What was the point of the various Anti-Intellectual campaigns throughout history?
Why would you purposefully target the brightest citizens, who have the most to offer your society.
What was the point of the various Anti-Intellectual campaigns throughout history?
Why would you purposefully target the brightest citizens, who have the most to offer your society.
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They were corrupting the children
Because people who are capable of thinking and articulating are harder to control than the average know nothing peasant. If you are trying to run a brutal dictatorship you need to eliminate the pool of potential dissenters quick before they can create problems for you.
>urban university parasites
>brightest citizens
Pol Pot did nothing wrong.
>people with glasses are intellectuals
At least one thing wrong
Probably because anything above mediocrity is a threat to unstable social order. A good social order can harness its best men, but commie brainlets can only destroy them.
But do you not also need people cavalry of thinking and articulating to actually run a country?
Intellectuals aren't the brightest, most of the time they are plain harmful to the society.
People with glasses are just betas.
T.highschool dropout
There is the formal definition of an intellectual (bright, studied, smart, wise), and the actual intellectual (regular intelligence, some knowledge of a very specific field, less wise than most), anti intellectual movements are about seeing intellectuals as they are and not as they are suppose to be
Have you seen the people who infest universities and compuses? This scum deserves to be genocided
> ow we are intelectuals: we promote homosexuality and globalism. Ow we are being optessed by these evil hardworking peasants. Save us europe!
Yes you do ; But that's why you have your own intellectuals tagging behind you and your ideology, who will be quick to target everyone else as "parasites" to kill.
Every ideology, no matter how atrocious or autistic it could have been, had intellectuals of its own to justify it.
What someone with a language, social sciences, political sciences, gender studies, sociology, ... has ever done to society?
This. They are all kikes anyways. All this enlightment movement did in europe was destroy christianity seting in motion the events that lead to the brown shit avalnch we have today.
To grind society down in relation to the power of (your faction). Do you think we can barely read and write one language, score dead last in science and math, for some lack of funding? It is a design. It was in Russia, as much as here.
They have been trying to make the rest of the society act as they think is best, sometimes with genocide, most of the time destroying the local culture.
Made it gayer and browner?
t. flustered soy creature
Now people around the world can enjoy going to prison by questioning the "tolerant" official view, being told by media and experts how they should live and have intellectual to teach how your children should think.
What usually happened in events like this in Cultural Revo China?
Did they jail/execute the dude afterwards or did they just humiliate them in public.
All the political opponents, criminals and "enemies of the people," were shamed in public. Then depending on their crimes or """crimes""" they're just sent home, imprisoned, GURAGED, or executed.
Its pretty much punishment in itself.
You've no idea how public humiliation was actually pretty hurtful in face-obsessed east.
Reactionary retards like the ones commenting your post.
I mean if educated intellectuals were anything like they are now they probably deserved it.
>want x
>guys with degree disagrees
>fuck him up
>do x
pretty simple
Too many thinkers = too many people who think about your illegitimate rule.
Those are status quo thinkers. They're fine so long as they don't get too far away from the status quo
Too many people who think about your illegitimate rule = too many people with genocide utopias or wanting to rule themselves.
>implying power isn't the sole source in which legitimacy is obtained
>throughout history
There is an Anti-Intellectual campaign right now in most of the West, and it's been going on for about 40 years or so, the only difference between this an what Pol Pot did was that the West realized that it is much more effective to, instead of killing the intelligent people, flood academia with inane bullshit to make intellectuality lose any legitimacy. You don't need to kill the smart people as that makes bad press, just kill smartness itself and make everybody stupid.
improve it
The peasantry has been and always will be stupid, this is nothing new.
Intellectuals are nothing but peasants
Large swathes of the intellectual class can become a threat to their host civilization if they promote ideologies that undermine it.
Pol Pot saved millions.
His regime killed millions
Intellectuals are the exact opposite of peasants. You're working to provide for them.
A majority of intellectuals were and are liberal/progressive people, and conservative society’s feared that. Why else are most scientists these days completely dismissed even when they have overwhelming evidence supporting claims
Calling it “anti-intellectualism” is slanderous. Would you call modern academics intellectuals? No, they’re poisonous leeches as were the so-called intellectuals of the past. It’s healthy for the forest to burn once in a while.
One practical and universal application of intelligence is deceiving and manipulating people for your own gain, meaning wealth and power. Moreover, intellectuals tend to form a distinct, highly coordinated, ideologically unanimous and self-conscious class. Thus, they are a constant threat to both elites and common people and the anti-intellectual campaigns (which are nothing more than countering deceit with violence and numbers) are required to keep this class in line so it actually works to further social goals instead of scheming to usurp power.
I like you user. More people need to learn to think generally. You don't happen to have a mathematics background, do you? Just out of random curiosity.
>If you own more than a certain number of books, you're an intellectual and must be purged
Pol Pot did this
Im a retard actually
Define “Intellectual”
Everything called that was different.
Cultural Revolution was anarchy across the board, rather than some sort of campaign. Because the idea of it was to unshackle the masses from the government which is an anarchistic concept. The masses formed little bands instead of some amazing new way of governance.
Sauce on pic?
Ignoring the fact it was pretty much controlled the entire time by cadre members looking to purge other cadre members, especially Mao looking to remove those who would “ruin his legacy”
very true. you are spot-on.
Why do """people"" like you even bother posting on a humanities board?
The point is to advance degeneracy by killed last of the virtuous men.
Because peasants and workers and other lower strata tend to be dumb, uneducated and suspicious as well as jealous of people who are better and brighter than them. Obviously they couldn't be playing by the rules, otherwise they'd be living on their uncle's shitty farm and marry their cousin by age 15, right?
Probably to fully implement a pro-state curicullum
Yuri speaks about it, teach a generation of children and those will be the voters and politicians of the future.
Or it was simply Mao's retardation flaring up again.
Because vid related would count as an "intellectual"
Engineers are intellectuals, too so are doctors
>This is what STEMfags actually believe.
The only real intellectuals are scientist or philosophers anyone else is a brainlet mongoloid.
No user these intellectuals who spout marxist feel good nonsense all come from the upper middle class or rich class the peasants have nothing to do with this at all.
I don't think anyone besides the folks themselves in the video would label that as "Intellectual"
>What was the point of the various Anti-Intellectual campaigns throughout history?
>Why would you purposefully target the brightest citizens, who have the most to offer your society?
Question 1 answered by question 2. Anti-intellectualism destroys academics and informed demographics because they are the enemy of their ideology. You can't lie to, steal from, and torment people if they're informed.
Anti-intellectual ideologies are parasitic on society. The point is never to build, just to siphon out enough blood to make the ideology's benefactors very wealthy. The clever anti-intellectualists only do it so often so as to let society survive and rebuild, only to get swindled by the next incarnation of the anti-intellectual group/s.
>or philosophers
hmm i wonder who could be behind that post
“Compuses” holy fuck
Mao purged noone at all, he was overall removed from politics past 1960, and simply arbitrated the clashes of various factions within the government.
>What was the point of the various Anti-Intellectual campaigns throughout history?
>Why would you purposefully target the brightest citizens, who have the most to offer your society.
Because it's a must if you want a year zero where everything starts anew. Consider 1984.
First the cacao ration is 20 grams/day.
Then it's lowered to 15 g.
Finally it's a demonstration of gratitude because the ration was rised from 10 to 15 g.
It's bullshit like this intellectuals are made to combat.
>can't name a single thing
isnt it worrying that the smartest people in society disagree with you
I think it's incidental for rhe most part, maybe in the US complementary to long-standing cultural distaste for traditional intellectuals. But research at universities is shit nowadays ever since most have implemented corporate management techniques and prioritized financial success over real cultural or technological production
Read the thread.
The smartest people aren’t the “Intellectuals”