And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
And you could have it all
Sorry Britain, but in term of durable large amalgamation of dirt, Russia beats you according to that gif
I'm not a Brit, /int/ nigger, just pointing out all of the other "empires of dirt" other European nations have acquired and lost.
If it's so pathetic why keep making posts about it?
Because it's funny
Based Portugal not giving up shit till the end.
It’s an obsessed mutt/frog
Definitely a mutt, frogs at least gave a sense of self
Conquering india is a bigger achievement than conquering Europe. India is larger, richer, and has a higher population. Also the supply chains are much longer and the logistics harder.
Sultan Tippoo was a tougher opponent than any of Napoleon's adversaries apart from the British
>Conquering india is a bigger achievement than conquering Europe. India is larger, richer, and has a higher population
Except they were centuries behind technologically speaking
>Sultan Tippoo was a tougher opponent than any of Napoleon's adversaries apart from the British
Lmao, the British weren't Napoleon's toughest opponent
Not even close
>centuries behind technologically speaking
No they weren't, they had the same technology as Europeans. In many areas they were ahead of Europe, which is why Europeans went to india
>British weren't Napoleon's toughest opponent
They did exile him to St Helena though, which must have burned
>No they weren't, they had the same technology as Europeans. In many areas they were ahead of Europe, which is why Europeans went to india
Imagine actually believing this
>In many areas they were ahead of Europe, which is why Europeans went to india
I guess that also explains why Europeans went to Sub-Saharan Africa
To grab all dat technology
Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the....
>it's a Veeky Forums knows nothing about non-european history episode
Dude, most Indian troops had no firearms, and those who did had firearms from the 1500s
That's why they got utterly BTFO by Brits and their top notch modern muskets
That and because they didn't have the cohesion/training European armies had
The Battle of Mallavelly is a prime exemple of that
Must've been tough defeating these sword-swigging pooinloos
No shit, I used to know a guy who worked on a mine over there and got his throat slit by Mongolian peasants in his sleep because he told them he would fuck their wives
They also shit standing up
>Conquering india is a bigger achievement than conquering Europe
>Sultan Tippoo was a tougher opponent than any of Napoleon's adversaries apart from the British
>The Battle of Mallavelly
70 losses on english
2000 on indian
imagine being an indian in that battle, your sense of worth as a human being must surely plummet
We've heard reports stating that Marathan troops just got their hands on very modern spears and swords that could very well outperform our muskets!!
Be very careful lads!
>Empire of dirt
>Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, America, Palestine
Why do you hate cradles of civilization so much
They had far better equipment and training than the armies napoleon was defeating. He mopped up amateur forces from Italy and the HRE while the British were defeating highly motivated and properly led forces
>got his throat slit by Mongolian peasants in his sleep because he told them he would fuck their wives
Gobshite should have been prepared.
>people started using songmaps as an insult rather than just the general theme
Also yet again I ask, if you HATE NIGGERS XDDD then why conquer your fellow white man
>implying these places aren't shitholes nowdays
>implying these places weren't already shitholes when Britaib took over them in the 19th century
Just because those places mattered 1000s of years ago doesn't mean they're still worth shit
>When the wedge approached within a hundred yards, the Mysoreans discharged their carbines and outdated pistols, but without much effect.
>When the Mysoreans came within about 30 yards (27 m), the British regiment fired a well-directed volley with its muskets, followed by a rapid rile firing, inflicting many casualties to the enemy, creating a rampart of killed and wounded men and horses lying along the front of the regiment.[4]
Truly tougher than any of Napoleon's opponent
No doubt about it
The Maharajah armies were 20% European, armed by the French and led by French officers.
Unless you're going to make a claim about racial quality, they were on par with the British forces.
And they were richer than any European ruler Napoleon was contending with, apart from the British
Yeah and Britain got rich as fuck off of it.
What did Napoleon get? A continental empire lasting less than 20 years, and then exile, death and a France that would never eclipse Britain until long after colonialism died.
Nigga pls
They had a few "european trained" (which were actually quite far from real european quality) units but the bulk of their armies were ragtag troops with swords and spears
And having some European advisors in a few battles doesn't make them european-tier
If "wealth" equated to strength, Mansa Musa would have been the strongest emperor on history
Yet, all he could achieve was a castle of mud...
The Duke of Wellington noted that they had firearms and artillery comparable to what they themselves had available in India at the time.
He also said that they had some of the best infantry he ever faced, and he broke the Old Guard.
>real european quality
Unless you're just being racist, what do you mean? Most European troops were not highly trained special forces, they were hastily thrown together militias. Which is one of the reasons Napoleon's well trained professional veterans were able to defeat them.
>Unless you're just being racist, what do you mean?
It means not doing what's descibed there Europeans were well trained to 18th century/early 19th century musket warfare
They knew how to get in formation, when to fire and when not to fire
Meanwhile in that era, the rest of the world would still fight the old way, sometimes adding firearms to the lot, but with no proper drilling, which is why they got utterly raped in pitched battles with European forces like it happened in the Battle of Mallavelly or in the Battle of Mount Tabor
>Most European troops were not highly trained special forces, they were hastily thrown together militias. Which is one of the reasons Napoleon's well trained professional veterans were able to defeat them.
You're full of shit
Most of european great powers (Prussia, Austria, Russia, Spain...) had professional standing armies in the early 19th century, with quality line infantry
And they were well trained to formation warfare, unlike the ragtag indian armies
Okay so you are just being racist, and you don't know anything about 19th century india
>mfw in the year 1799, both Wellington and Napoleon were in some God's forsaken third-world shithole BTFOing subhumans thank to superior European tactics
These two truly have the greatest rivalry
>implying Wellington is anything close from what Napoleon is
Napoleon's rivals are Caesar, Alexander, Gengis Khan, not Memington
Hey who died bitter and alone on a British colony in the atlantic? It wasn't Caesar or Alexander, in case you were wondering.
Wellington was Scipio to Napoleon's Hannibal, Montgomery to Rommel.
One does some neat shit but is ultimately and soundly beaten by the sheer economic depth and organisational ability of the other.
Scipio defeated Hannibal at the height of his power; Wellington (or better Blucher) defeated Napoleon in an after-thought of the Napoleonic Wars when their empire had already been decisively defeated.
>Wellington (or better Blucher)
ahaha, wellington had won before Blucher arrived, people only talk about Blucher because it's embarrassing that Napoleon's elite troops fled before Wellington's hodge-podge militia.
Napoleon was decisively defeated by the Brits, they were his primary adversary for his entire career, he was annihilated at the Nile, sold Louisiana hoping to finance an invasion of GB and when he was told what folly that would be attempted to invade Russia so as to coerce them into a coalition against the UK.
He failed, the Brits financed over 30 countries against him, fought him all over the world and dealt him his last and only permanently defeat before magnanimously accepting his surrender.
Wellington then went on to preside over the early years of the most dominant power in human history, Napoelon died an ornament on an obscure Atlantic outpost.
>ahaha, wellington had won before Blucher arrived
Some watched that Waterloo movie and thought it was accurate
The Prussians actually arrived mid-battle, not at the end
>Conquering india is a bigger achievement than conquering Europe
Do bongs unironically believe that or is it a ruse?
>Sultan Tippoo was a tougher opponent than any of Napoleon's adversaries apart from the British
top kek
*tippoos fedora*
best bait i've seen all day
Hey who had a whole era named after him and was not only the fucking best general of his century but also the greatest lawgiver ever? It wasn't Julius "crazy knifes" Cesar or Alexander "my dad did all the work for me" the great
Read up on the decolonization wars. The Portuguese are insane in battle. It took a union of nearly the entire world for purtugal to relinquish control.
>t. angry britooth
unless its ww1 when because they are all bumfuck yokels they ran as soon as they got to the front
>the British were defeating highly motivated and properly led forces
>you know, like those at Islandlwana, warrior poets to a man, history trembles at their achievements, no army ever wore a bone in their nose so gloriously
It's certainly better than failing to conquer Europe.
Is this bait?
The Portuguese force at La Lys took a pounding up its rectum but they weren't any more cowardly than all the other troops that retreated with them.
>Montgomery to Rommel
>soundly beaten by the sheer economic depth and organisational ability of the Americans
Bengal was richer than the UK (and the UK was the richest country in Europe) when it was annexed by the East India Company in 1757
This doesn't mean shit about technology or advancement tho
Irrevocably BTFO
>Bengal was richer
and then came the anglo famine
And Portugal won that war but then 25 de Abril came and the fucking commies gave away or colonies . The only thing that makes me happy is that one day every last one of them and their loved ones will die.
imagine the smell....
>be the first to colonize and the last to decolonize
yes, romans who pounded bussy on the reg after slaughtering germanic tribes are definitely a nazi archetype
They weren't even the first Iberians to colonize let alone the first. Those crazy lost danes got to America first. Then the spaniards with Colombus.
its time for your dentists appointment, nigel
>And Portugal won that war but then 25 de Abril came and the fucking commies gave away or colonies .
This Portuguese delusion. Hell you think that people both civilian and military WANTED to fight an eternal war?
The war was won , my father fought in it.
This is the Veeky Forums equivalent of 'my father works for nintendo'.
In Angola and Mozambique the rebels had been successfully pushed into the interior and controlled by the time of the April Revolution. However in Guinea Bissau the situation just kept getting worse.
You could argue that it was an insignificant theater of the war but what in another 4 years? Do you think the rebels in Angola and Mozambique would just lay down their arms and rejoin the status quo? With now independent neighbors + the US + the USSR supporting the guerillas, it's safe to say the war would never end until Portugal relinquished control.
Fuck Guinea Bissau , what was really important was Angola.
>Conquering india is a bigger achievement than conquering Europe.
>Habsburg = Spain
Holy fuck I hate mongolia so damn much I'll personally eradicate all mongolians if I have too.
They've been collectively cucked by the Russians and the Chinks so hard they'll never recover.
Oh yeah Luanda with it's massive Costs of living and a bunch of plantations.
>rejoin the status quo
yes, they were not morally righteous revolutionaries, they were warlords who would realize their power is waning and negotiate, a desirable outcome even if it only results in an uneasy standoff
I thought mutts larped as anglos because muh 5% Scottish genes?
>There was a regular rocket corps in the Mysore Army
> These missiles were fitted with swords and travelled several meters through the air before coming down with edges facing the enemy.
Napolean was a joke compared to these lads.
1. Mysorean "rockets" were a fucking joke, much less effective than european artillery
2. Only the Mysoreans had them
3. The Mysorean army still (much like the other Indian kangzdoms) constisted mainly in ragtag troops with swords and spears
It's pretty dishonest to try to make Mysore pass for some technologically advanced nation because of those "rockets"
The truth is that said rockets were utter garbage compared to european artillery of the era (which is why Brits never tried to copy them)
Smh at how eurocentric Veeky Forums is hese days. Sorry guys, but states like Lucknow or Hyderabad were bigger prizes than European backwaters like Naples. Europe was irrelevant compared to China or india until the 19th century
>which is why Brits never tried to copy them
Wrong they did copy them. The rocket were used by the navy