Should I defect to the dark side and teach History or remain within my domain? I do love my job, but History is tempting for obvious reasons.
High School English Teacher Here
unless you have incentive to switch (better pay, much shorter drive, etc.) Changing usually isn't worth the hassle.
My highschool shifted teachers around as needed. I had a maths teacher that was also a phys ed coach.
Do you teach the same subject every year?
Yep, it's a larger school so I'm the designated Grammar/Literature teacher.
I could respec upon admission to grad school...
>I could respec
Why would you need to respec anything to be a fucking professor in high school? Your gen ed classes as an undergrad are enough to prepare you for that shit
he wants to pretend to be important
>I had a maths teacher that was also a phys ed coach
my dad does this too, tiptopkek on the educational system
if you're teaching high school level math a bachelors degree in literally anything is good enough for it
I want to get a PhD eventually. Plus, master's degree holders get paid more/are able to apply to better schools/
In the Netherlands English teachers also teach a little bit about history. From the Roman occupation to the Troubles we get a little bit of everything.
Is it much different in other countries?
>Is it much different in other countries?
Not really, but I find myself enjoying dispensation of relevant historical information over English grammar and composition.
Are you more passionate about (the virgin) literature or (chad) history?
Schools strongly encourage their faculty to pursue their master's degree in whatever field they're certified in. Some of the less shit schools pay for grad school (my dad got his master's a few years back, along with a significant pay raise).
>(chad) history
As long as it's not on the history of (((Chad))).
That's too much to ask of any mortal man.
My dad did the same; it's kinda invaluable for anyone teaching for a significant length of time.
>worth the hassle
It isn't that difficult
Grad students make more money teaching
First month is holocost studies, second month black history month, after that- BIG tests.
Final grades.
I feel bad for you slobs unfortunate enough to have lib Veeky Forums teachers. The reason I'm teaching history now is because of my relatively unbiased male teachers who didn't feel it necessary to devote more than one or two weeks to jewish suffering.
Yeah that's one of the reasons why the education sucks
Is it better to masters in education or [subject] education or just [subject]
What are the differences in terms of teaching
Why are you asking such a reddit question on Veeky Forums?
I'm from Seattle, relevant because in America the school systems are handled on a very local level where each city system has its own rules and ways of doing things. I can't speak for any other cities in the US, but in middle school we had a 2-hour block period where one teacher taught both Language Arts (ie; English) and Social Studies (History/International Studies with some comparative religions thrown in). In HS though it was separate.