Has anyone lost as much clay as Britain?
Has anyone lost as much clay as Britain?
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In term of size, nope
But plenty of countries have lost more valuable clay than Britain even controlled at peak
Britain had an empire of dirt
>no land ceded between 1776 and 1931
that's pretty impressive
No Hong Kong?
The mongol empire owned almost as much land as Britain, but unlike Britain they don’t really exist anymore (unless you count the Chinese puppet state) so if Britain lost 90% of their empire the mongols lost 100% of their’s
They lost Minorca (and probably a bunch of other places) when they sued for peace with France in 1802
more like gave up until they weren't profitable anymore.
what a joke of an empire.
Better question:
Has anyone ever has as much lay as britain?
The bong's mistake was not displacing the natives with white people in their empire territories, the cucks were satisfied having white minorities in their empire.
They did replace locals with whites in four colonies
And these four colonies (USA, Canada, Australia and NZ) are Britain's only four successful ex-colonies out of over 200
They did in Canada and Australia, aka barren wastelands nobody wanted to live in
Singapore is a former British colony and very successful, as is Hong Kong and Ireland. Cyprus and Malta are alright also.
>coming soon; the Falkland islands
Singapore and HK are city-states, they're always successful, even Portuguese ones lmao
Ireland ain't a British colony, and Cyprus is a shithole
>only four successful ex-colonies out of over 200
Botswana ain't doing too bad, a lot of the small islands are doing alright via tourism/off shore banking.
>13 colonies
>new zealand (desu the natives here were so badass we left them alone, tho still a white majority)
Not to mention that was basically the idea with most of the african colonies, unfortunatley the arrogant and unreasonable natives refused to all die of disease like in america
t. jealous Frenchman
how are they going to lose it?
99% of the population wants to stay british and argentinians would still fail at invading it if it was a peninsula
>Botswana ain't doing too bad
Just exterminate them manually go out in the jungles with dogs and chase them down until they pass out from exhaustion fleeing you. Such cucks you actually gave homes to the african savages rather than light them on fire as a warning to fuck off back into the wilderness. South Africa and Zimbabwe are the best examples of this cuck behavior they know exactly what blacks are like and STILL INSISTED on having them in their societies even if seperated. Seperation doesnt work complete annihilation works on the otherhand now these cucks are at the utter mercy of their african "friends" right now.
Jesus fucking christ calm down its just a post on a tibetan mandala drwing forum
Also name one instance where that strategy worked out?
since independence botswana has the highest average annual growth rate in the world.
The Caribbean, the Spans killed off every single native on them. Also of course America with most of the redskins dead we could easily thrive better on the landmass without worrying about them being competition.
t. assmad retard
embarrassing imagination you have there
>Britain had an empire of dirt
and yet it was the richest, most powerful nation on earth, brought christianity and civilisation to the darkest corners of the globe, as well as making its beautiful language mankind's first true lingua franca, had countries literally begging to become part of it, ruled over the descendants of the ancient egyptians, nubians, mayans, greeks and indus valley civilisation, and founded colonies that grew into some of the most powerful states on earth
of course you could be like the french, temporarily ruling over a few european cities for a decade and then disappearing to africa to pork a bunch of senegalese whores and get your anus thoroughly rogered in algeria, as well as letting your greatest historical figure and national hero get taken off to die on a shitty island at the hands of the british
britniggers btfo
This post contains like half of the /pol/ buzzwords
Fuck off fag
except the minorcans' economy survives on drunk british tourists coming to their shoddy villages and puking everywhere each year
>and argentinians would still fail at invading it if it was a peninsula
>implying they wouldnt BTFO the brits so hard they wouldnt even consider taking it back
your military is in shambles mate. you cant take anything. if we ask for help from the russians or the chinks, that island will be ours so fast you wouldnt even be able to say anglosphere. the only ones willing to help would be the burgers, and considering they didnt even consider helping last time im sure they wouldnt care this time.
>and yet it was the richest, most powerful nation on earth
>as well as making its beautiful language mankind's first true lingua franca
That happened after WW2 thank to America tho
In 1914, at the peak of British "strength", British diplomats still had to use fucking French to communicate with German ones
>posts a pic of some faggot LARPing in a cheap costume
a thoroughly compelling rebuttal of my post, my mongoloid chum
>l-lies britan stronk
>Has anyone lost as much clay as Britain?
Yeah the Native Americans who's land they stole
pills and whisky don't mix, old bean
if you make it through the night without slipping into an eternal sleep, bear that in mind in the future
~90% of the natives died of disease, without that the Europeans never would've been able to fully replace the population with whites.
>not a single refute
concession accepted
Lost? USA has lost plenty, considering we controlled most of central and South America around the beginning of the 20th century. However, we have gained even more due to our global hegemony.
Remember, if a country has a US .mil base on it, is it REALLY a sovereign country?
Key word being 'was'
You forgot Israel
Some of these dates are pretty dodgy.
Of the ones I know, Australia became a self governing country in 1901 (not 1942) and though Papua New Guinea became a self governing country in 1975 as stated, it had been controlled entirely by Australia for 70 years leading up to that.
I'd think the date would relate to either independent legislature or realignment to the Yank sphere of influence
Well if they didn't want their land to be stolen they should've said so
>In 1914, at the peak of British "strength", British diplomats still had to use fucking French to communicate with German ones
Completely wrong. Why do you keep making things up on here? French was long dead as a practical language by 1914, even Kaiser Wilhelm and Nicholas II were using English to talk to each other.
Lmao, get a load of this ignorant retard
Ever heard the term "chiffon de papier"?
It's the terms used by German diplomats to describe the treaty with Belgium to British ones
The term is sometimes translated ot sometimes kept in French, but the entire conversation was in French
Same goes for the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, Japanese and Russian diplomats would always talk in French
Even as late as WW2, you'd have American troops using French to talk with locals in Italy, the Netherlands or Germany
>after WW2
until the 70s the French was the lingua franca
Only for diplomacy though
/pol/tards and ouiaboos are so mad lmao
they repeat the exact same rguments every thread
>m-muh empire of dirt!
It was a resource based empire, and even then held 25% of the global population, and key points like gibraltar, suez, singapore and had the largest navy on earth.
>m-muh chiffon de papier!
that's a point of France's culture remaining from France's glory days of the 17th century. france had a smaller economy than both britain and germany.
> 25% of the global population
Not all population is of equal value, dude.
> key points
More like meme points, they mattered a little.
> the largest navy
Liberia has the largest navy in modern times, such a great empire!
Logic and reason > Delusions and falsehood
>he thinks Britain's problems stem from African immigrants
>Not all population is of equal value, dude.
Considering the Indian Army contributed considerably in bothw orld wars, and India became a huge cash crop for Britain in terms of agriculture and resources, primarily due to a large farming population, it was of great value.
>More like meme points, they mattered a little.
Are you being an intentional retard? Suez and Gibraltar don't matter, despite them starving the Axis and central powers?
>Liberia has the largest navy in modern times, such a great empire!
And the most advanced fleet. You are using intentional false equivalences to make a shitty comparision.
>literally is faithful to description of buttblasted frogs
>le empire of dirt meme
You post this somewhere at least once a day. Sucks to be a jealous Frenchie or a colonised subhuman.
1905 in Russia is not 1914 in Europe, and you're cherrypicking and throwing a tantrum like a typical Frenchman in an attempt to inflate your relevance. The Russian elite has always been exceptionally Francophilic and it's when Russian monarchs stop using French that you should be alarmed, not when they do.
Where is the source that British diplomats were exclusively using French to talk to German ones? You're talking in this case about Bethmann-Hollweg and Edward Goschen? There is no record to my knowledge of what was said between them. Goschen's report after the meeting did not use a French phrase to describe the treaty. But say that Bethmann-Hollweg had done so originally, who's to say this wasn't a turn of phrase? We use many French or Latin phrases in official business today but it doesn't mean we speak French on a practical level.
Wilson overruled Clemenceau (who spoke English) at the end of the war for a reason. Clemenceau could not defend against Wilson's argument save for an appeal to French nationalism.
Clemenceau was an anglo bitch , french was the main language until 70 English began to challenge French at 1919 not because of the UK but because the USA growth . But by the 80 america english was unchallenged and internet made it undisputed
He's right tho
>During the 17th century, French replaced Latin as the most important language of diplomacy and international relations (lingua franca). It retained this role until approximately the middle of the 20th century, when it was replaced by English as the United States became the dominant global power following the Second World War.[61][62
Brits must stop claiming American achievements
You guys think she feels any sort of guilt or shame over being the monarch that lost the empire?
Sure, she never had power to do anything about it herself, but still.
>implying American English is different to English English
It is
And it's the American form that is the lingua franca
Pic related
Namibia, though not established as a British colony is doing well
This is such a pathetic difference, lmao.
And I'm a bong, and mine literally says gameboy colour.
What about Malaysia
This makes me mad. Color seems to short to be a real word, but OU in Colour reads retardedly. They should compromise on Colore.
>And I'm a bong, and mine literally says gameboy colour.
I'm German and it's "color" here too
Japs speak American English, the lingua franca, and they didn't bother adding a U for pathetic bongs like you to feel better
And where did the Americans get that language from? Don't argue, just state the country
>I'm German
No wonder you're so eager to suck off americans lmao
>Japs speak American English, the lingua franca
There's literally almost no difference.
The "u" in "color" exist because it does in the French word it comes from
In the end, American spellings reduce the French influence in English, but bongs love sucking French cocks so much they don't want to change their spelling
The absolute delusion
what are you even trying to say here lmao
literally our entire culture has been rooted in insulting the french
It's a shithole
And nicking the best parts of it hehe
> Saudi Arabia
> Israel
What a shock
>implying the wikipedia article on french isn't written by butthurt frenchies
I'm Italian and this map is pure bullcrap
It's probably about what is "taught" at school, but in reality it's American English we see and use the most since we've got more contact with English through movies and video games than we ever did through public education
Have you ever spoken to young Europeans with alright English? It usually sounds like a half-assed American east coast accent. I'm a different German from the burgerlover and here, even in higher education, there's often no qualitative distinction between burger and bong English. Most people speak like they hear in the movies.
Hang in there Bongland, you won the wars of the past, but Europe, the world and football are out of your reach now.
t. person who's country wouldn't exist without French intervention and homosexual Prussian know-how
It is what is taught at school and it's funny to see Europeans trying to LARP as cowboys
Calm down mutt
Just because you will never be an Anglo doesn’t mean you have to be buthurt
>logic and reason
Jesus Christ fuck off to Plebit if you think you are so smart with such a retarded post
Are you saying you literally learned English from watching American movies.
That's just as bad as learning Japanese from watching anime
Why are you acting as if there is any kind of significant difference between british and american english, when there isn't, except for the odd 'u'?
I am british and have literally never had trouble understanding american english. there's practically no difference.
Funny how the British Empire is shit overall, aside from four white colonies, one oil state and two city-states
Funny how every African country is a shithole, regardless of who colonized it
Funny how Spain has the best ex-colonies overall
You literally learn a language from every interaction. It starts in school and it ends with travel and entertainment.
I guess you wouldn't know too much about the former two.
>implying any mongrel shithole in south america is better than Australia, Canada or New Zealand
The absolute delusion.
>Are you saying you literally learned English from watching American movies.
Yes, like most people speaking English as a foreign language in this world
Face it, it's American cultural hegemony that made English so widspread
Literally all of Africa is shit. It is just Britain owned more of it.
Do you understand what "overall" mean?
In term of percentage, faggot
Britain has four great ex-colonies and then 200 utter shitholes
Meanwhile Spain has 100 "meh" ex-colonies
What? With American blockbuster films like Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Lord Of the Rings, James Bond, pirates of the carribean?
Or perhaps the works of famous American authors like Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare?
And I wonder where America got that language from...?
>Why are you acting as if there is any kind of significant difference between british and american english, when there isn't, except for the odd 'u'?
The differences are slight, but they prove who made English relevant
Your average non-native English speaker will write "color/honor" over "colour/honour" most of the time, because it's America that makes English the lingua franca
Everyone in England watches American movies but no one spells colour like 'color'
>Your average non-native English speaker will write "color/honor" over "colour/honour" most of the time
Citation needed. I feel like you're wrong.
Just because bongs benefit a little from sharing the same language as the current cultural hegemon (thus allowing them to have a few famous movies/series there and there) doesn't mean that America doesn't produce the bulk of global entertainment
That’s because spain was too shit to conquer africa. Everywhere in Africa is shit.
I don't know, man, I've been around the US and UK. Try having a Scot talk to a real Bostoner or something.
It's the small differences, anyhow. German is grammatically the same in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, still with accents and dialects of many kinds, and those countries are right next to each other.
I'd say there's big differences in dialect alone in Bongolia.
Just because Czech and Slovakian or French and Italian are mutually intelligible, doesn't mean they're the same.
You just have to browse the internet
You don't even have to go too far, just take a look at /int/ or /pol/