So i am trying to figure out what year the roman empire fell exactly ?
So i am trying to figure out what year the roman empire fell exactly ?
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>Italy 580 AD
>not controled by Germanic
>not the primary language in africa
Dumb wh*te piece of shit
4th Crusade is when all continuation broke. Anything else is a meme answer.
>people still think rome fell in 476
Muslims and then Ottomans.
1918, when Karl I/ IV was forced to abdicate and Austria-Hungary dissolved
As soon as it became an Empire.
A legend would be dope
>Ottomans weren't Muslim
>controled by Germanic
the populace still spoke Latin
It is written : "Languages of the Byzantine Empire", Italy wasn't a part of the Byzantine Empire at that time.
It’s completely arbitrary, and I say this as a Romaboo.
There’s a compelling argument that it fell with Caesar Augustus’s ascension to emperor, that “Rome” from that point on was a gigantic, hypocritical lie
There’s an argument to be made that it fell with the death of Severus Alexander
There’s an argument to be made that it fell with the establishment of Christianity as the state religion
There’s an argument to be made that it fell in 476 with the formal abdication of the Emperor to the Germanic successors, which is the traditional date of the fall
You can say it fell when the Byzantines adopted a distinctly Greek identity and totally absolved itself of its Latin-western character.
You can say it fell when the Byzantine Empire fell, which makes a very compelling case for itself
You can say that it never fell, that the Roman Catholic Church is a living continuation of the Roman state.
The question is, what makes a society more “Roman” than another? Historically speaking, it was a society in constant transition, and in no age did people really agree on what “Rome” actually meant, even in its Jupiter-worshipping heyday
the western Roman Empire fell in 480 when Julius Nepos was killed
Classical Rome fell in 260. After being weakened by various calamities the capture of Valerian and the Gallic and Palmyrene Empires splitting off cemented the changes taking place. It marked the low point of the crisis of the 3rd century. The Empire had changed, economically due to climate change and the introduction of smallpox and the decline of trade.
This period also saw the rise of Christianity, culminating in the Edict of Milan in 313 and the development of a continent spanning state religion with a hierarchical clergy and a holy book which would become the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church that have not ceased.
The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 when Odoacer took Rome. The Franks, former Foederati of the Western Roman Empire, would usurp Gaul and later claim the title of Western Roman Empire which would become the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire, crumbling in 1792 and 1806 respectively.
Constantine would move the capital to Constantinople in 330, the final split into east and west occurred in 395, the Eastern Roman Empire would be gradually Hellenized, in 620 Greek became the official language. This polity would withstand Islamic invasions until the last vestiges were extinguished in 1453.
When it separated in East and West Rome.
West Rome ended in 1806.
East Rome is Finland.
>You can say it fell when the Byzantines adopted a distinctly Greek identity and totally absolved itself of its Latin-western character.
Ἡράkλειος 610 AD best year of my life. The chad Hellenic Byzantium, the virgin Latin Rome
Wrong, 1815.
Maybe instead of looking for a definitive date. We can see that the Rome was more than a political structure. It was a way life primiarilly based on an assortment of cities around the medditerean sea. In the West the Empire died before the world did. In the east the world transformed into something very different over the centuries so while 395, 476, 540s, 1204, 1453 are all important dates no one of them can properly capture the whole of the transformation and in some cases the collapse that took place.
285 following the first split of the Empire.
Wrong, 1918
here he is, the man who proved Latin is for brainlets
The Roman empire was a vast empire with many different frontiers extending into both Europe and the Middle East.
406 the Rhine and upper Danube frontiers are breached by Germanic tribes
638 the southern part of the middle eastern frontier is captured by invading Arab Muslims
1071 the northern part of the middle eastern frontier is taken by invading Muslim Turks. By this time in the high middle ages, all the frontiers of what was once the Roman empire were breached.
1453 the rump state of Constantinople is finished off by invading Turks. Some invading Turks and Germans, foreign to the empire hold onto the title of Caesar until the world wars.