We just fucking broke through 6.6k and still rising, FOMO is currently in overdrive talk me into not doing something utterly stupid and going all in at these prices.
We just fucking broke through 6.6k and still rising, FOMO is currently in overdrive talk me into not doing something utterly stupid and going all in at these prices.
>already 75% in bitcoin
>dollar value is barely moving because alts are tanking so hard
Why does it have to be like this?
smartest thing to do right now is to accumulate alts
Least you’re not down from 17 btc to 6 like me this month.
Amazingly I’m still up from my initial investment In June but Jesus this moon mission completely destroyed all of my past month gains
Just wait for the dip. The next dip can't possibly be over 6.6k
In terms of bitcoin value, I went from around 75 to 35. I bought LINK during the presale, but didn't sell the top. It hurts knowing how much I could have now.
Hope this is true.
There are people out there who actually think CME group shit is "buy the news". It was already being talked about for well over a month, and a highly regulated BTC futures market will absolutely take a shit on the wild west it is now. Prepare for a boring stable shitty currency. All the old boys are running for the exits and trying to preserve their capital as best as possible. We're either at or very close to the top of this round.
will break 1M in 2022
75 at the peak of LINK I mean.
I was planning to wait until fork. I only bought 0.2 btc should I buy more now or wait?
this is how it was predicted by professional
If you buy alts you'll easily make 10% gains and are able to diversify, whereas BTC would have to climb $660 more to make 10%. You decide what's the best course of action.
Heck, I'll elaborate. A fork is coming, right, let's lay out the possible outcomes:
1. BCH comes out on top - should've bought BCH or kept safe in alts, BTC was a mistake at these values.
2. BTC comes out on top - after the fork BTC will probably plunge for some time so that's the best time to buy if you believe in this scenario, not right now.
3. BTC Gold comes out on top - paying BTC prices now for BTC Gold is retarded, you're aiming for a very small window to cashout the BTC and buy the BTC Gold, and a lot of people will be looking for that same window.
Whatever scenario you think will happen (I bet on 2.) the best thing to do right now is stay away until it's closer to the fork date and then buy the appropriate BTC or alt on sale. In the meanwhile BTC is a complete gamble, things do not rise forever.
>implying alts don't have much higher risk factor than BTC
>We're either at or very close to the top of this round.
said every noob when a new ATH was reached get fukd and stay poor
>with bitcoin you make 10% in a month
>with shitcoins you lose half your investment in a night
Not diversified vs BTC ATH
Hey faggot. Guess what.
It isn't May anymore, nigger.
Sitting even 25% in alts now has you spinning wheels as those useless shitcoins bleed btc like a stuck pig.
The altcoin casino is closed.
Same was 20 BTC now I’m at 5. Fuck me this is brutal
Down 60% here, this has been a bloodbath
For how long?
alts went to complete shit as soon as bitcoin started rising, it's more likely BTC will double again than alts will
>BTC will probably plunge for some time
just like the last two forks right
>even mentioning BTC Gold
scam shitcoin
Probably until after B2X. Nobody cares about any Silver fork or any other fork for that matter after B2X. Until we run into transaction problems like we have today.
>In terms of Bitcoin value
Ahahaahhahaahhahaahhaahahhahahaha that's the only value that matters you retarded faggot. Some people were just born dumb and not supposed to be wealthy.
Why do normies have to ruin everything? They think they are smart for getting BTC past 6k. Meanwhile your gains are only a shitty 10%.
In exchange BTC shitty gainz are preventing alts from 10x mooning
BTC is Apple of crypto.
So accurate it hurts
glad I sold completely out of Alts at a 50% loss and added it to my Bitcoin stash two months ago. I thought I was doing it to late, commiting financial suicide, didn't care. Now I am fully recovered from my Alt losses and up 38% overall. It is never to late to do the same thing, user.
>muh normies
>muh 10% gains
>muh altcoins
btc went up more than 700% this year alone you retard
biz behaves like the hipsterfags of cryptos lately
If youre not 80% in btc you have noone but yourself to blame
That's cute. Meanwhile if I put 80% in Eth at the start of the year I would have 30x and that's not even the best one. Again BTC mediocre gainz are ruining it for everyone else.
>If you buy alts you'll easily make 10% gains
lol retards are still saying this
even if Bitcoin gains were "mediocre", they are the only ones consistently available for the foreseeable future. You would be a Fool to refuse to participate, while rolling around in the corner throwing a temper tantrum because you can no longer conduct your scams. You would be even more of a Fool to buy in to the Alt scams ATM. Right around Segwit, there will be some mad gains to be had in Alts, but most of them will only last 30 minutes or less. VERY risky business if you try to Dump bitcoin at Segwit2x and ride the alts for a few minutes. Risk not worth the reward, and out of the 1000 alts, which ten are actually going to do something post Segwit. You dont know. No one knows. Very bad odds. Might as well play russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chambers instead of one on the off chance you will hit the one empty chamber.
I'm exactly the same, began with 0.4 BTC in July, went to 1.4 BTC in september, back to 0.5 BTC now.
All these months chasing the shitcoin to be at the exact same place, I really hope the BTC crash soon, this hyper agressive pump is killing me a little everyday.
We are about to go parabolic nigga
If you aren't in you are going to be paying 10x these prices by next year
People still think that heavier it had a price and can be charted and traded like a stock it's behavior is predictable
Look at the fucking trend
This is not a drill
You must be delusional, holding cheap alts and setting limit orders is much safer than buying any coin ATH, even BTC.
Delusional? According to you, buying bitcoin at any ATH is risky. THAT is delusional. You have been proven wrong with hundreds of Bitcoin ATH's come and gone, and always recovering on soaring thereafter. Case in point, My dumping of Alts at a 50% loss and Fomoing in to Bitcoin at a past ATH. I am fully recovered from my Alt losses and feeling pretty comfy. (YOU) look like a FOOL, DON'T you.
Went from 8 -> 16 -> 7 BTC this month. Fuck me. I’m only up like $5k overall
Did even worse and only up 1.5K overall now fml
Honestly, I’ll 11k IOC deep right now. DIONS launches in 2 weeks ACTUALLY this time (block has been called) and might be a real moon mission. After that I’m cashing out
>mfw I only bought 1 bitcoin when it was $500
should i just cash out?
Ya just cash out when bitcoin is going to be a million in 2020
Haven't heard much of IOC, I'll go check it out. Hope it works out for you good. I'd cash out in a bit as well but unfortunately I have student loans that I need to pay off rip
some fucker will be trillionaire
hahaha im not sure you understand how significant you think the last announcement was about futures. you're looking at an easy 10-13k "by the end of the year"
just wait for the announcement.
Explain for brainlet pls?