Was this the greatest tragedy in history?
Was this the greatest tragedy in history?
the birth of muhammed
fair answer
You do realize that the painting depicts a fictitious civilization and event right?
What am I talking about? This is Veeky Forums of course you don't.
The bronze age collapse.
Top 3 worst things to ever happen in human history. (1) The Reformation (2) The Enlightenment (3) The Second Vatican Council.
History isn't all about western religion
By death toll? Pic related.
bronze age collapse,wre collapse and ww1
aryans the most sanginarious and barbaruc people that ever existed mongols area joke in comparison
indo-aryans, euro-aryans or germanic?
all of them that bloodline is cursed by demons
Indo-Germanic NORDICS in general.
Nah nah nah, we are the real Master race :) Bown down to us, inferior swarthy being.
What is your race?
latin american native 50% spanish 50%
Indo-European barbarians destroying more advanced civilizations.
Then you are inferior to the Nordic man.
They were not "more advanced" if the Nordic man was able to cuck them :)
Not even close.
Black Death is the non-meme answer.
The holocaust, 6,000,000 of God’s chosen people were mericilessly slaughtered by disgusting goyim
this is why nordic are such a disguted being enjoy being colonized by muslim while south america grew litle by litle
Nordics are quite naive, mainly because of their honesty. This is why some of them believe that migrants are educated engineers instead of racial trash.
But when our race wakes up, there is no way to stop us. We are simply the most advanced Homo Sapiens in the Earth. And the subhuman will soon realize that I guarantee you :)
>They were not "more advanced"
This is not how it works. Barbarians are often able to destroy more advanced civilizations.
Indo-Germanic volks were more advanced if they were able to destroy weaker races so easily.
And they were both more advanced biologically (tall stature, athleticness, big skulls), and technologically (wagons, horses, good quality weaponry). This is how they cucked the inferior swarthy races so easily.
The fall of Rome was pretty sad, but the fall of Tenochtitlan was the real Tragedy.
Ah, sorry didn't know that. I searched for 'Library of Alexandria destruction' and this came up. I meant the destruction of the library of Alexandria as most tragic event.
Remember what you said here when actual nordic countries get outbred by immigrants.
Another NORDIC victory over inferior races :) (Habsburgs were Germanic)
That's what I thought from the filename, in which case I absolutely agree. Not just for the loss of its contents, but the broader significance of the event too.
The movie "Agora" is good if you haven't seen it. It's got Rachel Weisz playing Hypatia.
Thanks fren
ohhhh no no no no no
That how fall of Alexandria felt like.
Imagine if ISIS burns entire Internet.
The research focuses of the Library of Alexandria were literary analysis and geography. Why do people act like it was some kind of bastion of scientific progress?
>Then you are inferior to the Nordic man.
You don't have to ask someone his race before saying that.
The first post cover this tragedy, and many others.
Quite close, just two times higher
I know, but after he wrote his race this sentence was more meaningful :) Plus he admitted that he is not only inferior to the Nordic man, but actually to Europeans as a whole...
>being sad about the death of a civilisation that couldn't hold off 160 med shits.
When genocide war and the holy inquisition manage to kill less than the local sacrifices.
Imagine being this kuch of a papist
like you when arab submit you in spain and the natives where the first to start the reconquista
Alexander The Great dying with no successor to inherit the empire
Now translate to English
you get fucked
Neanderthal genocide.
>when actual nordic countries get outbred by immigrants.
They won't. However, I am certain that southern "europeans" will be islamized quite fast...
Were they really genocided?
They were bigger, smarter and far more physically powerful than all other hominids, I think they were bred out actually.
I doubt it.
>Was this the greatest tragedy in history?
Are you retarded? Why would there be barbarians attacking during the burning of a library.
Fuck off, Sargon.
Humans. I wish an asteroid destroyed all life in Africa 3-2.5 million years ago.
peak progressiveness
No, it's Se*ularism.
The fall of Constantinople by far
Mongols the whole country and people
>Live in basically mud huts of Europe
>Believes in shit pagan gods
>Don´t have any form of law
>Don´t have an alphabet
>Don´t know how to count to more then 10
It is like saying Mongols were more advanced then Chinese... In reality Nordic men are just cockroaches always ready to destroy Europe, nowadays they are even letting immigrants enter so they can destroy to them as they are unable nowadays.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.