>historically accurate combat
>takes place in the >H >R >E
>can throw horse shit at a g*rman's house
Is it /ourgame/?
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Should I buy it tomorrow or wait for sale? Really loved Mafia back in the day.
i pirate all my games to see how well they run on my computer then buy them
also the game is kinda buggy like all new releases so if that's a problem you might wanna wait
please stop all the racist comments against german people. thank you
>an oblivion clone made by alt-right memers
I doubt it. These KCD threads are the spawn of anons who browse /v/, /pol/, and Veeky Forums. Admittedly, I'm one of them but I'm too scared to ever make threads.
i can tell you haven't played the game because it's not like oblivion at all and has nothing to do with modern politics
Can someone please tell me why retards on /v/ talk politics whenever this game is brought up? I've been playing it since it came out and have not ran into one controversial thing the entire game.
Is it the cumans or something?
>I-it's just another open-world medieval-ish roleplaying game, not at ALL like all the other open-world medievalish roleplaying games
>A-also romanticizing feudalism and "traditional christian" values, totally isn't part of the agenda of modern neoractionaries, t-they're entirely separate
Well never posted on /v/eddit before but I imagine much of the left wing outrage and right wing masturbation arises from the virulently racist tendencies of the design studio as clearly exemplified in the creator's twitter feed.
>this game romanticizes feudalism and traditional values
Kek now i know you haven't played the game
I consider myself a social democrat and love the game tho
Please tell me how it emphasizes "Christian values"
don't turn my thread into a /v/ shitfest please.
Pick one and only one.
HUD is very similar to Oblivion but nothing wrong with that, it's a nice HUD.
Several of the creators actually don't like Christianity and listen to Varg, kek.
tell it to the judge loser
>virulently racist
>virulently racist
You mean that tweet where he says there were no black people in medieval Bohemia? Yeah what a bigot.
And there are people that say: "there are no progressive shills on Veeky Forums"
>implying you arent just getting baited
>implying I'm not just baiting
>Can someone please tell me why retards on /v/ talk politics whenever this game is brought up?
Because the lead developer is an alt-righter. He was also spotted wearing a Burzum t-shirt, so he might as well be an actual Nazi.
His has and will always be a progressive board.
>Because the lead developer is an alt-righter
This is such bullshit. He just doesn't want to put black people in his game set in medieval Bohemia, for this he is slandered as a nazi.
>actual nazi
He's an edgy libertarian at max. Also part Jew.
im about 15 hours in and will give some thoughts and comparisons for the anons looking to buy it
the game has a really nice sense of scale, you are a blacksmith boy and as such dont go around saving the world like in skyrim. This ultimately makes the game seem more more realistic and engaging, outweighing the lack of excitement from dragons and other fantasy creatures
nobility treat you like shit, how you react to that is a very interesting part of the game and really gives your character
similarly, even 15 hours in i can only win 1v1 fights, maybe 1v2 if they are trashcan bandits. Other rpgs tend to feel like dynasty warrior games sometimes, where you can mow down hordes of enemies with ease.
this is perhaps the strongest aspect of this title and what sets it most apart from skyrim/witcher.
combat has a great weight to it, even 1v1 duels are really engaging and rewarding. rather then walking up to them and mashing click, you get a variety of options to outskill different enemies. It feels similar chivalry medieval warfare if you have played that, the swordplay even reminds me of zelda skyward sword with the angling required. As far as i can tell it wont get repetitive, there are a huge amount of weapon types to try out and individual skill tree for each type(e.g. polearms), unlock type specific combos
more importantly then the combat though, this game has a huge sophistication in how it works with speech and non violent options. Three different types stats influence the options that can be used in interactions, a general persuasiveness stat, a 'rank/opinion' stat, and a threatening stat. Having bloodly clothes for example boosts the threat stat, while being in clean and nice looking garments improves your class stat. These stats scale in usefulness against different people, for example the noble option doesnt hold much sway against knights/lords. This is the most indepth system i have seen in this type of game, it makes your character seem alive
kind of related to the last section on speech. Almost all quests seem to have a non-violent solution, some of which are very clever and non repetitive. This is a great way to breakup the gameplay, and gives the games story and plot much more life then clearing a basement of giant rats or something after fighting [x] demon and [y] bandit. The story itself is interesting without feeling overly grand, if your character was to die it would have next to no impact of the world as a whole, compared to other games where it feels like without the character the entire world will blow up. This leads to some very intersting and diverse branches the story can take, with the focus being on what sort of morality and character development you want personally. For example, after being rescued from bandits the character is nursed back to health by a friend and her uncle. This process takes two weeks and was 'very costly' according to the uncle. You are then given options on how you want to progress. You could simply run away from the uncle and leave your debt, go into his service and do a really interesting grave robbing quest, or take the high road and just pay him off. The story gives these options in a way that seems natural and free, letting the character take on whatever morals you want. There is no quick save option, but to be honest i like this change as it stops me from trying to 'optimise' and take different routes, and keeps the pacing flowing well throughout different sessions(no loading straight into a big fight for example)
Sometimes in quests you may not now how to progress the story, or talking to a quest character doesnt have an expected outcome, these are either bugs and/or design flaws in the story that can get in the way of its aforementioned free flowing narrative.
generally this game is a buggy peice of shit, ranging from funny but immersion ruining, to potentially game breaking. For example, after shooting a rabbit to death, after 10 seconds it started teleporintg around and then ran off. Another time i was kind of stuck in a rock for a minute, and if the game didnt unbreak id have to reload a save 10 minutes beforehand due to the aforementioned no quicksave system(also i forgot to mention that sleeping also saves)
its a nice experience, maybe wait a few months until the bugs have been ironed out and some of the quest paths have been improved(the free flowing nature of them sometimes leads to weird stuff happening), So far though im enjoying it more then when i played witcher a year ago, its a very nicely made game minus corners cut in bug testing and the ambitious quest system
>agenda of modern neo-reactionaries
Oh cool; I had no idea NRx was involved in making vidya now. Seems like a far cry away from writing painfully long articles on Social Matter and swearing to stay away from influencing popular sentiment, does it?
Or lemme guess. You have no idea what a neo-reactionary is and want to find a scapegoat to use against vidya with no blax in it.
Thanks for this intel. I rarely buy games, because I only pay for games/project that deserve it and where you can see the devs compassion. (eg. Witcher 3 or X other not-AAA titles)
I will be definitely buying this game because I think we might have another CD Projekt Red type of devs on our hands (no-bullshit, no-comformist, not-EA devs).
I know about Vávra ever since I played Mafia as a kid, so it's nice to see him working on something new.
other thoughts:
the world feels really alive and breathing, for example your armour gets bloody/dirty, people treat you differently for it. your interactions with 1 character effect the towns general perception of you, which influences interactions with other characters in the same area.
The devs have also been releasing 2 14mb patches a day(to fix critical bugs i presume?), which shows they atleast care about fixing it
>historically accurate combat
>pc game
It's a great game and it's also buggy. Like most massive ambitious RPGs.
I'm going to wait a few months to buy it.
If you ever see such a speciman, T4 him on the spot.
You mean centrist you nigger.
I think I will wait a year, but will almost certainly get around to buying it. I do not buy games on release day, anymore, with rare exceptions.
counterbaiting is an art not known by many
Wait for sale, looking at the trash launch it will probably be 50% quite soon.
>christian values
You do know knights had a almost greek relationship with their squires?
this, alt-right pussies are brigading for this game because some special snowflake neo-reactionary devs are pandering to the untapped market of snowflakes
usually the market remains untapped because normal people don't like pandering to internet nazis but these devs crawled out of some stinking crevice to make some money and advance their bigoted agenda
just further evidence that right wing retards are trying to maintain momentum from the 2016 election
we're still punching up against these crybabies, the resistance never dies
There's no need to false flag.
Go back to /pol/ stormnigger
Literally never. Veeky Forums is a monarchist board.
Thanks. This is why I came in.
>advance their bigoted agenda
You mad, niggerrboi ?
Back to r/cuckold
the eternal pepík
Is this worth pirating or not?
Nice to see a based centrist
Why do americans always insert their concept of "white" into history?
>oldest tombstone 1439
>game set in 1403
Much realism. Very authenticity.
It's not really an American concept, although in this case (Jews) it might be. Jews were hated but not because they were white or not.
That may be the cringiest thing I've ever read.
I heard about this game a while back and recently been watching a playthrough by some vanilla looking elder scrolls lets player. I'm admiring how there is finally a game that is historically accurate (for a videogame) and i'm told its an alt right game? fuck off
good on this guy. seriously
a small developer from an eastern european country makes a game about 15th century rural bohemia and has the gall to not put black people in it? Not every fucking piece of media has to be a rainbow of representation ffs
He's baiting and it's pretty obvious.
>2016 election (when the game was in development since 2012)
>romanticizing feudalism
all of the lords in the game treat you like absolute dogshit because you're a bootlicking peasant, I really think you should consider suicide.
>QTE combat
You're a blacksmith not a peasant.
Not of noble birth, you know what I meant
I know but I hate when people use that word incorrectly. The word you were looking for is commoner.
I mean, if you're looking at it like that then technically dark souls is QTE combat too.
I love everything about this game and have been following it for years now. They have actual historian consultants and have even gotten hema people to advice and choreograph the moves for their combat system.
Still, I haven't bought it yet and I won't for a couple of weeks if not a month or so. There are a lot of bugs right now, and while the devs are working on them constantly and said they'll be releasing a big patch in about two weeks, I don't want to have my experience of this game tarnished by constant bugs and glitches.
The kind of person to complain about a games diversity wouldn't know anything about it apart from its "lack of diversity" including the amount of time it's been in development.
It could well be bait but there are definitely people who legitimately act like this
This is what I remember seeing in videos though. Button pop ups and shit in camera locked qte.
The bugs are amazing, what are you talking about?
Im 3 hours in and I don't recall any "press x to not die" moments
It's great because Vavra is a reeanactor and a LARPer himself so he brought shitload of HEMA people on board. He was really autistic about this project, to the point they retextured chickens because a historian told them white chickens didn't exist yet at this time.
>LARPing is bad they said
It's hillarious to watch novomundians getting buttravaged over a simple game that doesn't even contain anything controversial.
Oldest surviving tombstone. Jews lived in Prague for much, much longer.
Wise move. I was following it for years too but couldn't resist buying it straight away. It's a great game, but the bugs can get a little frustrating after a while and I'm only a few hours in. It's nothing major, just little things like getting stuck in a rock or a doorway for a few seconds of an npc not turning around in dialogue scenes. The combat feels really good though and the sounds are brilliant although it can feel a little clunky at times, mainly in the way the camera and npc moves. That said, no two fights feel the same because of the sheer amount of variation in combat
This game wouldn't be controversial in America either if this was the 1990s. Something went seriously wrong with that country and everyone became a complete retard there.
We have reached a point where not putting something in a game makes it just as controversial as putting something in a game.
Cultural Marxism, because we have to beat the aliens by being boring and controllable by the rich and powerful
why are there "seaxes" in 15th century bohemia
the design of the knives themselves was actually very common throughout europe
I just read an article in Rock Paper Shotgun and of course the author is some Anglo numale talking about those racial issues and the comments are full of SJWs sperging out about Gamergate. I've never seen such a collection of soy creatures as on that website.
Shame the dev got sucked into reactionism, the game industry needs a champion of decency and common sense. It's a loud minority crapping on about that pinko race representation historical revisionism nonsense, and the way to challenge that is normalcy not /pol/tardation.
Please direct me an example of the lead developer "/pol/tardation"
so not spamming a game about medieval central Europe with niggers and arabs makes you /pol/ how exactly?
That fucking daft shirt for one.
You mean this one?
I thought we were talking about the actual game and not about what clothes the developers like wearing.
How is that /pol/tardation? that's just making fun of the retarded political radicals.
If a single shirt is all it takes for you to consider someone "sucked" into reactionism then you have a pretty shallow meter to judge people.
Kill yourself btw
>historically accurate combat
Can anyone explain me why every screenshot before release looked magnificant and now every gameplay I see has worse graphics than Skyrim?
I think you mean zealous national socialist
The hashtag based white, able-bodied, cisgender etc one
Seeing as everyone is talking about the politics of the game rather than the game I thought it would have little impact if I joined in. Plus it's somewhat relevant to the board considering recent events in pop-Veeky Forums.
You're daft if you don't see how shit like that plays right into the hands of the equality over fidelity brigade.
I don't think it's possible to have worse graphics than Skyrim. That game looked like shit even on release, more than 6 years ago.
The person who took that screenshot was literally running the game at the lowest resolution possible so he could play it on his GTX 8800
I didn't notice the game had any political message or bias in it. Vavra is just telling leftard subhumans to fuck off in his spare time, he doesn't need to make the game a political statement.
Everything ideologues do is a political statement.
>being this butthurt
>You're daft if you don't see how shit like that plays right into the hands of the equality over fidelity brigade.
Anything will play into it if you look for a prespective that fits it
He is just calling out the morons who harrass anyone who doesn't bend the knee to their ridiculous demands
I ask again, show me where is his /pol/tardation or is some cringe shirt all you have?
There's people that are actually bitchy about no black people in the game? I get that there was probably a black person or two in medieval Bohemia, but they would of been a trader or a noble's pet, like a peacock or a lion. Holy shit, what is this world coming to?
Game runs like shit on high graphics so most people playing it turn them down.