You've been warned user

Do your research artard's, you're all gonna be posting wojak's while on i'm the moon on board the platform that will surpass Ethereum.

You heard it here fegs.

Other urls found in this thread:

What coin moon bunker bro?

what the fuck is this green shit
stop larping user

ETP? or Waves?

Begins with a E ends in a m .

Come on bro's, i thought you knew the crypto space well.

No ICO , No premine . No developer fees.

Mining is sweet AF atm.

Coin is the $0.1 price range.

It's got a strong community.

Electroneum, oh fuck no




Looked at it a few weeks ago and saw the site is http. Discarded pretty fast.
What's the current total supply? How do you get it etc?

Talking about electroneum

I am pretty sure we all know which coin he is talking about


Yeah it's the only one that starts with an E and ends with an M with a decent market cap

We have a winner!

Hey user post your ELLA address , cause your a genius.

NO , wrong most of those coinz are premined mostly founded on corporate fuckers laughing about their ICO intake.

Why don't you join a join that is founded on bro's that think alike , a community that is fair.

thx user

Just sent you 40 ELLA!

Enjoy, spread the word please and join our discord if you wanna talk more.

>200k market cap

no wonder we couldn't find it

wow you really sent me 40 ella
thx again user


I'll look this up when I get home but I am currently wage cooking what are the pros and cons of this coin that set it apart from the others aside from it being at a stupidly low price and market cap

No bother dude, that will be worth something nice in a year's time i assure you.

terrible name and logo compared to ethereum

I knew it. I'm also mining Ella, you never know.

>mfw mining right now

> Stocks.Exchange

literally who



if your tech is better than Ethereum make a website that doesn't look like a wordpress blog

>terrible name and logo

What everyone said about Ethereum.

Dude seriously if you not totally retarded look into the concept behind it.

Sorry bro i only got 6,300 ELLA and i'm giving away 250 for the competition already.

Can't be giving anymore.

Or else i'll never make it.

The block explorer UI might soothe your design OCD , the project is just getting started. They need more people to help out, if you hate it so much why don't you help out to redesign the website?

Also Ethereum was premined to fuck , this isn't so you can't expect a top class website for a coin that is just getting it's feet off the ground. FFS along with no developer fees.

how high do you think this will go?

Exchange of the stocks user.





tell us more about it, researching it now


Not that easy user

Enter the competition ->

i know your in here JUST coin lmao




Enter the competition user!

JUSST get out of my thread you bozo!

We are talking about a serious matter here.

Can you shill me on the benefits this coin? I went tho their site, but it turns out I'm a brainlet.

Ok user's so basically here it is in a nutshell:

So everyone is crazy about decentralisation in the crypto-space, when in reality most coins contain pre-mines or involve ICO's in order to make a splash in the pond. We have all see the scam's that arise out of them, but also the profits. I present to you a platform that is the complete opposite of a corporate coin, but a coin that is founded on a warm welcoming community that knows what they are doing. It is indeed a small community but has huge potential to grow, first of all what you should know is that no fee's go to the dev's. The project's future is based on the communities ability to sustain it via funding. But also to help out in any way or form they can, be it marketing , spreading the word or developing. There was no pre-mine for this project and no ICO , along with no genesis blocks! But also the best part is no hard forks.
This wonder is known as Ellaism (ELLA), a fork of Ethereum and is only on coinmarketcap since yesterday hence how i found it. Those who think this is similar to PILR it's not, as they take developer fee's in order to keep the project running. I can't even begin to describe the future that this project has, with block time's of 15s currently. With an aim to improve it to 10s, transaction's are a breeze so far from my experience. It is also a perfect mining target for those who are interested, with a yield baring 27 ELLA ≈ $5.62 in 24 hours with only 100 MH/s!
Here's some stats about it:
Market Cap: $332,174
Current Supply: 1,588,905 ELLA
Max Supply: 280,000,000 ELLA
Current price: ≈ $0.2
Algorithm: Dagger
Block Difficulty: 5 ELLA every block initially
with 20% reduction every 10 Million blocks.
Current Block: 317,825
BTC Relay Protection: Activated



oh look , i'm green i'm gonna make it.

Oh wait ELLA is green too?

You come to the conclusion user.

been mining ella for a while, diff went up like crazy tho


send miner dl link

I’ll send 10 Ella each to the first 10 addresses who post here under me!

There you go bro-seph enjoy.

Nice user then you should give me some ELLA ;)



What's the best gpu for this?

what wallet does it use?



thanks dude!

What am I doing wrong?


5 More spots for 10 free ELLA, just post your address! Sent to the first 5

S-still time?



two more :D


If you didn't get me.

Market Cap: $332,174 boys see the potential....

received it. thanks user, i'll buy 100k of ELLA once the fork madness is over

idk how to directly reply but it sent

So is anyone here actually trying to pump the coin or just get free coins?

Just trying to raise awareness of a low MC possible 5-10x monster

Thank you I got the 10. Now I'm still trying to figure out how to mine.

if you have any problems join the discord they help miners quick.Not minors tho, stay away minors

Any two people want 10 free ella each? just post your address.

Thats 5 FeelsGoodMan


Okay I joined. Is parity better than geth?

You fucking pajeet I ain't buying your shitcoin or taking the heavy bags off your hands if I wanted to throw away my money I'd get some links instead


Fucking pump n dump city

Someones gonna die poor, if you dont see potential for minimum of 3x gains here you're an idiot, its under 300k MC

lol ever seen a coin with low volume and big price spreads?

One more freebee available



Sent to both cuz im nice, all out :)

seriously though with such a low circ and small cap this will fly quick, I wouldnt wait to buy in, these are cheap prices even if you dont care about the tech and want the gains this is it...


The concept of one lone autist forking ethereum? Someone didn't pay attention during Network Effects 101, or the great bitcoin clone craze of 2013. A different coin distribution isn't enough for your shitcoin to have any real worth, although in a bubble it can be enough for speculators to fool each other.

I got it to mine. Holy fuck was that a pain.
Do you have to mine to parity then transfer to the wallet? That seems kind of weird.


I mine straight to a wallet through just make a bat file using their commands

itll be like:

ethminer -F -G --farm-recheck 200

Is this slow as hell?

Why would you give them 2.5%?
Why not mine yourself?


Sure why not.

I'm starting to read about this one. I will try to mine even with my shitty gpu. Please I would be very grateful with whatever ELLA you can send me 0x1D6b94bb8A92f49e64637d14f47bd22c7156B7d7

You would make a guy in south america very happy.

I would buy but no exchange lists it for ETH... I would gladly drop like $10 on it.

Sexy pool isn’t 2.5% is it?

It’s 0.25% not 2.5%

You can sell your ETH for BTC on , then buy ELLA.

We shall look into a ETH/ELLA exchange soon , as it makes sense to.

Competition user enter it.
Same with you broseph.

When they will announce this fucking masternode on ELLA it’s gonna explode , just imagine boosting BTC transaction with the BTC relay and get paid for that with the masternode pfffff jackpot !

The idea is to get into the coin early so you have enough for a masternode

How much for a master node?

Sounds tasty.

that is being talked about. However the fact this coin has a MN will make it more profitable


Actually I got some Ella back then, someone posted them here. Gonna keep another look at this.