Also meme thread.
Post your Veeky Forumstorical brainlets
Red log houses in Northern Ireland? I DON'T THINK SO YOU LAZY BRITBONG POSTER
How is this a fun meme
post more grug
>mfw Feb 1637
got a sensible kek out of this
>what the fuck, my holocaust denial and "why africa had no kangdoms" threads are totes EPIC xD
>u suck, ur CRINGE haha, I don't know what that means, people cringe at me so I'll cringe at others
jesus christ
Fuck off, reddit
grug school limiting for grug
grug go to wood instead
grug like bugs, not other grugs
grug belong to Veeky Forums!
Mainline protestants are just atheists LARPing as Christians
All protestants are shit
There's that word again
Oh shit I meant LARPing as catholics, my bad
>mailine protestant
>it's actually anglicans
What did he meme by this?
Requesting the full sized version of this assmad aztec wojak
and/or for somebody to make a purepecha outfit for the smug pepe
Superior version.
Make ur own memes
>big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather
>shaman has big hat so grug believe
>bow to big shaman or grug smash!
big shaman tell grug only he can speak to skyfather
shaman has big hat so grug believe
bow to big shaman or grug smash!
grug no like big shaman
no more shaman
grug talk with skyfather now
only scribble
They are my memes, my property.
this is a /pol/ meme
Why are these extremely hairy men sucking a Polish man into their ass while dabbing?
This had me in tears.
/pol/ seething
It's nationalistic interpretations of the past.
Obligatory pajama soldier.
God you people are fucking annoying
This is the worst screen cap job I've ever seen
>no Diogenes
shit pic
I love this one.
>The amount of butthurt this causes the liberal
Charles the H E U G E
>t. /pol/tard
post your retarded face
>being this shitter shattered
>he's mocking Christians for being poor and oppressed
You can be poor and oppressed without making a mockery out of the sacred.
Who dat
>dark mode
>current year
>reposting bait
>remaking the ‘why Rome fell’ meme
The new order makes sense but there’s too much blank space
Anyone got the Odoacer, Justinian bane scene
>high church anglicans are mainline Protestants
The church owning so much land in England is the only reason why it can be high church despite being Protestant
We need more version. MORE
It’s a /v/ meme personifying how assblasted Sony fans were about the switch
>first four threads I see today are nationalist shit
>it’s balkaniggers
Did they all get banned on /int/ or something
>iphone poster
>only 1 of those threads is about the balkans
Hitler was saving the white race by killing all the soyboy numales betacucks racemixers to make room for the master race
rule britannia....
>the virgin phoneposter
>gruggel thinks nose tribe is chosen tribe
Ted kaczynski aka the unabomber
>having a bunch of niggers in your country is worse than millions getting exterminated/enslaved by an autistic WE WUZ ARYANS N SHEIT state