Reminder that New England is the only part of the US with meaningful history and culture. It has the highest standard of living, best education, best colleges, best healthcare and most beautiful nature of anywhere in the US. It would be much better independent and should have broke away in 1812.
New England
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Truth. New England is the only pure part of Murica.
New England is the most Europe like place that's not in Europe. It's arguably more European than modern Europe.
Unironcially tho. Just look at the rest of the US.
>t. mutts
Can we get any interesting New England history ITT? I grew up here and I always loved the fife and drum corps we had during parades. Town Meetings are also really comfy and democratic. Anyone got anything else?
New England was the first to fight for independence from Britain, the first to secure it, and the only ones to do so because of a genuine popular will. Despite this, our close cultural and economic connections with Canada and Britain meant we wanted to stay on good terms, especially against the french that the southrons loved. We fostered general education earlier than anyone because of Calvinism, (literacy being essential to reading the bible, which is necessary to know God), and maintained a strong culture of hard work, humility, communitarianism, pragmatic democracy and personal freedom. New English settlers came not as individuals as they did in the atlantic south or appalachia, but as families and villages, and this is reflected in the nature of our society. As immigrants, mostly Irish, came to our shores, we cautiously welcomed them with a powerful motivation to assimilate and educate those who would be part of our nation, and while this drove some away it made those that stayed into New English citizens. New England is old, the houses and towns the oldest in the country, with a rich history and culture that persists to this day. We are the best part of this godforsaken country and don't ever let them forget it.
>most beautiful nature of anywhere in the US
>tfw New England full of immigrant-spawn, replacing the Yankees who were here since before independence
If you aren't at least majority pre-Independence, you aren't a true Yankee. Also if you aren't completely white.
>little stone walls everywhere.
Some of these stone pile walls are colonial-era-old, relics of the past just laying everywhere, overlooked. Except the ones that are still used to this very day, like on my property.
Can't find that anywhere in younger parts of the country.
Stuck up wanna be European This the South and West are much more beautiful than the North
Have you ever experienced a New England Fall? The Harvest? The crisp, cool air? The beautiful mountains of New Hampshire or the calm waters of lake Champlain? The white sand Beaches of the cape?
But user, what about our Italian ancestory that brought us the best pizza in the world via New Haven?
>tfw I have them around my house and all around the woods near my house
>tfw me and my dad restored them all and keep them in good shape by regularly fixing fallen stones since I was a child
The pizza can stay. The wops can peacefully move to Argentina.
>*blocks your path*
Vermont reporting in. New Hampshire and Maine welcome. Downstate faggots stay out we have enough of you quarantined in Burlington.
Have you ever seen the Columbia River Gorge in the springtime? Sunlight sparkling off the water like a million dancing stars. Have you taken an early morning walk through Redwood National Park, the mist trying its best to obscure those gargantuan trees? Ever been to the Grand fucking Canyon?
>The Southern Italians can peacefully move to Argentina while the Red wine drinking classy Panonnians can stay
Overrated, plus it's all overrun by tourists and West coast fags.
Relevant poetry.
Finally, a patrician thread on Veeky Forums
New England is the Patrician states of America
What is this?
Sorry, though key was included, it's the percentage of people in the given regions who gave regularly to charity.
THIS is the Patrician New England
Plymouth should be independent. The Maritimes should be included, and Newfoundland, without Labrador. The Hudson should be the western border, minus a little area around New York. Lastly, the border between New England and Quebec should have no straight areas, it should follow rivers and valleys. And only old-stock Yankees and Canucks should be allowed. Or that's the ideal, anyway.
You are entirely right about all the objective stuff.
>An appeal to Heaven
>No where does Liberty appear more graciously
God, New England is really the Patrician states of America..
**in a more gracious form
I'd make one if I had more skill at that.
I only have this for propaganda purposes
>implying we even need it
CT and Rhode Island?
Can Catskills and northward New York join your club? We’re not that bad, I promise. The city just overshadows us.
Yes, we trade you for CT
Only New York east of the Hudson, for aesthetic purposes.
This. New England is too high iq to be europe.
literally southern MN is farther north than you shitters. You guys have comfy fall but aint got nothing on MN
Minnesota is honorary New England
>Anywhere In America
>t. euronigger
Weather is shit, though.
>No "Here be dragons" area
How is that bad?
New Hampshire is the best state, right OP?
New England seriously considered secession from the Union long before the South. Look up the Hartford Convention.
Former upstate NY here, we had these all over the place. There were so many old houses that they were basically like trailers (I live in the South now). We read My Side of the Mountain in school and learned about the Iroquois Confederacy.
It felt like vid related every time I walked up the hill to the berry patch on state land from my house in summer, just below the maple syrup refinery. My heart sings for it sometimes, so many memories.
>tfw southerner who wants to live in New England
Would I be accepted?
Probably not. But maybe your children could be.
Highest minimum wage in country at $12.00
Thank god he'll be gone soon. Fuck Malloy
That's because it has the highest percentage of whites.
Prolly, just don't be to retarded and be prepared for the roads to be full of maniacs. People around here drive homicidally all the time.
Stone walls aren't common anywhere else?
I'm from Vermont and they're literally everywhere
>hey guys fuck the Union let's destroy America
Said no founding father
A minor adjustment
are you forgetting about canada?
>whitest states are the smartest states
Whoah, completely unexpected.
>more European than modern Europe
I don't think you've ever been to Europe and are drawing your opinions from /pol/ memes. But just for the sake of argument:
>Boston - 46.2% white
>London - 59.8% white
And London is probably the least white capital in Europe.
>tfw from New England
Feels good man
>Boston is the city limits
Only 650,000 of the 5 million people in the metro. Half the things people think of as in Boston aren't even in the City limits because they're old and weren't expanded as in New York.
Also, our Hispanics are mostly from Puerto Rico not Mexico.
>% White
Doesn't actually matter and people know it. Poles stream into Western Europe not the other way around. What's more important is high quality education, economic success, and low crime. New England is hands down #1 in all of those.
Anne of Green Gables should be on PEI.
>New England thread
Always comfy. No other region in the US has such unity and common history. Truly the flag bearer of America.
>low crime
>ANY city in America
Nice joke.
hey, the midwest is cool
>New England Culture
Southron culture
Oh man, the relevant parts of the country are so upset about that. You're not cousin fucking crybabies like the south, but you're still a bunch of arrogant twats who talk a lot of shit for not having done anything relevant in the past century.
There are plenty of things that New England has contributed in just the last few decades. Seth Macfarlen lives in Connecticut ffs. Not to mention Yale, Harvard and MIT are all in New England.
>Southron culture
Worshiping Melkor, no doubt.
That was very rude, can you please forgive
>snow is bad
Spotted the african American.
That's a strange way to spell "Rhode Island".
>birthplace of the Rhotic accent
>filled with Portuguese
Why tho? Just to be annoying?
It's literal heaven on Earth, tho. You should go visit, but don't stay, they don't like foreigners (which includes other Americans).
>Home to elite WASP clique that still wields tons of power
>Home to the best too Ivys and best technical in the school
>Wins 50% of sports championships
>Implying we still aren't the best
Maine and New Hampshire are cool.
Rhode Island is a meme, Vermont is literal who: the state, Connecticut is a giant suburb of NYC full of niggers and Massachusetts is California East, ultra-liberal faghole full of SJWs and trannies.
You name it, RI has it.
Pro football teams
Oh, man a city of half a million is as non white as a city of ten million.
>eurextrachromosome tries to compete with new england iq
everyone west of middlesex county is a republican though
Yes. I grew up in Florida, got my college education in Charleston, SC, moved to New England as an adult and never looked back.
The people are more intelligent, and you get far less stereotypical "bad Americans" (disgustingly overweight, horrible dresser, loud, obnoxious, etc). They're friendlier but in less overt ways: they don't smile and make lots of small talk with strangers, they quietly mind their own business, but when push comes to shove you won't find a people more accepting of others for being different, and yes that includes people with a little southern drawl in their voice. The biggest difference is that northerners don't put on a "face": if they don't feel like being perky and bubbly, they won't be.
Their culture is hugely varied, you're not forced to choose between hanging out with the honkeytonk hicks in shitkicker boots or the black gangsta thug-life. People in NE segregate by interest and don't make an issue out of what someone looks like.
I had no problems adjusting, making friends, and marrying a Rhode Island girl who gets totally thrilled when I crank up the southern charm.
Why did you do that
Not cool man
Shut the fuck up mutt.
Massachusetts - 75% white
United Kingdom - 87% white
>everyone in the area where nobody lives is a Republican
What did the retard mean by this?
Could literally be said for the entire US.
Can we get more comfy New England history and aesthetics ITT? I loved the bit about the stone walls.
It's an argument I see brainlets make all the time on this website.
>everyone in my state is a Republican except for big city A and big city B where 70% of the population lives xDDDD
literally a tradition since George Washington. He looked up to the North since his childhood, and that became reinforced by his spending most of the Revolutionary war in the North. Toward the end of his life he was labelled a traitor by many Virginians (a sentiment propagated by those two-faced fucks monroe and jefferson) for embracing northern values over southern ones, though I like to believe he was ruling with the whole nation's interests at heart, not just narrow sectional ones.
and madison* I should add
Yankee here. In the past I traveled across every region of this country, but there's no place like New England. Outside of cities there are no brown people, we have them in quarantine zones
Bostoner here, formerly from north MA. The city has lost most of its character since the 90s, fuck transplants. But I still love it.
My favorite spots are Maine in summer and when I can sneak onto Martha's vineyard in late fall. All the non new England cunts are gone by then and it's just weird island folk. I love it.