shiite schism
>retained territories
>gained valuable experience in war,almost close to pre revolution tier
>strengthened the revolution
All the deaths of Iranians,including the kids and all are branded as martyrs,and Iraqis soon lose it all when they had beef with the Kuwaitis and threw babbies out of incubators

By executing any capable officers, mostly.