
There is nothing inherently wrong with slavery. Prove me wrong

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*enslaves you*
i agree

Slavery for labor yes, slavery for torturing humans no thats wrong.

I agree it is wrong only if slavery target oppressed groups. This is why American one was so bad because it targeted the best of us.

>This is why American one was so bad because it targeted the best of us.
niggers are so lazy and shitty, we literally had to enslave them and whip them to get them to do anything at all besides lay around and beat bongo drums.
they're still assblasted we made them work more than 150 years later.

Labor price devaluation.

why are /pol/tards so easy to bait?

"Oppressed groups". Blacks are the oppressors everywhere they go. And it wasn't the best of you that were enslaved, the best of you were doing the enslaving, it was the worst of you who were enslaved and sold to whites

>oppressed groups
Since when were africans oppressed?


To be fair, slavery isn't that much different from capitalism and everyone is okay with the last one.

violation of rights is inherently destabilizing to a functioning society. breeds resentment and strife

Slaves have no rights, to begin with, where is violation???

It depends on what you agree is a premise. I agree if you take a nihilistic position then on a cosmological scale slavery isn't wrong.

If you are happy to agree that it is okay for a nigger with a big dick to purchase you, personally, yes, you, not someone else, on a slave market and rape the shit out of your bumhole and then pass you to all his friends so they can rape the shit out of your face and bumhole then, yes you are right.

Well I think slavery of a specific group by birth-based reasons is worse than say, slavery of prisoners of war.

Being able to mistreat your slaves is not inherent in slavery just as the state can intervene if you rape your children.

That only works with non sentient beings, like robots, animals, and people from Yorkshire.

all human beings have rights

This sounds like the synopsis of a blacked porno.

Slavery is basically working, but instead of getting paid money your boss pays for your house and your food. That's not inherently wrong.
But food and housing are means of control, and experiment shows that a boss will make your life as miserable as possible the more control he has. Giving a boss more means of control over employees is inherently evil.

literally how it was.

So, hypothetically speaking what are the government laws you would apply to slavery?