This is how Indo Europeans looked like

This is how Indo Europeans looked like.

Other urls found in this thread:

Every day gomrade

you realise modern Swedes are all black/tanned, right?


Sturmbahnführer Max Hansen is also a good example :)

There is also one Russian and one Icelander on this picture you know...

Indo-European skulls are NORDIC, just a reminder if you forgot :)

Yes, but most of those are Swedish, and Swedish don't look like that anymore

Some of them look Indo-European to this day, fortunetaly.

damn, where is this retard who claims that "indo-europeans were alpine" when I need him :/

Left: Reconstruction of Yamnaya individual from Srubnik
Right: Modern Corded Nordic from Estonia
>b-but aryanz were swarthy!1111

Are you retarded? 99% of Sweden's population is muslim African/Arab

only obvious faggots claim this, while WHG wasn't just swarthy but dark af

"Not yet"
EHG were fair/pale Nordics though with Nordic skull shape.

>man's skull from the Popovo mound
>Thracian burial mound in Bulgaria
Who are you trying to fool you faggot?

This is from Popovo in Northwest Russia you faggot.




>the autistic nordicist at it again
Cease being a burden.

> Many EHGs were dolichocephalic - a 10,800 ybp skull from Peschanitsa to the south of Lake Ladoga (in Lyubytinskiy Rayon of Novgorod Oblast) and a 10,300 ybp skull from Popovo to the north east of Lake Onega (in Arkhangelsk Oblast) are dolichocehalic and also the earliest known examples of "Nordic type". Peschanitsa skull is "gracile Nordic" and Popovo skull is "robust Nordic". Around that time there was a migration of hunters from Russia to Scandinavia (likely they were the source of EHG admixture in SHG):
>people with exactly the same skulls as Corded Ware folk and EHG are somehow not Indo-European looking
what did they mean by this?

Looks a bit wide compared to Clearly a Baltid influence.

>in 4th millenium BC

And it looks like that because the Estonian on a picture has opened mouth and resolution is not the same either. They are exactly the same NORDIC, Indo-European/Indo-Germanic tyoe.

But aren't Balts including Estonians the most WHG in Europe? Some paper also suggests that Estonians are the most steppe/IE in admixture.

>But aren't Balts including Estonians the most WHG in Europe?
Estonians are predominantly EHG+CHG. The high WHG admixture is just a reason of low ENF (aka medshit) influence.

That text literally doesn't exist in the links you posted. Am I being baited?

Ok snownigger.

From Eurogenes comments

"Yamnaya_Samara" 49.95
"Germany_MN" 30.15
"Narva_Estonia" 16.4
"Nganassan" 3.5
"Narva_Lithuania" 0
"SHG" 0
"Sweden_MN" 0
"Yamnaya_Samara" 45.9
"Germany_MN" 31.7
"Narva_Estonia" 21
"Nganassan" 1.4
"Narva_Lithuania" 0
"SHG" 0
"Sweden_MN" 0

Narva_Estonia is mostly WHG.

I found them on this forum:

The picture of the Popovo skull and the actual described localization is described in Gokhman's book on Ukrainian Paleoanthropology though.

t.Jamal Mohammed


Oh yeah, so you're a retard, thanks for confirming. The first link doesn't even say anything about cranial index but about height.

>The picture of the Popovo skull and the actual described localization is described in Gokhman's book on Ukrainian Paleoanthropology though.

how many paleogenetic autists are there on this board?

That's not what you linked, "though". Faggot.

most of what the polefag posted is physical anthropology, not paleogenetics

Less than there used to be

So what?
Here is your source:

>Гoхмaн И. И. 1966. Haceлeниe Укpaины в зпoхy мeзoлитa и нeoлитa

lots of Cordids probably had brown eyes

I doubt. They were autosomally closest to modern Danes, and had predominantly Nordic skulls...

Also their Andronovo descendants were predominantly light eyed too...

>Post proof
>Post something completely unrelated
>"Hey nigger, it's something completely unrelated"
>"So what?"
Just admit you're an 85 IQ fucking retard who posted links he didn't even read.

Explain I1

>someone posts accidentaly wrong links and then corrects himself by posting the right source

>They were autosomally closest to modern Danes
No, they're closest to modern Estonians, Finns and Balts in general. Norwegians too, but they have big ENF input.

>someone posts
Why refer to yourself in 3rd person you faggot lmao

uh, which sub-clade are you referring to? I1 has been around for an astronomical amount of time.

The Aryans were actually gaints from Atlantis

they were in egypt and sumer before regular hominids were. The records show that they were driven away by the hominid populations. They populated much of the earth and built structures in Mexico, Maya, and Peru. Today there are no Aryans, however we see Aryan DNA in Basque and Berber populations as well as in the Cayman Islands

Cro-Magnons who got bleached by Indo-Europeans. And they are not that numerous in Denmark or even Southern Sweden, just concentrated alon the Western coast and Scandinavian mountains (which is... not shocking considering they are Upper Paleolithic survivors who had to flee to highlands after Aryan invasion).
II lost my source on Denmark, but Cordeds were genetically closest to Scandinavians in general. Maybe then to Finnics, Balts, and Slavs, who are admixed with inferior Mongoloid races.


Because I am not talking just about my particular situation... I just laugh at your m*diterrnean reasoning in general.

>II lost my source on Denmark, but Cordeds were genetically closest to Scandinavians in general. Maybe then to Finnics, Balts, and Slavs, who are admixed with inferior Mongoloid races.
You can probably find more people like from OP's image in Russia than in Scandinavia. Don't pretend as if Scandinavians didn't mix with "inferior" races, because their phenotypes suggest different story.

I1 and I2 split 30000 years ago but all I1 today is BA Nordic.

The most of Scandinavians are long-skulled Aryans to this day, while the most of Russians have inferior brachy skulls and small brains, which, as you might guess, come from Mongoloid admixture.

These people look virtually identical to Czechs

>small brains

Not really, czechs have inferior alpine skull shape and are swarthy and dark in general. These Frisians are clearly of the Nordic stock or at least heavily Nordic influenced.

And they come from ultra Germanic homeland, which is Netherlands. Makes you think doesn't it?
>inferior brachy skulls and small brains,
But that's the opposite. Brachy skulls accommodate bigger brains.

Czechs are probably more genuinely Nordic than all of subhuman Silesian trash put together.

Generally read on borealization, it includes having very small head and therefore small brain too.

Main borealized types occupying Europe are Lappid (not shockingly) and East Baltic (main russian phenotype).

You're not posting any sources about Russian brain mass volume.

Extreme cherrypicking.

Here is what Coon wrote on Czechs:
>The living Czechs are, in a metrical sense, typically Alpine, and the Alpine race is, by the observation of individuals, seen to be the commonest

Also even Arab historians from 10th century said that Czechs had already been swarthy:
>"(...) What is peculiar [when it comes to Slavs], most of Bojema people [Bohemians / Czechs] are of swarthy complexion and dark hair, while fair colors are rare among them [compared to frequencies among other West and East Slavs]. (...)"

And Poles had cephalic index 73.5 back then...

Evolution in West Slavs clearly favoured bigger brain and massive skulls over docile looking pussy faces.

Slavs have also high skulls, giving them a bit taller brain.

But Indo-Europeans had high skulls too... and long in the same time, so you can imagine how intelligent they probably had been compared to the abomination and a joke that modern russians are.

stop pretending to be retarded and think about this for a second

Stay mad you coal eating retard.

No, it favoured degeneracy and race mixing.

Modern slavs are a complete joke compared to their ancient, Nordic, forefathers.

Yamnaya were swarthy though were they not? And they're closest to PIE.

Yeah,,, behold the czeck masterrace LOL.
They are as Indo-European as Americans are white... quire literally...

>Yeah,,, behold the czeck masterrace LOL.
Looks no different than West Norwegian, French or South German.
Ancestors of Germans and Scandinavians mixed with "inferior" races as well.

>reverse search
>Javier Hernandez
Nice try Silesian monkey shitskin.

>Looks no different than West Norwegian, French or South German
French and South Germans are mutts indeed. Some Norwegians are swarthy Tydals too, but Czechs are just... painfully and extremely Alpinid...
>Ancestors of Germans and Scandinavians mixed with "inferior" races as well.
But Germans and Scandinavians are still predominantly Nordic to this day, and Slavs, are not.
Lmao I've just typed "Czech man" in google.

Memes aside, Czechs really are far closer to Germanics than Poles or Silesians (Poles in denial).

>medshit influence
>cranial indexes
>muh Atlantis
inferior Mongoloid races, Germans are pure Aryans!!!!11
>inferior brachy skulls and small brains

Jesus Christ, this thread. I didn't know Mengele had disciples.

Define "Germanic" then... Because Silesians are definitely more Nordic.

>But Germans and Scandinavians are still predominantly Nordic to this day
According to what? Gunther? Germans are very brachy.

>According to what? Gunther?
Indeed, according to him. Why do you think he was wrong about North Germans?

Silesia was quite literally like a cumdumpster slut given away to other men when you got tired of fucking her.

Poles, Czechs and Germans, all had fair share of raping the locals.

Define "Germanic" then... Because Silesians are definitely more Nordic...

Silesians don't even cluster with other Germanics, such as Swedes or Danes. Why do you claim such horrendous nonsense is beyond me.

We are closer to Germans and more Nordic than polacks and czechoids.

In your dreams.

Don't worry, I can post Nordic Silesians too...

That's a Dinaric.

>The most typical aggregation of Corded skulls comes from Silesia, whence a series of twenty-nine males may be assembled.50 (See Appendix I, col. 12.) These belong to a very definite, very distinct physical type. The length of the vault is great, well over 190 mm. in most instances; its breadth is slight, yielding the low mean cranial index of 71; and the height is great, considerably exceeding the breadth. Combined with this exaggeratedly long, narrow, and high vault form is usually found a high, relatively steep forehead; stronger browridges and muscular markings
My ancestors :)
With low cephalic Index? Lol no. She is Nordic.

What makes you think Silesia didn't get brachy with time, just like rest of Poland? Didn't Mongols rape Silesians as well? You know, like Battle of Liegnitz.

That's your main fantasy, Mongol rape and brachy skulls being result of it. Silesia was invaded by Mongols as well.

>implying she has a low cephalic index
She literally looks like a Serb. Good grief if that passes as "Nordic" in Shitlesia.

Because we had stronger immigration from Northwestern Germany than polackland.
Lol no she is clearly meso to dolichocephalic. Your bitch on picrel is brachy though.

>still posting chinlet, jew nosed Serb shit

>cephalic index
>when half of their heads are obscured by long hair
Are you two completely retarded?

>still posting fake blond, roundskulled, alpine nosed shit

>Because we had stronger immigration from Northwestern Germany
Proof? asshole

She's a textbook Faelid while you're posting Turko-Balkan mongrel women with Middle Eastern noses.

Wow... I didn't know that polack education is so awful...

It's like asking me for a proof that Earth is round.

You need glasses

Why is it always and only Poles arguing about this?

Nope she has a Nordic nose, Nordic cephalic index.
>She's a textbook Faelid
Maybe Faelid-Alpinid mutt, but still far from Nordic.

She looks a lot more Brachycephalic than Kasprzycka for sure.

*blocks your path*
It's literally a Silesian.

*blocks your path*