Why are the united states seen as colonists and imperialists when they are not? And why the opposite happens with the URSS when they were actually colonists and imperalists?
Why are the united states seen as colonists and imperialists when they are not...
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libs think that US imperialists because of manifest destiny and taking land from indians etc but no imperialist from USSR since they had revolution to get rid of imperialists
>annexing smaller countries
>settling your people into these annexed territories
>resource exploitation
USSR was textbook imperialism
explain to me how what the US did in the Philippines wasn't imperial colonialism
The USSR removed all their troops from those countries in the mid-50s while the US still has bases in other countries to this day.
Both are imperialist. The USSR just doesn't get attention.
>But why
You know why
>s bases
Oh noez
USSR and Chinese troops left NK in 1958. US troops are still in SK today. These are facts.
They are there to protect democracy you commie bastard.
Maybe because It doesnt exist anymore?
Everywhere where there are amercan troops there is democracy. How do you think democracy came to be in irak?
If not american troops there would be no democracy in europe.
USA is imperialists, but so was the Soviet Union.
>And why the opposite happens with the URSS
Leftist bias.
>If not american troops there would be no democracy in europe.
There is no democracy in europe, parlamentarism and partycracies are not democracies.
Oh it's muh pure Greek democracy guy again.
"Imperialism" is sophistry. Leftists are very selective in who they scold for "expoitation".
Mugabe's men could rape a 13 year old girl in the belief it will cure them of AIDS, however this is nothing compared to her father pressuring her to pick coffee beans on his farm because he is poor and needs a bit more income, because the latter is due to the demand for coffee from the west. Why don't westerners just give him the money for free? Why won't they create the global communist egalitarian utopia you just imagined in your university dorm? Why do they criticize it? Those evil bastards. So, Mugabe is preferable. hmmph
>East Germany
>all of the Baltics
Are you trolling, faggot? Soviet troops didn't leave until the 90s.
Im not talking about direct democracy but about representative democracy. Democracy is a well defined concept: division of powers and representation. Tell me one country in europe where those two requisites are met.
Wrong, look up the reasons for this
I've never seen a person that denies imperialism from the USSR and I doubt you have either.
Marxists do this all the complete fucking time with the USSR and Maoist China.
Also they falsely assert that imperialism and colonialism are inherent to capitalism.
Tell that to the Baltics retard.
Commies do it, I've seen it even on this board. See desuarchive.org
If Europe isn't democratic, then America doesn't even come close
The Baltic's were part of the USSR and East Germany was right on the border with West Germany. Were they supposed to just let them get invaded?
>the Baltics were invaded and annexed by the USSR so it doesn't count
Commie logic. So I guess Britain never occupied Kenya or South Africa because they became technically a part of the British empire! lmao you fucking retard
>reading comprehension
They sure as hell do not
Did you mean: Leninists?
No retard, I read it correctly. The Baltics were a territory annexed and occupied by the USSR in the 1940s, and the occupying army didn't leave until the 90s.
The baltics were part of the USSR nation so of course the USSR army would be there.Kenya and South Africa were never part of Britain; They were colonies.
And how do you think they became a part of the USSR you idiot?
They were liberated from a Fascist regime and had widespread support for their benefactors.
>communist "banter"
That wasn't banter. It's what happened. Who do you think stopped the Nazis from conquering them?
Estonians unironically rather joined the Waffen SS than re-join the Soviets willingly. Also all of the Baltic states were neutral when the USSR annexed them in 1940 you tankie brainlet.
If the US government and its agencies meddle in the internal affairs of a foreign - let's say a central american state - to further the interests of american companies operating abroad, is that not imperialism? What about invading a sovereign nation, occupying it, appointing new leadership and forcing privatisation while giving priority to american companies?
No it must be the Bilderbergs. Or the Illuminaty. Or someone.
There isn't even democracy in the US and certainly not in the military dictatorships the US create all over the war.
US troops are in South Korea to stop the North which has built a million man army for the purpose of militarily annexing the north. You are a retard if you can't decipher the difference between an occupation army and an allied army
*annexing the south
The Marxists on Veeky Forums are sad. They literally get btfo every time, but they still come here. Jesus Christ how many times do you have to get destroyed.
You got me, thats actually the only one
That's what happens when the government get too big. The Soviet Union was also a militaristic nation. Their military budget was ridiculous. The British Empire the same. I could keep on going.
United states has a near perfect democracy, and i say near perfect because he has a few anachronisms like the electoral college
The US forces are an occupying force. Juche supporters are imprisoned and even shot in SK. They shot a man trying to defect to NK just a while ago.
they are so deep in the heresy they are no longer capable of reason and so can never be saved
>This is what happens when an edgy Marxist comes to Veeky Forums
Nigger, the south koreans are happy that American troops are there. Go to South Korea and ask. The North broke the treaty and invaded the south. Americans only came after they nearly conquered all of the peninsular.
>(Western) Europe isn't democratic
>America has a near perfect democracy
They act literally like religious people. They constantly quote Karl Marx. Some Iranian ex Marxist said that he went from quoting Mohammad to quoting Marx. I love when moral nihilist talk like they know absolute truth.
>juche supporters are imprisoned and even shot
Wow that's a pretty wild claim that you posted without any evidence to support it.
Then why are there so many anti-SK and anti-US protests in Seoul (like the candle light march) and why do so many South Koreans express extreme distress at US soldiers and the fascist moron leader Trump?
> The candlelight march was an anti-American march.
I feel sorry for you:
You had me until you starting spouting your retarded memes
Yes, it's against the puppet government which is controlled by the US.
Don't bother with him. The Candlelight march was an anti-south Korean president march. They protest her because she was in a cult. Somehow that's anti trump and US?
Hmm, they never protest other elected president in the past. I wonder why. It's not like she was the only president in a cult.
He is a fascist.
The SK president is a puppet of the US. Her corruption and evil are interlinked with the US occupiers.
Im talking about formal democracy, not material democracy. The united states has a near perfect representation system and almost flawless división of powers . Remember that random judge from Hawaii blocking Trump migratory veto? That cant happen in Europe
Yes, you could say that about every South Korean president. The only reason that they protested her was that leaked information showed she was in a cult. There is not even one anti-American poster.
> they never protest other elected president in the past
some people from the ussr that still life today are manipulated by the propaganda from their past. after the ussr desolved the commies came to the west and spreaded their propaganda
She was in a cult that was a puppet of the US and the orange fascist idiot intent on starting WWIII.
Hmm, all of those protests were against corruption and dictatorship. They never mentioned the US once.
I feel sorry for you. Please tell me how the cult was related to trump? They were a religious cult.
The corruption and dictatorship were implemented by the US. How stupid are you? NK never has protests as they love their democratic government and have no need for protests. One nation never has protests and the other seems to make it a daily occurrence against corruption instilled by US fascists.
Korean: super anti US ally
Japanese: super pro US ally
what make this difference .
No, it wasn't. They did it to themselves. The US has literal troops in South Korea. They are one of the freest nations on the planet.
Koreans super anti-American. Are you mentally retarded?
The former didn't get nuked into submission
Kill yourself for being this retarded
Is this your evidence, there's nothing in it that suggests the south koreans shot the defecting soldier. It's footage of the north koreans shooting the guy then some marxist youtuber giving some speculation.
Wasn't she released early and then given a full pardon? Also, none of this supports the idea that the US is occupying south korea as this is all done by the SK government.
Kys retard.
Well done. Its not oh i found two uni student. That must be the view of all the Korean population.
Watch that video.
You are mentally retarded that you think this is proof of anything. Please fuck off.
>two uni student
sorry, may be i'm blind.
but still i think there is three.
so this is the power of american education
so...country that people who want kill US Ambassador lived is not anti US...?
Your video is just cherrypicking but you accuse mass protests and wide spread unrest of being "two uni students."
The US isn't a democracy either, how can it then bring democracy to, and protect democracy in other countries?
He'll change his tune the next time a president he didn't vote for sits in office, don't worry.
If you love sucking NK cock so much, why not live there to see how "great" it is.
>invades czechoslovakia in 1968
Last russian troops leave Poland in 1993.
zero arguments
They colonized America, didn't they?
> near perfect representation system
How can a system where candidate of majority lost be near perfect?
Doublethink and newspeak are ACTUAL marxist tactics, and they have been proven to be extremely effective in the long run.
>when they are not?
> Why are the united states seen as colonists?
USSR = Zero Colonies
USA = Some Colonies
That's why i say its near perfect, the electoral college system had his purpose 200 years ago, but not now.
Anyway, it gives similar results, with a two round election system, trump would most likely won too
>Why are the united states seen as colonists and imperialists when they are not?
Oh for the love of God.
Suck uncle sam's dick then kys
It's expected that leftists will defend the USSR because, well, communism, but what I don't get is how the 1917 Revolution somehow redeems all the annexation Imperial Russia did to get to it's modern size. Shouldn't everything east of the Urals be violently decolonized like they think Israel and British Commonwealth nations should be?
>USSR = Zero Colonies
>What are Siberia, the Far East, the Central Asian states, the Baltics, debatably Ukraine & Belarus, Moldova, et cetera.
Now, the US did have colonies, but they were much smaller in real land, and certainly much smaller in population. All of the land west of the Appalachians could be called colonies, but at that point, they weren't anymore. And so was the Philippines, but the US gave them independence well-before the Cold War.
Are you high?