Korean were very angry because some American said korea was modernise by japan and some French said korea was civilized by china.
what about ireland. if some one said ireland was modernise by Britain, will they angry ? In the first place it is true ?
Korean were very angry because some American said korea was modernise by japan and some French said korea was civilized...
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Y yu talk funy?
Ireland who is nonnative English speaking countrie ?
tragic, should be.
It's not rude, but the memories of occupation are very key to Irish Nationalism, spesifically the destruction of traditional irish insitutions (the system of vassalage that made up the high kings of ireland and irish legal traditions)
Speaking as the son of an irishman, i wouldn't personally be offended, but it's best to be careful with these things.
Why no one speakie the english in thread this?
/int/ shitposters, what else?
>if some one said ireland was modernise by Britain, will they angry ?
> In the first place it is true ?
No. In fact, Britain did the exact opposite, they prevented factories being built in Ireland so they could have Irish people grow corn for trading on large farms.
He's probably Japanese.
Don't listen to half of these retards. No, nobody would get angry, most people here accept that we were urbanized by the UK, which is why we have a decent industry and good infrastructure. Irish natiobalism stems more from the restrictions and persecution of the Brits, not their civilization.
*by the Brits
>spaces before the question marks
>shitty english
>brit-baiting thread
yeah that's not a jap
>spaces before the question marks
>shitty english
>brit-baiting thread
>yeah that's not a jap
you caught me
Why are there so many gay Japanese people on int?
You're not even trying, mate.
because you can find us easily
In what way? Ireland was under English then British control to varying degrees for hundreds of years during which there was centuries of progression so it's not like modernization was invented and brought with the Brits. Under British rule Ireland was often stagnant and lagged behind the rest of the world. British rule stifled Irish development pretty handily.
my friend said shite is mild way to say shit...
i'm deceived...
>Korean were very angry
They always are
i thought ireland was more advanced than other small Europian country like ireland before the republic.
he's talking out his asshole
Advanced in what sense? Ireland had well developed urban centres that paralleled British development.
is irishman who was worked for empire or who was proud of empire in hestory hated today?
I'm not familiar, but i heard that ireland had advanced mailing system and railway system in very early days.
desu I think it's a meme
sad news for Mr.O'Leary
Irish here. Most people wouldn't take too kindly to the notion. Plus as some other anons said British rule sort of caused us to stagnate. Not much time to modernise when you're being fucked over all the time ya know?
it's what they get for signing up for shit that had nothing to do with them lol
many irish man joined british army when ww2. they fight for empire. but do not hate them. they were braver than the Long fellow.
Extensive rail particularly freight hauling networks were built in the 19th century which fell into disuse during the 20th partly because of partition. Half the reason these were built was because Irish industrialization was so lacking.
Yes. Shite is a Scottish way of saying shit, not mild.
Many BRITS squatting of RIGHTFUL IRISH LAND fought for the british army
Gooks are just incredibly thin skinned desu
They'll look for any reason to get butthurt
The stupid inference when people ask questions like this is that if England hadn't conquered Ireland they would've followed an independent course all the way up to present. It's naive in the extreme. They would've simply been conquered by someone else, for instance the Spaniards during one of the many Anglo-Spanish wars.
I was that American most likely if you're referring to /int/.
Ireland's different because the British worsened the quality of life.
While Korean land prospered Ireland suffered famine and disaster.
Spaniards wouldn't have had to invade desu, they probably would've done to Ireland what England did to Scotland.