Who was in the right?
Who was in the right?
The Persians
the romans
Spartans if you don't want a hilarious meme answer.
The Fyromians
The lizard men leading America
That depends on whether you believe might makes right or not. If strength is its own right then the Athenians were only doing what they could.
>a consideration which no one ever yet brought forward when he had a chance of gaining anything by might
ice cold
both were absolute cunts
Any side that have a sacred band of 300 homos is probably right
>civilized, cosmopolitan, rule of law
>invented philosophy, codified geometry,
>literary tradition
>Did more to advance art in 150 years than what took Egyptians over a thousand
>primogenitor of western civilization
>single handedly prevented Persian dominance of Greece at Marathon and Salamis
>mudhut savages ruled by kings
>invented nothing, left nothing behind
>Had to devote most of their military simply to keeping their slaves in line, any extended campaign would severely increase the odds of a slave uprising
>Didn't join the fight against Persia in the darkest hour, jumped on the Greek bandwagon after victory was assured
>defenders of an oligarchic status quo in the face of democratic reforms
>openly colluded with Persia against Athens anyway
Imagine taking the "Democratic great Athens" meme serious
>Don't start shit or shit will hit the fan
>lol no
Sparta warned them, they didn't listen
The Serbs
the polis were in the wrong
Athen rob the fucking treasury of the alliance to build a bunch of statues. Sparta was in the right ofc.
>be athens
>fuck that boipucci
The thinking man's post
Athenians were fucking faggots and deserved 100 times worse than they got.
> Corinth and Thebes demanded that Athens should be destroyed and all its citizens should be enslaved. However, the Spartans announced their refusal to destroy a city that had done a good service at a time of greatest danger to Greece, and took Athens into their own system. Athens was "to have the same friends and enemies" as Sparta.[22]
>Be Athens
>Try to bully all the smaller states in Greece to be your slaves
>They all flock to Sparta, who have retired from international politics as their inclination is inward
>Spartans start a new alliance to hold off the Atticaniggers
>Athenians chimp out and war ensues
>Athenians get wrecked in large part due to their own incompetence
>All of Sparta's allies want the rabid dogs put down
>"No" the Spartans say, taking the high road and sparing them
>backstab Sparta and help the Boetian niggers of Thebes ruin Greece
Seriously FUCK ATHENS.
sparta invented buttsex and pedophillia
T. Athenian
It is well known that the Spartans appreciated women far more than Athenians, treating them as near-equals and having them train to maximize beauty and health for the production of strong offspring.
Athenians barely let their women leave the house. It's well known that pederasty was prominent among them, and the only sources attesting Spartan homosexual behavior are pro-Athenian propagandists who we can comfortably assume were projecting their own pederastic tendencies. Xenophon, an Athenian, straight up calls this for the bullshit it is.
>tfw Spartans were cuntcucks
Was there anything likeable about those cucks?