Anyone wish they never discovered history or philosophy?

Anyone wish they never discovered history or philosophy?

I want to go back go believing that sky daddy will solve all my problems by praying to him.
I want to go back to believing that all humans are naturally good to one another and it's just the devil making all the problems in the world.

I want to go back to the cave.
I want to be spooked.

Nihilism is a special kind of hell.

Me too

Why? what do you mean by "good to one another", good is s subjective term. the world you want to envision sounds extremely boring, you are gay.
Chriscuckery wouldn't have saved you from being a failure.

>good is a subjective term
Not if you believe in sky daddy

>good is s subjective term
not if you believe in sky daddy, he lays out whats good and bad

>Chriscuckery wouldn't have saved you from being a failure.
It was actually the reason I was a failure.
My life improved drastically after I stopped believing.

stop calling Yahweh sky daddy, he is not. sky daddy is Dyeus.
he lays out some of it, but it's inconsistent..

>It was actually the reason I was a failure.
My life improved drastically after I stopped believing.
Then what are you complaining about?

Read more, eventually you’ll get over the hurdle. There is meaning in life.

Yeah often feel the same. There is a reason religion exists in the first place.

>Then what are you complaining about?
Material wealth and success did not bring me happiness. I was happier when I was religious.

>believing that all humans are naturally good to one another and it's just the devil making all the problems in the world
what religions hold this belief? most christians believe in the fundamental depravity of man, i.e., that man, w/o the aid of a higher power, will tend towards moral entropy &/or depravity.
islam also hold similar views.
if you reduce nihilism to this, you can certainly find it in major religions.

Hes an amerimutt. The only have prosperity gospel there that ignores all the pessimistic aspects of christianity

quick! respond to me so i dont fall into the black hole of solipsism

No, I much prefer being well educated and living in a well to do modern society instead of being a backwards ignoramus.

>what religions hold this belief?
American Christianity.

>The only have prosperity gospel there that ignores all the pessimistic aspects of christianity


>tfw you will never go to a comfy megachurch

Kant is sky daddy apologetics

Most of them are giant ego projects, the best churches are just the right size.

>I want to go back to believing that all humans are naturally good

Church teaches you humans are naturally bad, naturally sinful. It's a redpill they give kids.

The ones pushing for theory of people being good are the anti-theist left wingers.

You don't sound like you know Christianity very well

If you less happy, your life didn't improve

>are the anti-theist left wingers.
american christianity believe it or not is a syncretism of enlightenment, protestant and capitalist ideas that is equally optimistic about people, but mostly so that they get rich. Not all optimists are lefty and not all rightwingers are pessimistic, that's just a false dichotomy your creating

>Church teaches you humans are naturally bad, naturally sinful.
You should read Norman Vincent Peale's (Trumps priest) books or listen to one of his sermons. Probably the best example of american Christianity.

I was taught we are all bad because of original sin, but we can believe in Jesus and try to live like him and all is forgiven. Satan temps everyone to do bad things and we fail to resist him sometime because we are human.

>You don't sound like you know Christianity very well
I know it too well. To the point it's impossible to believe, even if I wanted to.

The full church history, the First Council of Nicaea, the schisms, the heresies, the ecumenical councils, luthers 95 thesis, exc.

They took "just be good to one another" and turned it into one of histories biggest shit shows.

>Hurr durr muh protties
Prosperity gospel and nature of man are two separate concepts. Catholics are the worst offenders when it comes to the discussion about nature of man - while many Protestant denominations belive in total depravity, predestination, lack of free will and so on, Catholics on the other hand spout "ppl are good, why distrust/judge em lmao" all the time. Just visit some RCc that isn't a meme (e.g. Sedevacantist/"""""traditional""""")

Not a problem, watch anime.

>fell for modernism
Burger education. Modernism by design has no method to address spiritual problems, so it can do nothing but ignore them completely. Read philosophy again.

I don't get it OP. I'm a deist, which is perfectly compatible with philosophy. Deism was the Enlightenment default, and if you ask a lot of people who consider themselves irreligious today, they still believe in a supreme being or beings.

Agnosticism is the way to go

heh. You've only just begun

Whatever you find meaningful is fine, as long as you find it meaningful.

>I was taught we are all bad
If you're bad, don't accuse Satan of your sins.

Goddamit René, calm the fuck down

i exist i promise

Doesn't it only plug a gap in your education?

It's perfectly reasonable to assume that there is a creator of the universe. Now, the nature of that creator, if it is a personality, or if it is a living being, nobody can actually know.

But believing it itself, isn't as much of a stretch as especially New Atheists make it out to be.

>Catholics on the other hand spout "ppl are good, why distrust/judge em lmao"
again, that is the product of america's religious culture, which was protestant. catholics chose or felt forced to adopt a lot of the methods of protestantism to appeal to their constituencies an d declining attendance.

But the gap is still there. Belief doesn't change that.

That's why you should be an agnostic

Meh, it falls apart after the first scratch.

Have you thought that you may be a coward? You cower from the truth, you prefer comfortable lies.

You can redeem yourself by vanquishing your cowardice. Make this the task of greatest importance to you, make a study of it, and actively seek out greater fear-objects until there is no fear left. This seems trite, but it's absolutely true, tribal societies around the world used initiations to transition men from the necessary dependent cowardice of childhood to the courage of adulthood. Our society lacks this, we have become eternal children because scared children are easy to control.

The ultimate goal is self-mastery or more accurately described as self-authorship. Seek mastery over your self and you will be a slave only to your higher will.

Not really
Just saying "there's not enough evidence so I won't make any conclusions" is basic science shit.

>he only hab prosperity gospel because he lives in le ebil capitalist great satan
Europoors are deeply stupid

Yeah, and you will look smart if you don't say more than that.

Okay then show me where it falls apart

>Okay then show me where it falls apart
It's a lie you are telling yourself because it's politically correct. You don't give the same benefit of a doubt to unicorns, Jedi, or many other things, you're treating the God idea like a special snowflake. You may _claim_ to be agnostic about unicorns, but you know they aren't real, and function as if they don't.

We have a model for the God phenomenon: God exists purely as a meme in human minds, as part of ideological systems created for complex reasons, none of which are about the truth. It's ultimately about social control, which should seem obvious as the monotheistic God is portrayed as a literal king. Meanwhile there is zero support for the truth of any religion that survives analysis. If there is no support, why do people believe? The model of God as a mechanism of social control answers this.

> Modernism by design has no method to address spiritual problems

please explain?

look the christian tradition is more than "the believe in god". it is a whole history of thought, of interpretation and practices. Also there are many theological debates, not all people believe in the same interpretation. to study christianity is to study that tradition and maybe find some meaning in it.

Damn you're so woke

I want to be able to go an entire day without thinking "that's bourgeois "

>god doesn't exist because people argued about him too much

There are other religions that aren't as naive, like Islam and Judaism aren't as naive and the latter actually wants to help improve the world, especially modern sects.

that's lumpen

You're a child.

>god doesn't exist because all of people making the intial claim have been hypocritically murdering each other for over 2000 years about extremely petty things.