How is this going to take off?

NO ONE but you auts know about it.

prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

I am mining this just in case, however I do not know what utility this coin has.

Then why are you wasting GAS fees on it?
You're literally just paying money to try and DOS the Ethereum network.

Does the creator of this coin even do anything about it? Will it get ever listed on exchanges?

I am spending really little per coin, maybe 2 dollars for 100 coins?

Mining with gas limit of 21000 and 1 Gwei, git good

Yeah, you, and every other retard on this board are.

What does gas limit do?

accumulation phase,

Hey man, you never know with crypto. This is really cheap to mine and when it gets listed on coinmarketcap and added to other exchanges it's easy money.