We almost had a real life Wakanda

But then whitey ruined everything...


>Black Pantheris a fictionalsuperheroappearing inAmerican comic bookspublished byMarvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editorStan Leeand writer-artistJack Kirby
>Stan Lee(bornStanley Martin Lieber/ˈliːbər/, December 28, 1922) was born on December 28, 1922 inNew York City,[6]in the apartment of hisRomanian-born Jewishimmigrant parents, Celia (néeSolomon) and Jack Lieber
>Jack Kirby was bornJacob Kurtzbergon August 28, 1917, on theLower East SideofManhattanin New York City, where he was raised.His parents, Rose (Bernstein) and Benjamin Kurtzberg, wereAustrian Jewishimmigrants

Fucking Austrians

>Marvel does a very adequate job of depicting very real world, human conflicts in its movies
Fucking capeshitters

i want this black panther cringefest to fucking end already

Im triggered these americoons are using their subhuman culture on wakandans.

>this is what blacks actually believe

Wasn't the Haitian revolution a bad thing for Haiti in the long run though?

Yes, but don't tell them that. It'll ruin what little pride they have left.

The leader of the revolution was genius commander, administrator and diplomat. His successor was competent but powerhungry (still, immediately after Haiti became the most successful colonial state). After him it all went downhill.

>most successful colonial state

>They're Ashkenazi Jews
Wait am I supposed to be surprised

/viral marketing/ general?

>immediately after Haiti became the most successful colonial state)
>Murder reactionary and revolutionary alike if they had a smidge of whiteness
>Invade your neighbor
>Doom your entire future to dirt farming

All negro nations are doomed to eventually become dictatorships since the common black is a psychopath meaning the elite blacks are complete selfish monsters. Zimbabwe already is enslaved to Mugabe's party FOREVER its only a matter of time before a one party dictatorship in South Africa.

For the nation, not for the slaves.

Average life expectancy for a new slave was six years. Unlike in America where slaves were generally at least respected as assets, the high value of sugar cane allowed the Haitian plantations to burn through slaves rapidly.

So, despite how the Revolution spiraled into a giant shit show, with slave armies of different factions fighting each other on a constantly shifting web of alliances and foreign intervention, it still beat highly likely death in brutal slavery.

Probably one of the reasons American slavery didn't have similar massive revolts is that, while obviously very brutal, it wasn't the death sentence that Haiti was.

Also in order to stabilize the economy late on the Revolution (and get rich) freed Blacks started trying to reenslave the people they had helped free.

Haiti also had a whole free black social class before the revolution and some black and quadroon slave owners, as well as a poor impoverished white population aside the megarich white landlords. It was a fucked up system to begin with.

>free black class
Truely the french are the greatest cucks in human history.

Every state with African slaves had free blacks. Letting your slaves works towards freedom gives them incentives to work hard, and you'll occasionally get some with apititude who can manage more complex tasks and who you can keep on for cheaper than a similarly skilled white after freeing them.

Making it illegal to teach slaves to read, only beatings and rapes Cleatus tier management leads to slaves that do as little work as humanly possible and will actively sabaotage you out of spite if possible.

The richest slave owner in South Carolina was a nigger.

If I was a slave owner back then I'd switch them over to indenture with early release on merit. Once free no one else is going to hire them or rent to them so, aside from the few that will move away from family and friends to strike out on their own, I keep them in a company town set up and rape them on rent and goods, but with the illusion that they can get ahead if they try hard. Might even let an exslave be my partner so they all thing they can be rich as a rich white man too if they just work harder.

Truly capitalism is so superior to brute slavery it's not even funny. You can get people to want to slave away for you and be proud of it.

They are already blacks meaning doing work is alien to their brains, thats why you whip the niggers pain is a nice motivation to do something. Eventually the niggers will stop trying to revolt and see obeying as the natural order.

I live in south carolina and im pretty sure my middle school said he was one of the richest but not the richest
beat my anecdotal evidence fucking nerd

OK JaMarcus I believe you.


>tfw 6th most niggers here
I wanna leave but where too
This place really is a shithole filled with ghetto though.

And ended up being more profitable. What a wonderful system.

I mean, they also made a superhero who was a blonde haired blue eyed literal germanic god, but okay.

Here's your (You), Cletus, now fuck off.


>Wasn't the Haitian revolution a bad thing for Haiti in the long run though?
Absolutely not. No matter how bad Haiti got it was never anywhere near as bad as it was under the French.

Did "shill" really become so mis- and overused that retards now feel they have to misuse "viral marketing" to refer to shilling?

I feel pity for haitians. No hate at all.

explain botswana