One guy called the holocaust "the worst thing that's ever happened". Can it be called that by some metrics...

One guy called the holocaust "the worst thing that's ever happened". Can it be called that by some metrics? What historical event would you guys nominate as the worst? Pic unrelated

taiping rebellion

The Holodomor, Mao's entire rule, and Stalin's entire rule were all worse than the Holocaust if you're going by the number of deaths.

Sacking of Baghdad by the mongols.

This. Centuries later it's still a shithole.

Tamerlan's rule.
Black Death.

The french revolution and women's rights

Objectively no. The plague of Justinian, The Bronze Age Collapse, the Black Death. There’s dozens of worse things.

The Muslim conquest of India is by any standard the largest genocide/mass killing in history

This was pretty bad for Mesopotamia, but it might have prevented Arab dominance for centuries

This. I'm surprised Hindus still tolerate Muslims after a millennia of violent persecution.

It’s not even the worst thing to happen in the last hundred years

Pretty terrifying though, extremely effective systematic mass killing like that.

Looking at how there's still one billion shitskins infesting the area, it honestly doesn't matter at all. The muzzies should've slaughtered more.

>What historical event would you guys nominate as the worst?

Just tell them they are on the wrong side of history.

Arabs were long past their height at that time

Holocaust's death toll is bigger than that of Holodomor.

WW2 was automatically a worse event because it included the Holocaust and a bunch of other bad things.

Donald drumpf being elected president.

The battle of suiyang, where due to a siege they decided to kill all the women and eat them, then kill the elderly and eat then and then kill the children and eat them instead of surrendering.

30000 people were eaten that way. Fucking insectoid savages

It wanst even the worst thing happening in the 1930s and 40s.
More died in the holodomor, more brutality was shown my the ustashe and imperial japanese army.
People are taught to value jewish life above all others, I guess this is natural when over half the world thinks god made covenent with the hebrews.
The fact of the matter is Nazis weren't psychotic, the upper escholons were hyper rational and some of the smartest people who ever lived. They weren't exicted by the task ahead of them and that's what sits uncomfortably with people.

>wrong side of history
Attributing moral character to history as a subject is retarded.



>Can it be called that by some metrics?
Not if they're based in reality. Only a few dozen thousand agents of subversion died due to national famine, typhus, and lime.
Basically every major influenza outbreak ever trumps the holocaust dozens of times over.

>What historical event would you guys nominate as the worst?
Karl marx has caused to most damage out of any person ever. So my answer is: either his birth or his completion of his memefesto.

>17 million
>counting all military deaths, from every participating nation, in a war he didn't start
>britain declared war on gemany for invading poland
>britain didn't declare war on USSR for invading poland

If they counted all of those it'd be 50 million.


If you counted all civilian and military deaths, and famine/disease related deaths, it would be 50 million.

... lad, I don't like socialists, fuck off.

>I'm surprised Hindus still tolerate Muslims
You read any recent news from India? Hindus are cracking down on muzzies hardcore.

>500 000 inhabitants
>everyone slaughtered and the town literally levelled
>whole empire annihilated
>only crime was that you were becoming too strong again

I belive there is no genocide like this. Whole civilization wiped out. Other genocides have survivors an are not so permanent.

Other less-known is Russian occupation in Finland during the Great Northern war
>steal, rape, pillage kidnap finns to sell as slaves
>tens of thousands enslaved and even more killed (whole population was around 400 000
>then a wild plague appears
Many finns are still today butthurt to russia and use it as (irrelevant) example why to join nato

>everyone slaughtered
Most were enslaved, actually. Some were even allowed to found a settlement next to the ruins of Carthage, which was nice of the Romans.

The an lushan rebellion was a pretty awful time to be alive, read Du Fu's poetry about it.

>Sacking of Baghdad by the mongols.

Wasn't it already going the way of dodo?

fuck off brainlet

>carthage didn't do anything
>had 3 deadly wars with rome and brutally occupied their homeland for years at a time

The evolution of Homo sapiens.
The sexual revolution.
World War 1.

I would love to see an actual source on the total deaths by stalin because all I have seen are bullshit numbers from outdated sources

The metrics change everyday user

Can you explain your mental gymnastics as to how germany is responsible for britain declaring war on germany "in order to protect poland" and causing WW2, but less then a month later when the USSR invades, they don't declare war?

Almost as if protecting Poland wasn't their actual goal...

Your birth

>He didn't start

>punches first
>Gets punched back

Hillary not being elected president. Twice.

only one million people died in the holocaust

>germany invades poland
>britain delcares war because it promised to do so
>britain drags in everyone else into the war
>USSR invades poland 2 weeks later
>britain does nothing

Gosh, almost like protecting poland wasn't their goal...

The Holohoax would've been the best thing to ever happen if it actually did.

The invention/discovery/development of anal sex.

>what is Operation Pike?

See Also conveniently ignoring all those other treaties Hitler had agreed to and then ignored, which Stalin had not.

If you don’t provide a good source you will be bombarded by sourced replies debunking your statement, it could be worse than all the firebombing raids combined


>>what is Operation Pike?
A plan that was never acted upon because britain is a war monger.

>NOT going to war with all of Europe makes you a warmonger

Are you trying to imply that going to war with all of europe makes you a war monger? Because I am pretty sure Britain did just that.

>Sacking a city and burning down a library somehow creates dark ages and decline of a civilization spanning on several continents


Once in the Great War, and then a few decades later in the second World War.

Nigga have you read about the sack? They literally sent it back to the stone age.

>Many historical accounts detailed the cruelties of the Mongol conquerors.

>The Grand Library of Baghdad, containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river and red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.
>Citizens attempted to flee, but were intercepted by Mongol soldiers who killed in abundance, sparing neither women nor children, Wassaf claims the loss of life was several hundred thousand. Ian Frazier says estimates of the death toll have ranged from 200,000 to a million.
>The House of Wisdom was burned down.
>The Mongols looted and then destroyed mosques, palaces, libraries, and hospitals. Grand buildings that had been the work of generations were burned to the ground.
>The caliph Al-Musta'sim was captured and forced to watch as his citizens were murdered and his treasury plundered. According to most accounts, the caliph was killed by trampling. The Mongols rolled the caliph up in a rug, and rode their horses over him, as they believed that the earth would be offended if it were touched by royal blood.
>Hulagu had to move his camp upwind of the city, due to the stench of decay and blood from the ruined city.
>Baghdad was a depopulated, ruined city for several centuries and only retained it's pre-1258 population in the 20th century.
>historians believe that the Mongol invasion destroyed much of the irrigation infrastructure that had sustained Mesopotamia for many millennia, Canals were cut as a military tactic and never repaired, So many people died or fled that neither the labor nor the organization were sufficient to maintain the canal system, It broke down or silted up.

>Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria are all of Europe


should have made more than 1 copy

25k deaths by guillotine and the toppling of an inconsiderate and ineffective monarchy sounds pretty good compared to systematic genocide.

It caused the fall of france, the spread of the inherently flawed metric system, paved the way for marxism and socialism to infect europe, and women's rights did the same except far more and far worse.

The French Revolution was, by far, one of the most important things that has happened in the last thosand years, and one of the worst.

Lel just because the western media doesn’t report on it doesn’t mean it’s not happening
Example - literally every major African conflict

>Example - literally every major African conflict
There have been like five in the past 100 years. Everything else is just tribal niggers fighting.

>invading occupied territory to help reclaim it is the same as invading for the fuck of it

The only legitimate reason for warfare is for clay. Every other justification is inherently immoral.

>Flawed metric system

Fractions, illogically defined fundamental units, kilogram is a base unit, base units are extremely poor fits for the real world, requires a pre-existing unit system in order to be reproduced, definitions that focus on obfuscation of arbitrariness rather than arbitrariness that offers utility or elimination of arbitrariness, etc
US customary has none of those flaws, and the only flaw it has relative to metric is that unit conversion requires a mind/memory that can store more information than a post-it.

Korea losing the hyperwar

Gosh it's almost like two of the largest superpowers in Europe decided to make a secret treaty and tag team a smaller country that both of them wanted a piece of, and caught the world off guard in a sheer display of autistic treachery.

Should Britain have rushed to Polan's rescue and gotten slaughtered like the French? Are you fucking retarded?
>Kraut sympathizer
Guess I got my fuckin answer

>Hurr durr muh wikipedia
Before we even start, al-Ghazali was NOT responsible for the decline of rationalism (just in case you'll try to spout even more fall of Rome tier romanticized memes)
Now, let's take a look at PRE-conquest Baghdad
>Extremely destructive floods
>Retarded levels of inter-denominational conflicts, rampant looting and arson
>Majority of INTELLECTUAL elites moved to al-Kahira, and to lesser extent other (already world leading) cities, such as Samarqand and Bukhara in Khorosan and so on (yeah, the Mongols weren't literally Hitler and didn't slaughter educated people as they pleased)
Now, I would like to stress this point - Baghdad, even if it used to be a great city in 10th century and before, wasn't the ONLY place where educated people lived - al-Kahira was literally the greatest city in the world, as long as you excluded the Chinks.
As you can see, Baghdad was a fucking shithole before Hulagu sacked the place. Now, some of your wikipedia claims

>historians believe that the Mongol invasion destroyed much of the irrigation infrastructure that had sustained Mesopotamia for many millennia, Canals were cut as a military tactic and never repaired, So many people died or fled that neither the labor nor the organization were sufficient to maintain the canal system, It broke down or silted up.
Quite literally false. In 1260 (!) governor of Baghdad (al-Dahabi) began rebuilding the city, building new canals and windmills, fixing burned down and destroyed houses and so on, to the point that many thought Baghdad reached its' greatest state in centuries. As for the canals being destroyed - destroying irrigation canals was highly impractical and not something ANY future conqueror would want, and there's more reason to believe that destroying them was simply a side effect of a)Muslims neglecting the place for centuries b)simply warfare taking place in the region and c)Mongols not being interested in fixing shit either.

this fucking thread

In a few decades britain and france's secret pact will be declassified if it hasn't already been destroyed.

>Should Britain have rushed to Polan's rescue and gotten slaughtered like the French?
And yet they sought to drag more nations into the war.

>Are you fucking retarded?
No, but the british were very overtly politically and morally inconsistent.

>The House of Wisdom was burned down.
>The Grand Library of Baghdad, containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river and red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.
The "great" libraries such as Alexandria were known for the amount of COPIES they had, not actual books that got lost forever. I would give you a source for Alexandria having several dozen copies of the same books, but I don't have access to my sources atm. Also again, Baghdad was not the only place where books were held - there would be al-Kahira, Samarqand, Damascus or other cities. Under Mongols culture flourished - intellectual exchange with China thrived, Maragheh observatory and so on. IRC the reason why sandniggers and Mughals look so chinky in their Chronicles is because of Ilkhanate, but I can be wrong on that one.

>Citizens attempted to flee, but were intercepted by Mongol soldiers who killed in abundance, sparing neither women nor children, Wassaf claims the loss of life was several hundred thousand. Ian Frazier says estimates of the death toll have ranged from 200,000 to a million.
Almost certainly exaggerated by butthurt Muslims, but massacre did happen nevertheless, although it had very little effect on the "Islamic civilization" - not even 10% of them would be intellectuals, and the role (as in population) of middle class in medieval cities is very much exaggerated.

>[Mongols slaughtering the Caliph]
Caliph was a religious figurehead (at the time), he had no influence on the science

>tl;dr we wouldn't be on Mars if not for the Mongol Dark Ages

Also apologies for the poorly structured text and grammar, I was rushing at the time desu

>Britain tries to drag more nations into the war
>Germany successfully drags all it's neutral neighbours into the war by invading and slaughtering them

Really makes you think.

What's with the creepy insect hentai? Pretty gross.

One in an immoral act, the other is gaining clay.
It doesn't cause me to do more than a few moments of thinking.

>this is what stormniggers actually believe

That's certainly a cool assertion.
No matter how you look at it, declaring war for anything other than clay is immoral and makes light of war and the impact of war. Likewise I believe that participating in a war halfheartedly is immoral, use your full might or no might.

I don't like Germany for anything other than their military history and aesthetic. I would have preferred that they were wiped from the map at the end of the war.


Nothing can top Black Death. Given a choice, what would you prefer to happen? Black Death 2.0 or Holocaust 2.0? I bet you choose the second option.


>What is Operation Pike

the disappearance of lake Mega-Chad, and the more modern disappearance of lake Chad.


They did what had to do you win you larping moral fag

This is a great attempt at revisionism and all, but you still haven't provided enough evidence for your opinion to make pick it over the consensus of historians.

Possibly. It
A) Had some of the worst intentions
B) Had a horrific result
Its not as bloody as all those Chinese civil wars or Asian famines but it was not as incidental as those occurrences.

What about I dunno Pol Pot shenanigans?

>Plague of Justinian
>Bronze Age collapse
more people died in the holocaust in 6 years than died in nearly 300 of the Bronze age collapse. In fact, more people were put in camps than even lived in the Hittitie Empire, Mycenae, Egypt, Cyprus, and Ugarit combined.

Hindus chimp out and massacre tons of Muslims every decade or so senpai

>counting famine deaths as "kills"
good lord

>Tamerlan's rule.
Tamerlane's rule was a time of enlightenment for everyone who didn't rebel against his rule. He was lenient towards those who submitted. Science and philosophy flourished under his rule.

Stop spouting bs about topics you know nothing about

Im not saying the holocaust is worse than those I was just putting forth reasons why it may be. Pol Pot certainly didn't have good intentions.

Wouldn't that be the best thing thats ever happened? Destruction of Muslims is what allowed Europe to rise in the west almost unopposed.

Funny how the guy is scrapped from history.

Belgiums got the light end of the stick.

>its alright if its my team

>moral objectivism