I think Veeky Forums finally figured it out guise.. it's time for us to pack our bags and go home
I think Veeky Forums finally figured it out guise.. it's time for us to pack our bags and go home
So this is the power of Veeky Forums... mmm...
> pictures make thing true guys
It’s not solid
>the Dionysian is bad
Didn't Nietzsche explicitly say he was trying to become the absolute Dionysian?
Dionysian is just hedonists claiming to be moral and seeing they are just hedonists.
Apollonian is just hedonists claiming to be moral.
Was WW2 order or chaos? Also, you're an idiot.
the challenge of every intellectual is reduce complex issues into simple forms.
the epochs absolutely fit. I am intrigued by the concept that it conveys
>Middle Ages
But what if... There is a third way that cuts through this bi-polar tradition? I mean, guys we are able to go to space very soon. Imagine the new constellations we would see, new stars with new warmth wrought in future generations that have developed new mythologies. It's a thought, what would occur on those spaceships starting a new civilization on their journey to the Andromeda.
>Was WW2 order or chaos?
Chaos, obviously how is this even a question
>le progress!
thank you mr. current year man
but the tyrannies and ideologies present at that time don't feel very chaotic, quite the opposite
Order vs chaos obviously
that the question of being is covered up by metaphysics is not progress
I’m assuming that the chaos of the modern age is the world wars so that means that something of equal impact must happen then
>Classical Ages was Apollonian
You almost Nietzshce'd properly. Almost. Move the whole thing a bit to the right so that the middle coincides with Classical and we're stellar.
are you serious
this is just a dumbed down version of Krzyzanowski's Sinusoid which is the basis of academic culture studies since at least 1990s
how is applying some Nietzschean terms to it any revolutionary?
Jesus Christ, Veeky Forums is truly filled with brainlets
They really were they, Nazism and Stalinism while on the surface presenting themselves as desiring order were constantly full of intrigue, shifting power balances and hysteria. As opposed to the Victorian Regimes which were relatively extremely consistent
I actually agree with that image.
The Apollonian of the next age is strongly related to technological progress. What is cloning, gene manipulation, and cybernetics going to lead to? Revitalization of the aristocracy.
>You almost Nietzshce'd properly. Almost. Move the whole thing a bit to the right
yeah, as if anybody is going to listen to you after that "Hahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahaha..." memer
you have no credibility now, should have split your posts
We've had a great deal of regression in regards to the metaphysical. It is progress.
FYI, thread just got moved from Veeky Forums so all posts above this are from there.
Why does that make Dionysian good?
stop making fun of the mods
they do it for free
>renaiassance=peak appolonian
savonarola would disagree
Literally plebe concepts. Praise Hermes Trismegistus.
The chart works much better with actual data in it
What's with the year 2000?
to us reason will always be a means to an end
what about places that are not europe? can't imagine anything like that would describe pre-colonial australia for example
what about this