Hey i am a 17 year old student who has a to low paying job and am in depth (€600) right now so if any of you has some...

Hey i am a 17 year old student who has a to low paying job and am in depth (€600) right now so if any of you has some money to spare my PayPal is PayPal.me/koerd

that's pretty deep user, be careful

You must be at least 18 years old to post here.

Hang yourself.

you know the drill, sharpie in ass

Not a very good student.

Well I have no other option got 1 week left to pay


I am not from America but from holland so yeah my English could be a little bad

moment of truth OP
if you need the money

timestamp your buttcheek and put a sharpie in your but. post the pic. I will deliver of OP does. Tests like this only come around every so often OP