>atheist still clings to morality
>atheist basis his morality on the golden rule
>atheist basis his morality on the golden rule
Only brainlets not into bdsm do that.
> not basing your morality on ethical calculus
> not studying neurochemistry of the brain
>Not basing your whole morality on what the Spirit Father told you during a drug induced hallucination.
>atheists follow the golden rule simply to be good people for the sake of it
>Christians follow the golden rule because if they don't they'll drown in the eternal hotbox
I'm a Christian and I try to do good because being a dick makes me feel bad :(((
>not following the categorical imperative, a moral rule based on pure reason
Good thing only come from skyfather. No believe in skyfather, no believe in good thing.
>Christians cling to morality.
>Subscribe to Nationalism and other divisive beliefs despite his Universalist religion.
b-but what if you encounter a situation you've never imagined happening?
>The great theologian of the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas, explained that our duties are positional and depend for their intensity on the person to whom they’re owed. In Summa Theologiae, in Part II-II, Question 26, article 6, Aquinas teaches that we “ought to love one neighbor more than another.” It is right and proper that we should love our family members more than unrelated people, and fellow-citizens of our country more than aliens.
>Aquincuck trumps scripture.
The categorical imperative us retarded.
Literally it involves makeing a strawman out of every possoble action then shooting the strawman down and using that as a basis for not engaging in the actual action.
"I have to lie"
"B-but if everyone always lied things would get wacky."
"The fuck dfoes that have to do with the necessity of lying here now in this situation which is readinably different from other situations"
"Doesnt matter you immoral c-cunt, user"
Also retarded. Family should never be placed above country. And country should not be placed above humanity.
Doing so invites stagnation and collapse.
>Family should never be placed above country.
only universalist in that everyone should fllow it. otherwise its heirarchical.
depends what you mean by nationalism
Using reason and observation, you can derive something from it.
Whereas if you wait for the bible to catch up to the 21st century, its not going to happen.
If it feels good to be a dick, most people will be a dick. Most Christians who feel good being dicks but refuse to will typically do so out of fear of the other or God and the general reality consequence of His nature aka hell prototypically. Most people who don't accept that reality who feel good being dicks and yet still choose not to tend to again out of fear of the other or out of a genuine understanding of their relation to other people, something most Christians appreciate secondary to their relation with God.
i'm an atheist but i believe in learning the sacred texts of major world religions.
there is a lot of human knowlege, poetry and art that has been collected for thousands of years.
i'm not going to ignore that kind of information.
>not creating your own morals
you can still be an athiest and think jesus was a real person.
Only brainlet think golden rule isn't the most efficient morality in a day-to-day imperfect market
Lol sure nice this is why Jesus preached to abandon your family
That's because he thought he was the Messiah and was about to bring about the Apocalypse, I guess that didn't work out so good.
The Golden Rule doesn't originate with Jesus anyway
Not sure why atheists attempt to live moral lives when its inconsistent with their worldview. Can someone let me know what the point of doing anything is if the universe will eventually run out of heat and all life will eventually die?
>Can someone let me know what the point of doing anything is if the universe will eventually run out of heat and all life will eventually die?
A lot of people take great satisfaction in achievements and accomplishments, if you prefer playing vidya and masturbating though, user that's cool.
what are you saying, would you torture someone or rape a child if there were no consequences to your actions
what would you do, explain
>avoids the question.
>good people for the sake of it
How soy spooked can you be?
The ultimate redpill is that even if God exists there is still no morality since an is cannot be deducted from an ought
You're free to be a fag and burn in hell, like ethical-antitheist cucks will
You're probably a good person then.
getting the most out of the short time that you have?
not like atheists have a monopoly on amoralism. The majority of the prison population is religious, how's that working out for them?
the existence of ought infers a moral law
You need a book to figure out that hurting other people is wrong?
I sometimes do what is deemed right and sometimes i dont.
My dad always told me not to mess with karma but he also told me this.
>Always do the right thing user, even when no one is watching