History is over. The USSR collapsed. Every country is on its way, with fits and starts, to neoliberal social democracy.
I repeat, history is over. Stop talking about it
History is over. The USSR collapsed. Every country is on its way, with fits and starts, to neoliberal social democracy.
I repeat, history is over. Stop talking about it
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And yet events keep on happening...
that's not a problem since we have the 25 years rule anyway, we can just keep talking about the history that ended.
The fits and starts my good man. These events you speak of, while interesting in a regional perspective are not of importance to (in italics) history. History, is the grand movement of ideas, and on that front, it is over. Period.
Literally western liberal democarcy is evolving before our eyes into something more authoritain. And the rise of China is gonna be a huge area of research for years to come.
The rise of neo-fascism, Eurosceptism and the clampdown on civil rights with the ballooning police state is but the evidence of geoeconomic upheavals inherent in neoliberal capitalism. They will subside. They will vanish. An ascendant China with a real and vibrant middle class will liberalize and, for the lack of a better word, Americanize much like its more successful offshoots in Taiwan and HK. They will begin to demand new rights and rapidly strip the CCP of its authority
how? neoliberal capitalism is failing, the west is declining in importance and society is becoming mroe fractured, while states taht reject neoliberalism like China and Russia are again rising to prominence. muh starts and fits lmao convenient way to say that no matter what happens you'll win. By that same logic the fall of the USSR is just a fit and start and a new communist state will arise and become prominent. modern democracy didn't succeed everywhere on its first try, there were numerous restorations of monarchy in France before they had a stable democracy. Your ideas are dumb and have no basis, modern trends go against what you believe and you will jsut dismiss this with MUH FITS AND STARTS. This makes your ideology totally meaningless becauase it can only be assessed in a macro sense, beyond the lifespan of a human being, so we'll have to wait for our great great great grandchildren to know if you are right or I am right. Stop talking shit faggot.
> Russia
> Rising to prominence
It will be over for Russia in 30 years. Look at demonographic predictions.
How long does event have to take place for it to just be a part of of cycle. The truth is we don't know where the current western societies are heading, I dont think any of these societies will lose the true appearances of democracy, but a technical coup in the background wouldn't be surprising. A nation like Hungary seems like an interesting case study since it is farthest along.
Is the muslim world just one massive set of fits and starts then? Like some epileptic child having a seizure on the floor?
Russia is on technical bumb, it was the first to truly adopt 21st century warfare. But others are catching up and they have alot alot alot alot more money to spend on it. Which has on the past almost inevitably lead to the winner.
>It's a neoliberalism wins episode
I want off this ride.
neoliberalism not even exist of progressive mythology
>A nation like Hungary seems like an interesting case study since it is farthest along.
I don't know much about Hungary except they're not IE and all the shit they're causing now. What are you referring to about them exactly?
History's not over, it's just taking a short vacation.
Wait a few years and you'll see the exciting new events it has planned for us.
even with computers people love Apocalypse prophesies
They are just a democracy will suposed liberal government. But it has increasingly fallen under the rule.of their prime minister. Who has done things like forced out journalist and keep opposition from working. He is also extremely popular and hasn't done anything extremely autocratic like assinate or arrest rivals. It is authoritain rule with a good democratic face.
You can just look at Turkey.
We live in a very important time. We live in the beginning of an era where there is nothing sacred, no heroes, nothing beautiful, everything and everyone is connected, every last detail is recorded... the era in general will be heavily analyzed, even if there won't be any truly notable people or events. Isn't that weird?
See turkey is interesting, but strange since it always was floating between, liberalism, authoritianism, and Islamism. It's intersting but I think less relavent to the trend we are seeing.
We haven't even tried out transhumanism or AI governance yet. Be patient.
waiting for the day when we engineer the continents to be the most aesthetically pleasing possible.
Russia is on technical bumb, it was the first to truly adopt 21st century warfare.
What do you mean user?
They got a head start on cyber warfare basically, along with managing to make their propaganda system so effective they don't even feel much need to censor that much media back at home (or at least, not nearly to the degree of china). They just don't feel as threatened by it because they realized they just need to outshout rivals and marginalized other voices even if other voices can still be looked at in theory. They also figured out how to export said propaganda system to take advantage of the alienating effects of deindustrialization on various populations in the western world.
>neoliberal capitalism is failing
What? Right wing populism is rising almost everywhere in the world and the economy is still running fine. Yes, many people are dissatisfied with neoliberal democracy, BUT that only proves OP's point... because no matter how much people hate it, nobody can imagine an alternative. We're pretty much on a train that we know is going to crash someday but we can't stop it or switch tracks. Read "Capitalist Realism: Is there an alternative?" by Mark Fisher.
Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, and China will all be heavily analyzed in the future
(of course, Ukraine will be considered "parts of Poland, Romania, and Russia that were temporarily independent")
9/11 destroyed the end of history meme
But neoliberal social democracy has only accelerated since then
9/11 and its aftermath made the US population more isolationist but it's not like our foreign policy has changed drastically from Obama to Trump
neoliberal capitalism is failing in every sense, the population is becoming more discontent, wages are falling, wealth is dropping, underemployment has become epidemic, capitalism has begun to crack and people will see the flaws and be willing to follow whoever will give them the security and safety they desire
All these things are happening (except falling wages, at least not in the US), yet the financialization of the economy and growth of urban areas (contributing to deindustrialisation of rural America) continues almost uninterrupted. And the Democrats are just as neoliberal as they were pre-2016 so once again there's no alternative.
>people will see the flaws and be willing to follow whoever will give them the security and safety they desire
Like Trump? The thing is that, since there is no left wing alternative to the neoliberal system, and America's demographics are rapidly changing while its traditional structures are falling apart, right wing populism and a proto-strongman president like Trump gives people "security and safety," or the closest thing to it I guess. The sad irony is that Trump is continuing the trickle down meme through tax cuts, deregulating the economy more than any President since Reagan, and pushing for the privatization of numerous industries. So American backlash to neoliberalism just got America more neoliberalism, outside of Trade and it's not like Trump has done anything meaningful to NAFTA anyways. So ironic it's almost sad.
There is a slimmer of hope that the progressive primaries against the democrats in 2018 break through enough to change the country's direction, but I don't count on that. Mainly since the justice oriented agenda of progressives in practice will just be returning at best to standard liberalism. Or worse, just be neoliberal with different rhetoric.
The far right in America aren't neoliberal though, they're full on corporatist in most cases.
Democratic socialism could take power in Britain though. I find it less likely by a huge margin to happen in the US though, one Bernie and some dude in Virginia does not an ideological movement make.
That’s boring compared to what would happen if we stopped producing so much CO2 and methane that we pump into the atmosphere. Once that stops there will be drastic changes, perhaps the next period in our ice will come earlier and stronger...
Ice age*
>tfw going to have beach front property soon
Wait a decade or so and America will finally understand where its Superpower status is at.
>to (in italics) history
delicious b8
That's what you said 20 years ago, gayboi
>deregulating the economy more than any President since Reagan,
>People reject socialist identity politics
>People reject populist nationalism
But it's neoliberal capitalism thats failing guys...
>and America's demographics are rapidly changing while its traditional structures are falling apar
Thoughts on this?
>Jew York Shitty and Dixie under the sea
Based global warming
Actually 20 years ago, the mantra was "China will collapse"
>Actually 20 years ago, the mantra was "China will collapse"
20 years ago China was pretty much collapsed
>history is the history of class struggle
The fuck? No it wasn't.
Let me clarify: He has cut more government regulations than any President in history. 22 cut for every 1 new regulation added. A lot of those (but not all) relate to financial institutions and corporate interests.
I guess I shouldn't have said it that way since Reagan deregulated the financial institutions so much it's not possible to deregulate more than him in the first place.
Nnot him but the failure of neoliberak capitalism in this age is not a failure to generate wealth or achieve what it sets out to achieve, but a faikure to convince the new generaions that what it sets out to achieve is desierable
I mean it was such a shithouse it had nowhere to go but up.
20 years ago it was 1998, dude. China's rise was well underway by that point. Sorry if that makes you feel old.
I mean, outside of the first tier cities, it's still that way to some extent. Huge swaths of the country are still really backwards, they're just rarely seen by westerners (rarely seen by a lot of Asians too). But even 20 years ago there were already articles being published with titles like
Yet in previous post you claimed people were predicting collapse
>to neoliberal social democracy.
>Democratic socialism
Buzzword for leftie pussies who are afraid of being real Communists.
China's potential for dominance was seen even by Napoleon. But that doesn't mean much.
The widespread notion was China would collapse either economically or the people would call for a change of government. Neither of those happened. There's still a minority of people that still think "China will collapse" now, but those are considered retarded by most intelligence agencies.
Dude, what? That was a different poster, this is an anonymous message board. I'm willing to listen if he wants to back what he said up, but I don't agree with that user at all. The narrative in the late 80s was mostly about THE RISE OF JAPAN!!!! until Japan's economy imploded. Then the narrative focus shifted - pretty promptly and smoothly, as in within a few years - to China.
Mainstream thinking was that China would slowly liberalize and democratize until just a few years ago. I wouldn't really call that predicting a collapse. Can you back the assertion up that circa 1998 many people were predicting an economic collapse?
Your neoliberal pyramid is collapsing. No more blood for the altar.
It's more or less liberalism with different rhetoric.
Where's the AI dictatorship?
I was promised an AI dictatorship.
And will never achieve whatever promises they make.
China did liberalize though just not to the extent Americans wanted it to
>can you back the assertion
2005 paper
1998 paper
You can read a bit into that. Collapse of China theory was something that was predicted for a while. The two paper rehashes some of the ideas.
>History is over.
No. Even Fukuyama admitted his bullshit was wrong, and that it was just 90's delusional optimism.
>social democracy
Did even Fukuyama believe these two were compatible?
Fascism has taken hold as a serious political force almost entirely in greece, populism isn't fascism.
Corbyn isn't a new political force, he's an old one, new labour was the new ideology, Corbyn's largest policies are almost entirely reactionary (Bring BACK nationalised rail, bring BACK the lack of student fees) Even some of his newer policies like the National education service are built off what has come before (NHS)
>neoliberal social democracy
Why do Americans use words, without knowing what they mean?
Blairism isn’t new. It’s typical lukewarm liberalism. Nothing more.
Relatively new in the British political sphere though, the old Liberal party in Britain was very much willing to let ireland starve because to do otherwise would interfere with the free market, i don't see new labour doing that, but to act as though corbyn winning the leadership bid and coming close to winning the commons is some kind of revolutionary step is a bit hasty.
OP is thinking of the Scandinavian countries' system
>History is over. The USSR collapsed.
So it makes sense the only way to get history running again is to reestablish the USSR. No wonder Veeky Forums has disproportionately more marxists than other boards.
But wait, Scandinavia is implementing neoliberalism at the expense of social democracy.
Go to bed, Fukuyama
this guy gets it
It's funny because both neoliberalism and Marxism borrowed this whole "end of history" narrative from Christianity.
>reestablish the USSR
But that's how 3rd millenium started.
Neoliberalism is an economic doctrine, user. It doesn't have narratives.
Marxism is an economic doctrine too and it had narratives, it was heavily propagandized It's no different with neoliberalism.
Couldn't have said it better.
God has chosen to correct the mistakes he has allowed to persist for far too long.
Let's pollute more so we can make it come faster
>Putin = USSR
Fuck off CNN.
I can't wait to see Hollywood burn. Celebrity culture us a cesspool of Jewish Ultra-Capitalism and degeneracy.
People less wealthy and unemployed while these evil schemers live life of luxury and except commoners to worship them.
>neoliberal social democracy
Stop talking about shit you have no idea about.
*teleports behind you*
When will the “History ended after the Cold War” meme end?
I remember learning about Fukuyama saying this in global politics as a college sophomore in 2011 and I voiced my dissenting butthurt aggressively.
when neoliberal capitalism is no longer the dominant political and economic system throughout the vast majority of the world, or at least not in the West
which will never happen
How hard is it to learn mandarin?
>neoliberal capitalism is failing in every sense
No it hasn't
>the population is becoming more discontent
No it hasn't
>wages are falling
No it hasn't
>wealth is dropping
No it hasn't
>underemployment has become epidemic
No it hasn't
>capitalism has begun to crack
No it hasn't
>people will see the flaws and be willing to follow whoever will give them the security and safety they desire
No they won't because the system is working
Stop being so melodramatic. You are living in the best years of humanity existence. Deaths in war has gone down, infant mortality is at an all time low and hunger is at an all time low
Some whiny bitches whining about their country getting more immigrants doesn't mean shit
Francis, please go. You already came back to the idea and acknowledged that history didn't end while there's Islam around
>tfw have already embraced neoliberal globalism
Can’t wait to see nativists getting fucked. Actually, it’s already happening.
it's old news, really. Take Sweden, for example. The conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation report claims that among advanced countries Sweden has deregulated and privatized public services the fastest. Even The Economist is gleeful about it
here is an overview of reforms if you're interested:
>The past is over
No fucking shit
>social democracy
heh, that's just the last egg to crack
Pic related, you.
junk science, global warming dont real my libcuck friend
So, acceptance and denial of shitty prospects are the way to go. But luckily, you are both inert sacks of shit anyway.