Would mass unrest and possible blackouts in the United States vastly increase Bitcoin's price in relation to USD?
Be ready for Nov 4th fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen
Will the November 4th happenings increase the Price of Bitcoin
A..ah. So there is a world outside of Veeky Forums
BTC will reach the 10k mark
no, stupid commies won't do shit
O fug
You better believe it.
Bump for interest
You're better off heading that way They'll fill you in on what's happening.
>Assuming young, dumb and full-of-cum commies know anything about personal finances and planning for the future
fucking kek.
>Worst mass shooting in history
>1 month later
>Consumer confidence at all time high since December 2000
Fear, user, fear.
Don't let the fear consume you, be level headed.
The USD will plummet, the purple revolution is an opportunity profit with crypto
Priced in.
>Rob Dew breaks down the latest headlines and discusses an upcoming DoD drill that will simulate a national power failure from a solar flare during the same time period as Antifa’s day of rage
Fucking faggots, every American should be required to spend a year of their life in Iran or North Korea or Venezuela.
nice soros funded ad
The proletariat will rise and will take all physical assets
>just because we're not as bad as NK or Venezuela means we're not being ruled by asshat traitors and scumbags and everything is perfect
>mass protests of gays negros and sjw on the streets
>electricity goes out
>pitch black
>electricity back on
>everyone is dead
>Trump calls emergency press conference broadcasted to the whole world on Twitter live, proclaiming the beginning of the first american reich
> go outside and protest
> winter is coming
> normies will stay inside drowning their sorrows with prescription meds
>still being buttmad that their scrawny beta boys and pink haired faggot friends lost the election a year later
>being a retarded liberal
someone brief me. so on the 4th, there will be bitcoin and bitcoin sedgwick? which one should i put my money into? i went all in on siacoin back when it was 800 sats, so im not in a good place right now.
Honestly anything that goes against the USD probably
LOL hurr durr can't logic must resort to faggot fake news tactics
>compares US leadership to dictatorship with no arguments
>is a buttmad liberal and probably a nocoiner
This would unironically be the best thing ever
>the entire administration is compromised by russia and you still refuse to believe it
>implying trump won't be impeached
stay cucked commie
Trump is such a brutal dictator that no one is afraid to criticize him publicly on Twitter, mass media or the Oscars.
impeach blompft XDD
man up if you hate him so much
So how do I protect my altcoins? What will this blackout do to crypto in General? Can we possibly lose our coins in this shit?
What a faggot movement.
I'm getting these /pol/ vibes from Veeky Forums lately. I left that hell to better myself and it seems to be following me now.
>Its like I'm really on a smarter version of /pol/
Shit. Good thing I went long on popcorn by 2015.
>Disdain for 'Communist' Russia using Trump to also convert USA to Communism
You really have no idea what's going on outside your bedroom, do you.
once you take the redpill you can't untake it
neck yourself spaz
Confederates still failures over a century later.
>confederates long have they died still trigger northerners, their flag striking fear into the masses
>thinking confederate symbols are okay == being a confederate
here we see the lefty retard in his natural position, just before prepping the bull
to be fair literally any other version of pol would be smarter
Flying a rebel flag is akin to burning the US flag. Rebel flags are disgusting and need to be destroyed.
>history discussion gets interrupted by a cuckpost by a right-winger
well it is supposedly temporary, so hopefully just enough of a shitstorm to reduce faith in USD and boost faith in crypto currencies. You would probably only lose your coins if A: the blackout was permanent (you would have a lot more to worry about then just losing coins) or B you made a transaction right before the blackout and it got fucked up and you lose the money in that transaction (possibly?)
>Flying the British flag is akin to burning the US flag. British flags are disgusting and need to be destroyed.
>some lefty faggot saying stupid shit
>history discussion
for fucks sake, not Veeky Forums too. can't you fags stay in your containment board?
but this is relevant to business as it will most likely affect coin prices. Im just warning investors
You do realize that /pol/ created Veeky Forums?
Learn your fucking place.
>impeach blompft XDD
John "Bitbean" McCain
Actually, Veeky Forums branched out of /g/ because Bitcoin threads were shitting up that board (true origin story).
And /pol/ was the mouth piece as always.
bullshit post proof.
"Outside" is a psy-op designed to get us to sell our 21 BTC.
Except this time it is a psy op to buy more BTC