Veeky Forums, I got another candidate for the next Palm Beach sub 1$ coin. Palm Beach Confidential post for reminder:
Dear Reader,
On November 2nd at 8pm (Eastern & Pacific), you’re invited to attend former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari’s FREE cryptocurrency investment event. Teeka will be joined by a special guest – one of the top leaders in the cryptocurrency field – a Bitcoin pioneer and multimillionaire venture capitalist – to discuss:
- How a new law (which has received almost zero press coverage) could send Bitcoin into a major breakout in 2018
- Why a small group of lesser-known cryptos could soar even higher
- And the name of one particular crypto Teeka calls “the next big thing in cryptocurrencies” – which still trades for under $1 today.
Palm Beach Confidential Next coin recommendation pt.3
Other urls found in this thread:
Not only that, few days later on 9. November they will “tokenize” their first artist Gramatik, with more artists to come.
If you just check their, you will see that they have loads of news, both in and outside of cryptosphere. But, maybe the best clue lies in “secret guest that is co-founder from second most popular cryptocurrency”.
Joe Lubin is co-founder of Ethereum and now is founder of Consensys, blockchain company that works on Ethereum dApps. Consensys and SingularDTV are heavily interwoven, as seen here:
To even further acknowledge that paper here, watch SingularDTV CEO Zach LeBeau and Joe Lubin have discussion in 2014, so that idea goes probably way back:
Also Joe Lubin talks SingularDTV, but the link is missing:
However, I found the movie link on Youtube:
There is a possibility Joe Lubin will take stage as they will talk about future of Bitcoin and other applications of blockchain, which goes beyond payment system and into real-world applications. The first movers will have advantage, just like Bitcoin has for cash/store of value.
BITS System:
1. Business Value Indicator
More money will be available to artists and freedomPeople will be able to kickstart movies and music, while retaining IP ownership and royalties. Also, they are 100% in compliant with regulations.
2. Insiders
They employ top tier talent, Joe Lubin (Consensys) and Bill Richards (Sony Music).
3. Technicals
They cooperate with Consensys and Centrality, two of the leading Ethereum dApp developers. They have multiple patents to ensure market dominance (1 year advantage) and to protect themselves from copy-cats.
4. Sentiment
Middlemen are stifling the movie and music industry, this platform will enable artists to cut them and have direct control of content and freedom to produce what they want, not what industry wants.
It could one day be in magnitude of Netflix and Youtube. At 0.13$, it fits the under 1$ requirement and is about to be released in few days.
So, what do you guys think?
link to pdf?
I'm sorry, this is just an opinion about data I've researched on PBC topic for Crypto Academy on 2. November. There is no PDF.
Damn user it took me a lifetime to read all of this. It could be "it" but we can't know for sure. Could ride on the wave till announcement tho. Bought just 5k to see what happens.
>more money will be available to freedomPeople
Yeah, there is just too much about this project, I couldn't even fit everything.
Who knows, if Joe Lubin appears as mystery guest, chances are high it might be recommended.
I know how this shit works. First Teeka pumps it and day or two after the coin falls back to original price.
Buy before the announcement, sell ATH and enjoy the profit
When announcement?
XVG is the PBC tip that he's giving away for free
It'll be in his free training webinar tomorrow. just wait for it
XVG is being pumped by that discord team that is spamming it's link in almost every thread.
that twenty tripfag is trying to charge people 0.4 eth a MONTH for calls. he's been right so far on 2 calls and this next one but really he's a fucking faggot. he said he didn't want to be like some of those elitist groups that charge people but that hypocritical fag is doing just that
Nowhere near 20 cents. 100% not this coin
True, but If it brings us the profit I don't mind
grats vergins
i realised leaking it publically is a bad idea, casues a lot of problems
I caused verge to delay their release and also made it a buy the rumour sell the news thing instead of a surprise release.
Nice to share your fake news with us. Discord FTW
Go back to your shitty Discord p/d group Carlos, maybe one day you'll scam enough money to leave your third-world hispanic shithole of a country.
Thank you for the review OP Even if it is not PBC, it sounds like good coin and with all that releases this week the price will surely go up.
look guys
what surprise release, you dolt?
there was an announcement on the BIP, with a fixed date of release and a list of the features included.
pbg coin is syscoin or xrp
Here's your pdf.
Teeka Tiwari actually mentioned SingularDTV:
This shines new light on the case indeed!
Gold mine detected.
Looks like it could explode before "official" announcement.
You dont say
Well I finally got scammed in this space...
Clicked on the link and lost all of your...LINK?
Goyum knows
another "become a millionaire overnight" are people so gullible?
i see a lot of shills on Veeky Forums but this may be the most legitimate evidence we have yet of this being the PBC pick. my only concern is that he says it's going to be the next big thing... is entertainment really the next 'big' thing in crypto?
It's going to be maidsafe. Literally every piece of evidence points at it.
Link status: gone.
it is sys though.
Try this one, I managed to download the .pdf beforehand.
I think it is more about company run on "smart contracts". It could be the very first DAO that works. There is an interesting article where SingularDTV CEO mentions that:
Interesting. Thanks for the find, OP
Thank you OP I am so proud of you.
>$90,737,814 market cap
>out of the radar
get in before reddit joins the pump
This article is from February. He was helping a friend from SNGLS. He didn't recommend it then and he certainly won't nine months later.
THere is no official announcement. That training is for facebook no-coiners. He won't give them a new pick. He would lose all of his subscribers. He will give them one that he has already picked.
There is NO PICK tomorrow. This is for new people that he is trying to get to subsribe or at least use the Jaxx wallet. He is obviously invested in that because he pushes his subscribers to use it.
nice to have a decent thread once in a while, gz OP
He is not recommending a NEW coin tomorrow night.
Shilling LOMO didn't work out, huh?
this isnt NEW dumb fuck. do your research. it has been mentioned,
The coin he'll recommend in his next newsletter edition is SolarCoin, it's clear as fucking day.
oh look I know how to use MSpaint as well.
I am not a dumbfuck. THe article is from February 2017. He was helping a friend. If he didn't recommend it then he certainly won't now. THIS IS NOT A NEW COIN ANYWAY! this is for people that he is training to understand what crypto is. He will NOT give them a coin that he hasn't already recommended to subscribers!
Saw quote that he said coin for 2nd is nothing new, if that quote isn't real I think it's Solarcoin for the 2nd. Next big thing in crypto is projects built around the new renewable energy market.
Actually OMG might be under a dollar by tomorrow, so good job.
No, he won't give a new coin to webinar training newbies who don't know if bitconnect is different than bitcoin. He will lose his subscribers if he gives these people a new coin to them and not his subscribers.
>And the name of one particular crypto Teeka calls “the next big thing in cryptocurrencies”
Sit down boy.
No what? That he wouldn't lose subscribers if he gives a "pick" to a bunch of Veeky Forums and facebook people who don't intend to ever give him a dime? He will teach them how to buy a coin. It will be one he has already recommended so his subscribers don't cancel their subscriptions. It has to be compatible with the Jaxx wallet. The mystery guest is probably from Jaxx.
We don't want your shitty XPR or BAT or any bags you are holding already,
Actually I have sold everything for BTC. I don't hae any bags.
And I have never made a post about either of those coins.
/biz discord
I would hazard to guess Voxels.
> Ran by a venture capitalist
> Is used to create VR platforms in an ever expanding VR world.
> Currently super low (4 cents) so well under a dollar but could easily achieve $1
Other guess is Xaur
> Ran by a small group of venture capitalists.
> Backs its coin with gold thats ever increasing
> Could see 1 gram of gold per coin by 2021 = $50 a coin (backed/guarenteed)
> Worth 20 cents for awhile and has been steadily rising in usd valuation.
No. Not a "new" pick for non-paying trainees.