Why is it so hard for Hollywood to just use historically accurate costumes when making films and shows about Rome...

Why is it so hard for Hollywood to just use historically accurate costumes when making films and shows about Rome? Why do they have to give every legionary segmentata and cloaks? Why do their helmets always have to have all kinds of embellishments and decorations on them when things like that would never be worn except by generals at triumphs? Wouldn't it be cheaper to equip extras with accurate costumes than to waste money making all of this fantasy plastic and leather shit to make them look cool?

Every single time I watch a movie about Ancient Rome or Greece I just end up cringing. And even in the rare instances where they go the extra mile to have the Roman soldiers speaking Latin, they always fuck it up by having them speak with an Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation instead of the Classical pronunciation.

It's all so tiresome.

Why do Italians never play Romans. I was watching HBO's Rome the other day and all the Romans were Brits. Meanwhile there were actually Italian actors on the show, but they played Germanic and Celtic barbarians.

In many cases it has to do with where they're doing the filming. They usually just use locals for extras. But yeah, in the case of HBO's Rome I have no idea why they do that. They did the same shit with the Ben-Hur remake. They filmed in Italy and the Levant and yet they used a bunch of red-haired Brits with beards as Romans instead of, I dunno, all of the Mediterranean people around them that probably spoke with a Mediterranean accent.

Also why are Numidians always played by niggers?



To Americans and Anglos, anything from Africa = niggers. As far as I know nobody else does this and it's a shame those two shitty nations completely dominate modern cinema.

What are you talking about? Black people are the ones constantly screaming that literally everything and everyone from Africa was blacked. They're the ones that chimp out when Ptolemaic pharaohs and Carthaginians are played by people they perceive to be white. Go WE WUZ somewhere else, faggot.

What's the issue with this one? The black guy was a slave traveling with the caravan. As far as I know, they never specified where he came from and there most certainly were more than a few black slaves from Nubia and the like in Roman North Africa. They also had a German slave there but I don't see you complaining about that.

It's not hard, they just don't give a shit. Nor should they. They're trying to tell a story, not pander to a few autists who can actually tell the difference.

>Wouldn't it be cheaper to equip extras with accurate costumes than to waste money making all of this fantasy plastic and leather shit to make them look cool?
Far cheaper, you can get a set of metal replica lorica segmentata for about £40 less than a leather version.

I think it's mostly logistical reasons. With shitty leather prop armor, you don't need to maintain it, you don't need to have any special provisions for transporting it, it's easier for actors to wear, some dumbshit extra isn't going to cut himself on it and sue you into the ground, it's just less of a headache.

Plus a lot of these historical shows are filmed in Britain and you know what British authority figures are like when they see anything vaguely metallic. I was with my reenactment group in costume in York one time and two of us went into a shop to get something to eat and a security guard started full-on screaming at us, like his spittle actually flew in my face and he jumped up and down a bit. He grabbed my sword (breaking my belt in the process) and threw it on the ground and started trying to steer people away from it, as if it was an explosive. That's the worst incident I've personally experienced but it's not the only one, and I've heard far worse.

But why though? What does wasting time and money designing stupid costumes do exactly? People would like the movies just as much if they simply made accurate costumes, and in fact people would like it more because critics would praise how "historically accurate" it was. They literally go out of their way to make the characters look stupid and unrealistic. For the price of a Transformers movie you could create the greatest film about Julius Caesar or some shit ever made, that would immortalized as a classic of cinema. But instead we get stupid anachronistic shit like Ben-Hur and HBO's Rome.

They overuse segmentata so much though. I've seen tons of movies about Rome supposedly set in the time of the Roman Republic or early Empire with legionaries wearing segmentata even though it wouldn't come into mainstream use for another hundred years or so. It would be way cheaper (and safer, as you pointed out) to just give them maille or laminar armor like the early Roman legions would have used.

So is it just an issue of it not looking as cool or what?

>What does wasting time and money designing stupid costumes do exactly?
Look up the "reality is unrealistic" trope. Most people have an idea about how things are, and depicting something differently, even if it's more accurate, will take people out the movie. If you're making a movie, to some extent, you have to give people visuals and sounds they expect, otherwise you'll lose them.

>BBC literally shows a nigger as an example of a "Roman in Britain"
>Rome had provinces in Africa so they must've been niggers!
There has never been anything as niggercentric in the history of entertainment media as English and American films.

I suppose you're right, it just seems to me like there would be a happy medium out there that wouldn't involve giving an average Roman legionary a sculpted heroic breastplate that looks like something you'd see on a statue

Oh I see what you're saying now, sorry in your original post I read it as you defending them using black people in the role of anyone from Africa.

The slave trader says he got him from Carthage
He has a Numidian name (Juba)
They call him a Numidian several times

Fucking wh*teoids. Why can't they stick to blackwashing their own history

Oh, it's been a while since I've seen the movie, didn't remember all that. Well what else do you expect from (((Hollywood))). Strange how they never depict ancient Israel as black...

The passion of the Christ used Italian actors