So let me get this straight

So let me get this straight.

The only possible way the omnipotent creator of the entire Universe could find for HIMSELF to forgive human sin was to send himself down to Earth as a human on a suicide mission to sacrifice himself to himself in an act of blood magic.

I'm not an atheist but c'mon, seriously Christians, WTF is wrong with you?

and we have to eat him too

Don't forget that you don't even have the problem in the first place unless you happen to believe a guy who never actually met Jesus but once saw him in a vision that told him to contradict other holy texts that you also accept as the perfectly accurate word of God.

It was symbolic you nitwit

>being dumber than /x/
congrats OP.

Wrong, that is not part of Christian theology, nitwit,

"It was symbolic, I was merely pretending to be retarded." - YHWH

Not in traditional forms of Christianity it isn't.

That's not even a good attempt.

Watch classical theist on yt, good they level metaphysical foundations of Christianity.
>I do it for free

>places male g spot near the anus
>"if u butt sex u go to hell kek"
really makes you think

It doesn't seem likely the Youtube clip you watched was so stunningly impressive that you can even begin to communicate its argument to us.


>hee hee God is a cracker
Really makes you think.

The Bible doesn't forbid anal, it forbids gay sex. Pegging should be fine.

>g spot
no such thing

How is it a sacrifice if you don't lose anything

Well Jesus gave up not being in intense pain I guess, but yeah he didn't really lose anything considering he came back to life. The stuff about experiencing separation from God is nonsensical anyway since he is God.

And drink his blood.

You don't think everyone is a literalist do you?

>I'm a Christian but I think the absolute core foundations of the Christian religion are completely ridiculous horseshit


I swear the "it's just symbolic" guys are worse than niggers.

So there's a God, an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving creator who knows and loves each and every one of us.
If He could, He would take every one of us up into Heaven and grant us everlasting life with Him. And that is what He does offer - salvation. We don't inherently 'earn' or 'deserve' salvation, God isn't under an obligation to give it to us. It's a gift, freely given. He desperately wants us to have it.
He does not ask much in return, only that you try to express that same love He holds for you toward your fellow humans, and that you trust He will fulfill His promise of salvation.
However, we don't have the obligation to take it. God's favor toward us may mean that we are drawn to it, we may desire it, but we must accept it of our own free will. After all, can you call something that was forced upon you and not allowed to return a gift?
And with this ability to accept freely, also comes the ability to reject freely. All people, every single human being, has the proclivity to doubt God, to turn away, to reject His gift, to sin.
This proclivity is what dooms us. It sits upon us, like a stain upon our souls, preventing us from ever perfectly attaining unity with God.
This is where Jesus comes in.
[I won't try to explain the Trinity in full, because I will probably butcher it. I recommend looking up the Athanasian Creed for a more complete picture.]
God, because He so loved us and wanted us to be able to join Him, became incarnate as a man, with both a human and fully divine nature. He was born of a woman free of this taint upon her soul, he lived free from sin, and he knew that we must be freed of this original sin.
So, he let himself die.
This act, such a profound sacrifice borne out of pure love for mankind, infinitely outweighed the evil of the imperfections upon our souls. Through his death, Jesus provided for us a means to be saved.
If we accept God's offer of salvation, know that Jesus was God, and live as He wants us to, we may be saved.

What is the problem here?

Omnipotency? God? Forgivness? Sacrifice?

Are they all fiction?