Hey i am a 17 year old student who has a to low paying job and am in depth (€600) right now so if any of you has some...

Hey i am a 17 year old student who has a to low paying job and am in depth (€600) right now so if any of you has some money to spare my PayPal is PayPal.me/koerd

that's pretty deep user, be careful

You must be at least 18 years old to post here.

Hang yourself.

you know the drill, sharpie in ass

Not a very good student.

Well I have no other option got 1 week left to pay


I am not from America but from holland so yeah my English could be a little bad

moment of truth OP
if you need the money

timestamp your buttcheek and put a sharpie in your but. post the pic. I will deliver of OP does. Tests like this only come around every so often OP

Don't lie, you're either from China or Pooland

You know what to do.

I am in need of the money I can deliver a time stamp with one of the things I need to pay but I am sorry I don't want to lose my last bit of dignity

>I can deliver a time stamp with one of the things I need to pay but I am sorry I don't want to lose my last bit of dignity

calling it right now he spent 600 on dragon dildos

Nope didn't

you're on an anonymous message board begging for money, you have no dignity left.

Timestamp pic of sharpie in your butt and I'll send you $100

vuile flikker

holy shit Veeky Forums is truly filled with pajeets

Pointy side inside?

nope the poorfag who always begs so he can buy weird dildos is actually me...

your choice

Fuck it



He's not gonna do it...


Money pls..

clearly photoshop


Fuck off

for once OP delivers


holy shit if true


So I get payed now.....?

Absolute madman, based OP

I fucking knew it. Also
>sitting naked on your daughters bed. Typical Poo

the absolute madman actually did it...

holy shit kek


Give something to the young student alread... wait...

Still waiting

don't you have a BTC adress?


you're not gonna get anything

It's almost 3 AM... go to bed and check your paypal tomorrow. have faith ;^)

>BeggingFags begging with large tx fees
>why they are poor

sent ;)

Got nothing

not even a bitcoin wallet address?? pfft

My Btc wallet adres

man man man, waar ben je nou mee bezig joh

Haha idiot you made me laugh what is you eth adress I will send you some req after I get some sleep


yeah but you just created it so it doesn't work...
whoever is gonna pay you will have to send it to:

Why do they pay you

wow, 10x bingo only missing one square. Feels good to be me tbqh

don't think this is normal though

What currenty is that?

Best phone wallet?

thanks 0x00fcf6e850b7d074456d7c036ef5b9756e355189

Fuck off u don't get Jack shit how did you even find biz?

>he fell for the "sent ;^)" meme
How fucking new are you?
Someone plz ban this underage

Oh come on give him some...

this is the eth adress I created for our clueless friend


Lol, another boring colourless normie that has no influence on humanity whatsoever. Thanks for filling my desk jobs anyways.

I am normally on fucking /b

Just sent you $97 user
Hope you enjoy ;^)

So you are one of the shitskins making constant blacked threads? Now you esp won't help you. I'm down 40k use this month so fuck all that I lost 3 months worth of profits.

Don't give this pajeet any money to produce more pajeets. Curry niggers should be exterminated

Jesus Christ dude


all good, i don't think you could do my job

also i've been on Veeky Forums since before you were a little nublet

dunno why i'm trying to justify myself really but thought it was worth making the point that appearances don't make people normal

I got you man. I legit sent it. It's the least I could do.

who did this? not cool!
this guy put a marker up his ass and you send me 6$!? think how he may feel!


>send more

Heh,that's why I said thanks. I run my own business which will soon be worth billions of dollars if I keep my cards straight. Thank you normie for being so easy to manipulate, your the core of my wealth.

again, it's cool, what i do brings more value to the world than any fuckass speculator (oh you were wrong about it not changing the world in any way - and if you want your larpy larp wealth to ever really change the world you're gonna need people like me to do it for you too)

Jezus Christus ga naar bed jochie