>altcoins are all shit
>Im gonna stick to the one and only btc from now on
>biz is even dumber than I thought
>Buy low sell high, not the other way around
Dont fucking hold. All my biggest gains have come from selling after a big pump, nothing ive ever held except BTC/ETH resulted in nearly as large gains.
Going all in on bitcoin isn't a bad idea after all.
To let it go.
Dont buy shitcoins
Buy high sell low is a better strategy than buy high, hodl, sell lower.
should have bought VERGE when it came out little boy
No one actually knows the value of crypto currency
this is actual wisdom gents
set stop losses
shoulda just bought and held bitcoin
how to drive.
Home Hardware is a death cult.
this is the most irrational and retarded market in the history of everything , and everything you do is basically 100% gambling based on luck and rng
its all a big pump and dump
luckily i got a 4x on chainlink and sold when the volume turned down
never listen to these shills saying tokens will 10x on here
luckily i cashed out too or else id have been fucked by now
>i didn't buy bitcoin
i can't fucking believe it's going to go to 7k
Should have just held Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Maximalists are always right.
Instead I listened to Veeky Forums and now I'm bagholding all these shitty alts.
At one time I had 20 BTC.
Now I only have 5.
Roughly same in FIAT, but should have just held BTC.
never hold shit alts ,only hold top 10 coins.
That btc is the only one that matters
Also, that the real riches came in August and we're just a crypto dragon from then on like an alley junkie
xD this is so true
To go all-in in Alts just before the forks.
>if the coin is up by 30% in one day, just sell it
sell when you have 5% minimal gains.
That this is the worst fucking day ever.
bullshit. you just went all in and got burned
you're gonna make it, user
disregard shitcoin, hold the original
Pepe means good news
Pink means bad news
>reminder that Bitcoin was 1900$ a little over 3 months ago
>if you haven't 3.5x your portfolio since then you shouldn't be trading alts
>tfw down 40% since then
And buy the dip in high volume coins.
Buy bitcoin mining contracts
That I decided to buy btc too late and missed the boat completely. I'm an idiot.
i dont know why, but i had to save this
this, let the whales fight with eachother
don't feed them you cucks
If it's on biz your either;
a) too late
b) buying a shit coin
c)all of the above
Dump alts buy Bitcoin now before the next 8 pushes up before segwit.. You will make it. Pretty sumple, Senpai.
I hate money, apparently
All the crypto millionaires were made this summer, from now and until the heat death of the universe, it'll be plebs fighting for scraps and getting shaken out by whale manipulation.
That's the same thing people said during Dogecoin winter, when I sold all my shit. It'd be worth 10,000 USD now untraded.
OMG is a fucking cocktease and I hate it now...
I'm so far up in my gains that crypto could crash to zero and I would still be in insane profits.
But this whole thing is one giant joke, one fucking giant silly joke.
There are no winners here, only insanity.
Take this advice to your hearts, take your victories, take your profit and be happy with it.
Don't go chasing for that crazy moon mission, a few % up a day is far better for your sanity and your gains.
"fear of missing out" is a powerfully intoxicating delirium that can make you do really stupid shit and lose money.
i didnt even know what fomo was before crypto
so now that everyone's disillusioned with altcoins bitcoins gonna go even higher. I have 0 btc help me out I'm 19 in college
There's no point in doing research and finding something that will solve a real world problem unless you're willing to never look at your portfolio again after you buy it.
Everything is based off of hype of a rumor of a newsletter of a picture of a sticker on a skateboard.
Take your 20% profit, and get the fuck out.
If it dips more than 10% just get the fuck out.
If someone tells you to buy something, don't buy it.
If someone tells you not to buy something, listen to them.
You can spend all fucking day learning about hashrates and use cases and business plans and roadmaps and some dumb moron will probably make more than you. 10 other dumb morons will lose everything, so don't feel too bad.
The people with the money are going to be making the money. The plebs on biz without six figures already are just going to be manipulated into handing over their savings while all they get is an ulcer in return.
Bitcoin will keep going up forever until one satoshi is worth more than the future lives of the entire Eurasian continent.
Ethereum will forever remain 300 dollars.
The only thing you're missing out on is throwing away all your money.
If you had bought 1000 bitcoin when they were a dollar, you would have sold them at 10 dollars so shut the fuck up.
I used to care about actual things like improving my talents and my relationships, now the only thing I can think about is how I'm going to convince myself that trying to trade altcoins is any more productive than just throwing everything into etherdice.
buy the dip
Bite the bullet and sell at a loss before you completely go JUST
Become a camwhore and take donations in BTC as well as USD. Take USD and turn into BTC. Depends on how desperate you are.
dont fall for the hodl meme otherwise you will lose your life savings
>Watched Crypto blossom since 2012
>Too big a cuck to do anything
>New years 2017, decide to utterly go all in
>Put my life's savings into BTC and ETH in January
>Could have been a literal crypto millionaire by now
>Barely in profit because I blew thousands of ETH playing daytrader and falling for shitcoins
>If I'd just known what a bull run was and what unsustainable growth was I would have taken all my ETH out at any point between 300/400 since June and put half of it into BTC and I could have retired and lived like a prince
This guy learns
Unronically this
Anything shilled is a portfolio killer.
Whales exist and manipulate most if not all altcoins.
Most shills are poo-in-the-loo or chinkers and or heavy onset bag holders.
because you're a faggot redditor, would be my guess.
>should never let *anything* interfere with daytrading