Veeky Forumstorians Share your thoughts on universities and if they've gotten better or worse
Veeky Forumstorians Share your thoughts on universities and if they've gotten better or worse
You mean, like, PhD historians?
From my own undergrad experience, I'll say that it really depends on the university. I've heard some horror stories of radically liberal universities (not sure how many of them are true), but the universities I've taken classes at have all been pretty decent when it comes to their curriculum. I have noticed some things change over time in regards to beyond the curriculum. Such as, when I started all the non-gendered bathroom had the "unisex" sign. Now that's been changed to "gender neutral." Doesn't bother me at all, but I'm sure that change rustled some people's jimmies.
Rural universities have better education, at the expense of living in a shitty town with nothing to do and no attractive, single girls. My professors are kino and dedicate every waking moment of their lives to helping me understand concepts and refine my skills one-on-one, versus big city universities where the professors have classes the size of football fields and office hours taken up by student aids because they're writing three articles and a book a semester. Then again, I've never gone to a big city school, so I might be retarded.
>more information
>less discipline
>better facilities
>less motivation
>wider range of options
>no exclusive knowledge
Seems that there's a good for every bad
>professors are kino
/tv/ faggots should honestly consider suicide
I'm actually interested in this, I'm in the army right now and I'm in a comfy situation where I'll be able to choose from Florida, Texas, and Tennessee to pick where I'll go to school for history, any of you know any good schools in those states where I can major in history
interesting choice of university for the picture. why did you choose that one?
>no exclusive knowledge
University enrollment pays for the "up-the-ass" prices that academic journals and databases demand for their information. You can get hard information on any subject in a library, but without knowledge on current scientific developments (in unsure how widely available STEM papers are. I always seem to see freely published .PDFs of recently published findings and scientific papers on the internet) or historiography (which IS almost solely found in journals with expensive subscriptions, which your college pays for. You can copy/paste information from any book like YouTube channels do, but good luck discerning the best or most up-to-date and scrutinized works without professional academic book reviews and journal articles found almost exclusively in historical journals or JSTOR/EbscoHost).
Some professors are really bad at the University I attend. Lectures that are supposed to be about the coffee bean end up on Marxist peasant theory. Everything ends up in some obscure Marxist theory.
>4 out of 5 Veeky Forums threads think Hitler did nothing wrong
>Veeky Forums still can't ween out/purge constant /pol/ presence
Veeky Forums faggots should honestly consider suicide.
I should add I'm in a very blue state, and while most of the teachers get butthurt about trump and fake news every day, some are rather professional. My brother attended the business school of our university and had the opposite experience, almost no left leaning at all.
Is this some Yank exclusive thing? My lecturers like to present some arguments Marxist authors have made and straight up pick them apart one by one
> constant /pol/ presence
No such thing exists, memester.
I'd rather have /pol/ than /tv/
Yeah, probably. U of Minnesota is pretty far left, Ive had a few professors fall over themselves trying to learn everyone's gender pronouns. It's pretty dumb but I'm graduating in 2.5 years next semester so I'm out soon.
I see the downfall of education as a logical consequence of capitalist society and careerism in academic circles. I think that the worst case of hipocrisy in modern times is the 'expectation' that most professors should be able to produce original academic work on the regular. That's how various -isms were born until liberal arts started seeping into STEM. You shouldn't be able to get a degree in anything but canon - be it literary or scientific. Values must be upheld, everything else belongs on the margins of the culture, not in an academic forum.
May be unwarranted but I'm going to share a little more. On the bridge connecting halves of our campus we have signs for different clubs, the college Republicans one has been vandalized and repainted close to 5 times, they just gave up now and it's got antifa/anarchy signs on it and any text is crossed out. Half of our campus is in "little mogadishu", meaning it's like you're in the country of Somalia. We get emails at least weekly about people being robbed at gunpoint there. And every boy in class looks like a raging faggot because someone decided that Minneapolis is hipster central now. It's the worst, I never want to go back to that city
the solution is to download everything in university, then you'll have it after you're gone and you've lost library access
t. man with thousands of journal articles and thousands more of books on his computer
My uni tried relabelling every toilet on campus as gender neutral, the women complained because they wanted a safe space so they reinstated the women's toilets and left the male ones gender neutral.
Waste of time. If you must get a degree, rush through as quickly as possible. Life is too short to spend it fucking around in a school during the best years of your life.
What's the obsession with who uses what toilet?
It's totalitarian, some people want to make everyone follow their ideology in the minimal details
Seems a little absurd. Then again, I don't understand power in social dynamics.
fuck the professors and choose a school that has the best library for your study. never count on anyone for your own learning and always read to gain the personal understanding.