>be Roman empire early 5th century
>German immigrants flood the Western part
>act like feral niggers
>Roman culture north of Po river almost entirely replaced.
>economy crashes, conditions for trade and manufacture disappear
>administrative, educational and military infrastructure quickly vanish
>dramatic rise of illiteracy even among the leadership
>maritime trade almost nonexistent for 3 centuries
>reforestation and a retreat of agriculture
>systematic agriculture largely disappear and yields decline
>German niggers bring along new disease called smallpox
>waves of epidemics wipe out large rural populations
>one-third decline in population
>city of Rome population drops from half a million inhabitants to 20,000
>disintegrate into a mosaic of warring Germanic kingdoms, think Balkan on steroids
>meanwhile Eastern part manages to fend off assaults by the migrating barbarians
>builds Hagia Sophia
>ffwd 15 centuries
>see vargfag claim that Rome fell because of Christianity
Be Roman empire early 5th century
>Roman culture north of Po river almost entirely replaced
Ah yes, the "North Italians are Germanic" meme
Between this meme and people claiming Italians are not white (which btw, I've heard it unironically from some media sources) I kinda feel bad for that boot.
If you feel bad for Italy then wait till you hear about Greece.
OP here, you're a fucking idiot
>blaming the Barbarians for destroying Roman civilization in Italy
>not Justinian's pointless wars
Byzantium achieved literally nothing in nearly 1000 years of existence
everyone knows Augustus, Cæsar, Nero etc
only online autists know about "Aliexos the 99th" or whatever
and before you goodle "byzantine inventions" or something, you're just proving my point
the Roman empire ended when Odoaced deposed of the Emperor in the West
northern italians cluster with the french and the spanish and are just gauls larping as native italics, and southern italians are greeks larping as italics. tuscans are the only true descendants of rome.
>Byzantium achieved literally nothing in nearly 1000 years of existence
But this is false
>and before you goodle "byzantine inventions" or something, you're just proving my point
What else would you want? I can point out a few Byzantine elements that shaped the world
>Romans become so decadent, degenerate and weak they have to hire barbarians as soldiers
>Odoaker decides following silly romans without real power is bollocks
>Deposes the "emperor", tells the eastern roman emperor he'll still serve him, just simplifying things
>Easterners throw a hissyfit, pay more barbarians to depose odoaker
>Later decide they don't like those new ones either, invade again, kill tons of people
Honestly, the germans had the best intentions for rome. They wanted to be roman, not destroy it. It was eastern roman autism that would see rome dead rather than revived under german rule.
>nordic people make Rome
>racemix and adopt a jewish religion
>become swarthy manlets
>empire goes in decline
the noble race of the Germanic peoples did the right thing
it's like putting an animal out of its misery
>>German immigrants flood the Western part
>>act like feral niggers
Except this didn't happen and historians virtually all agree. The Germanic take-over was a long time coming, it wasn't sudden, and when it did, it was rather a peaceful transition of power than a sudden conquering and looting
>Rome was a great civilization because she was strong
>Muh inferior barbarians destroyed the roman empire
I bet you cunts will be whining how islam destroyed glorious and immaculate western civilization too.
umbrians are the only descendants of rome
tuscanians are just funny bischeri
modern italians are morons who pretend the ostrogoths and lombards weren't part of their history or ancestry
they just sit around, picking their arses and talking about how amazing they are coz they dun did the colosseum and sistine chapel an sheeeit
anything perceived as 'foreign' is detested
>French are Gauls
Only true for Nothern and Central French. Orléanais and Provençaux are descended from Roman colonists.
>Orléanais and Provençaux are descended from Roman colonists
a vague term
britons and germans are descended from roman colonists, but genetic heritage isn't great
They are racially Roman.
>britons and germans are descended from roman colonists
No they aren't, they are descended from barbarians.
retard alert
No need for an alert, everyone already know that you're retarded
>britons and germans are descended from roman colonists
>act like feral niggers
Here is where you fucked up
>see vargfag claim that Rome fell because of Christianity
you literally destroyed the demographics of greece
>The city is fallen and I am still alive
t. brainlet
And somalis and other african inmigrants want to be european, but they will end up destroying everything like those germans barbarians.
>inherit land from pagan Rome
>delay extinction by gradually doling out your land to barbarians which causes them to slow down their conquests to consolidate
>only take some land back whenever the barbarians get invaded by someone else or have a civil war
>never take back more land than you lost
>all of your propaganda says you're the best because you have the best armies and God is on your side
>armies get smacked around and God never saves you
>your self-righteousness and imperiousness makes everyone hate you and you never get dependable allies
>internet neckbeards defend you six hundred years later because you have nice domes and cool clothes
Byzantium made mistakes and got what it had coming to it. Accept it.
As soon as they adopted foreign, hebrew mythology, the Meds were toast. They lost the only things they had going for them.
>foreign Hebrew mythology
>the Meds were lost
>implying Jews aren't Meds