How are you all holding up? Not good? Same.
How are you all holding up? Not good? Same
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>tfw 100% bitcoin
feeling pretty comfy OP
Using sedatives helps a lot.
Doesn't sleeping have the same effect?
>i could be taking advice on Veeky Forums from a druggie
Horrendous. I'm not done buying BTC and it keeps rising. I only have 7 but I need to buy 10 more :(
I'm a link marine what the fuck do you think? I'm just gonna spend the last of my money on some fucking weed, I cant deal with this anxiety
W-Why? Why do you need 17 specifically?
Same. I try to laugh at myself.
About to go to work in my shit cuckwage job. I will never get out of here, FML.
>buy high
Are you that factory user?
It's pretty much all I can buy with my fiat at current prices, been waiting for the dip that's not been coming. If it dips I'm hoping I can get the magical 21 BitCoins.
>bought 6 of them at $4700, bought the last one at $5800
It's going to dip. Why buy them at ATH?
I bought mine for £10
I haven't bought any at the ATH, just been watching the prices for the last few days.
As for it dipping, nobody knows when it will dip. Could go up to 10k without stopping for a major correction, then 'dip' to 7k and still be more expensive than now.
Of course, nobody knows. But the point is that the next fork is the major one. One chain will be crowned BTC. The other will be dumped.
You may well see a sell-off after the fork. Or you may not. It's about judging what you think will happen. No market stays bullish forever.
Staying fine because I'm hedged in bitcoin...wish I bought more bitcoin instead of shitcoins though.
Yeah, and I wish I bought BTC when I heard abut it in 2012. Nice one, Captain Hindsight.
If only I could go back in time, I'd be a fucking trillionaire by now
Yup, which is why I only bought a few when I did in case it did dip. I might buy another 1-2 soon and then wait to see how it goes around the time of the fork.
GOOD BOY, Mummy's very proud of you!
stress makes it nearly impossible to sleep for me
I might try it, thanks
If you care so little about life that it gets to the points where you only want more memes, then you will be able to sleep.