Don't do anything, Older women eat stable dudes up. The whole middle aged dude fucking 18 year old equivalent is middle aged women fucking stable dudes.
Can't say for or against, its really up to the individual. One man's opinion? Its not worth it. Not from the "special feelings, first time" perspective, just that sex isn't as amazing as neck beards who don't get any seem to think it is, the cost, the risk both legal and health wise, its just not worth it in the end.
I know the feeling OP. I work in a "desirable" industry for women. Its the "hero" complex, "man in uniform" deal. We also happen to work in a region of the country that pays us significantly well, (6 figures). I got into my industry very early on. Women didn't give a shit in the early 20s, infact while I was slaving away at school, doing internships, working 72 hour shifts the roasties were out partying with chad. Now all the single moms come through my work with school tour groups and swoon. I am a 30 year old who is stable, makes decent money, is paid to work out (I'm not ugly as a result) and has my shit together.
You know how I cope? Count my money, county my blessings and buy a brand new motorcycle every 2 years and take 3 months off work to vacation around the world (africa, asia, europe)
The grass is always greener, but just know when it comes to women, and more specifically women in America, you are not missing out on anything. Just meet a nice girl and go slow. That will be worth it, but the girls chasing around the chads? Its draining and once you figure out its not worth it, its too late.
That chad you envy is going to be-
>a.) 40 year old midlife crisis with a divorce, sports car he can't afford
>B.) Suicide
>C.) Drug/alcohol problem
>D.) Living in a shitty apartment paying alimony and child support
You do you OP and work towards lamboland, shit will work out.